


int a __attribute__ ((unused));



#pragma GCC diagnostic [error|warning|ignored] "-W<警告选项>"

#pragma  GCC diagnostic ignored  "-Wunused"
#pragma  GCC diagnostic ignored  "-Wunused-parameter"

#pragma  GCC diagnostic warning  "-Wunused"
#pragma  GCC diagnostic warning  "-Wunused-parameter"

#pragma  GCC diagnostic error  "-Wunused"
#pragma  GCC diagnostic error  "-Wunused-parameter"



gcc main.c -Wall 忽略:
gcc mian.c -Wall -Wno-unused-parameter //开去all警告,但是忽略 -unused-parameter警告

选项格式: -W[no-]<警告选项>
如 : -Wno-unused-parameter # no- 表示诊断时忽略这个警告


6.59.10 Diagnostic Pragmas

GCC allows the user to selectively enable or disable certain types of diagnostics, and change the kind of the diagnostic. For example, a project's policy might require that all sources compile with -Werror but certain files might have exceptions allowing specific types of warnings. Or, a project might selectively enable diagnostics and treat them as errors depending on which preprocessor macros are defined.

#pragma GCC diagnostic kind option
Modifies the disposition of a diagnostic. Note that not all diagnostics are modifiable; at the moment only warnings (normally controlled by ‘-W...’) can be controlled, and not all of them. Use -fdiagnostics-show-option to determine which diagnostics are controllable and which option controls them.

kind is ‘error’ to treat this diagnostic as an error, ‘warning’ to treat it like a warning (even if -Werror is in effect), or ‘ignored’ if the diagnostic is to be ignored. option is a double quoted string that matches the command-line option.

          #pragma GCC diagnostic warning "-Wformat"
#pragma GCC diagnostic error "-Wformat"
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wformat"

Note that these pragmas override any command-line options. GCC keeps track of the location of each pragma, and issues diagnostics according to the state as of that point in the source file. Thus, pragmas occurring after a line do not affect diagnostics caused by that line.

#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
Causes GCC to remember the state of the diagnostics as of each push, and restore to that point at each pop. If a pop has no matching push, the command-line options are restored.

          #pragma GCC diagnostic error "-Wuninitialized"
foo(a); /* error is given for this one */
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wuninitialized"
foo(b); /* no diagnostic for this one */
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
foo(c); /* error is given for this one */
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
foo(d); /* depends on command-line options */

GCC also offers a simple mechanism for printing messages during compilation.

#pragma message string
Prints string as a compiler message on compilation. The message is informational only, and is neither a compilation warning nor an error.

          #pragma message "Compiling " __FILE__ "..."

string may be parenthesized, and is printed with location information. For example,

          #define DO_PRAGMA(x) _Pragma (#x)
#define TODO(x) DO_PRAGMA(message ("TODO - " #x)) TODO(Remember to fix this)

prints ‘/tmp/file.c:4: note: #pragma message: TODO - Remember to fix this’.



#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-label"

#pragma GCC diagnostic pop

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