WifiDog and OpenWrt
$Id$ | |
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3 | OpenWRT specific README |
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6 | So, you want to run wifidog on one of linksys's WRT wireless routers! |
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8 | OpenWRT is the embedded linux-gnu bundle that runs on the linksys WRT |
9 | series routers (among numerous others). |
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11 | OpenWRT's home page is http://openwrt.org/ |
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13 | ---- I just want to RUN the thing: ---- |
14 | -DO NOT use the wifidog packages distributed by OpenWRT (you are asking for trouble, they are broken in various ways; you will get no support if you do) |
15 | -Use the official wifidog packages on sourceforge (currently only available for whiterussian. |
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17 | ---- I want to develop and test on OpenWRT ---- |
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19 | To build wifidog so that it may be run on the linksys wrt routers you |
20 | must first obtain the OpenWRT toolchain. This toolchain is a set of |
21 | compilers and other software development tools that will allow you, |
22 | running on your intel/pentium/mac computer to compile and develop software |
23 | that is to run on the mips based linksys wrt series routers, which is |
24 | based on another computer cpu chip entirely. |
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26 | You have several options for building wifidog using the OpenWRT toolchain. |
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28 | Option 1. get the prebuilt, minimal OpenWRT toolchain (The OpenWRT SDK), and give the makefile it's path. This is the best option, assuming you have a x86_64 Os (the SDK is distributed only for x86_64). |
29 | |
30 | For OpenWRT 0.9 (Whiterussian): |
31 | cd ~ |
32 | wget http://downloads.openwrt.org/whiterussian/newest/OpenWrt-SDK-Linux-i686-1.tar.bz2 |
33 | tar -jxvf OpenWrt-SDK-Linux-i686-1.tar.bz2 |
34 | cd wifidog |
35 | make whiterussianipk OPENWRTSDK=~/OpenWrt-SDK-Linux-i686-1/ |
36 | |
37 | For OpenWRT Kamikaze up till 7.09: |
38 | cd ~ |
39 | wget http://downloads.openwrt.org/kamikaze/7.09/brcm-2.4/OpenWrt-SDK-brcm-2.4-for-Linux-x86_64.tar.bz2 |
40 | tar -jxvf OpenWrt-SDK-brcm-2.4-for-Linux-x86_64.tar.bz2 |
41 | cd wifidog |
42 | make kamikazeipk OPENWRTSDK=~/OpenWrt-SDK-brcm-2.4-for-Linux-x86_64 |
43 | |
44 | For OpenWRT Kamikaze 8.09 and up, there is no SDK available and the 7.09 SDK does not work. So Option 1 is not an option. Option 2 is not an option either since building the SDK did not seem to work (https://forum.openwrt.org/viewtopic.php?id=17879). So jump to Option 3! |
45 | |
46 | If it works (!) you will have an ipkg file in $(OPENWRTSDK)/bin/packages/ |
47 | You can then boot up your OpenWrt |
48 | router, copy the .ipk to it, and install it using the ipkg commands. |
49 | |
50 | You should also make sure that the wifidog prereqs are already |
51 | installed on the router before you try to run wifidog. Note that if you build the |
52 | packages with the instructions above, they will download the required dependencies auomatically (if you have an internet connecion on yout router) and will refuse to install without them. |
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54 | The prereqs are: |
55 | * iptables command and modules mac, mark and MARK |
56 | * iptables kernel module mac |
57 | * libpthread |
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59 | These are all packages you can install on your running OpenWrt router |
60 | using the ipkg commands. If the router is on the net, the ipkg |
61 | commands can download the packages from www.openwrt.org, just like |
62 | debian apt-get or fedora yum or up2date. |
63 | |
64 | Option 2. Build your own SDK (or find someone to do it for you) |
65 | cd ~ |
66 | wget http://downloads.openwrt.org/kamikaze/7.09/kamikaze_7.09.tar.bz2 |
67 | tar -jxvf kamikaze_7.09.tar.bz2 |
68 | cd kamikaze_7.09 |
69 | make menuconfig #(Make sure you build the SDK in "special targets") |
70 | make #(could take hours downloading and compiling all dependencies) |
71 | Follow the instructions in Option 1, using the SDK you build instead of downloading it. |
72 | |
73 | Option 3. Use the full buildroot directly (time consuming...) |
74 | cd wifidog |
75 | make dist |
76 | cd ~ |
77 | wget http://downloads.openwrt.org/kamikaze/7.09/kamikaze_7.09.tar.bz2 |
78 | tar -jxvf kamikaze_7.09.tar.bz2 |
79 | cp -R wifidog/contrib/build-openwrt-kamikazeipk/wifidog kamikaze_7.09/package/ |
80 | cp wifidog/wifidog-1.1.5.tar.gz kamikaze_7.09/dl/ |
81 | cd kamikaze_7.09 |
82 | make menuconfig #(Follow instructions on OpenWRT's site to setup your buildroot for your platform) |
83 | make #(could take hours downloading and compiling all dependencies) |
84 | |
85 | For Kamikaze 8.09 and up, there is an extra dependency to add to the package, so here would be the new procedure |
86 | cd wifidog |
87 | make dist |
88 | cd ~ |
89 | wget http://downloads.openwrt.org/kamikaze/8.09/kamikaze_8.09.tar.bz2 |
90 | tar -jxvf kamikaze_8.09.tar.bz2 |
91 | cp -R wifidog/contrib/build-openwrt-kamikazeipk8.09up/wifidog kamikaze_8.09/package/ |
92 | cp wifidog/wifidog-1.1.5.tar.gz kamikaze_8.09/dl/ |
93 | cd kamikaze_8.09 |
94 | make menuconfig #(Follow instructions on OpenWRT's site to setup your buildroot for your platform) |
95 | make #(could take hours downloading and compiling all dependencies) |
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