

我们可以不通过转换AP的镜像来使得AP工作在CAPWAP,需要输入LAP模式下输入ap-type capwap,此时AP会重启(修改AP的模式都会使得AP重启)


To convert a Mobility Express AP into a CAPWAP AP, you must change its ap-type from mobility-express to capwap, though the CLI, as given in this procedure:

  1. Connect to the Console Port, Telnet or SSH to the AP. <<<<注意这里,虽然提到可以通过Telnet / SSH,但是实际只能console,且远程方式只支持SSH
  2. Login to the Mobility Express controller console.
  3. In the Mobility Express controller console, use the command apciscoshell to connect to the AP console.
  4. Login to the AP console using the username Cisco and password Cisco. Both are case-sensitive.
  5. Enter enable.
  6. Enter the command ap-type capwap, and confirm .

Once the AP type is CAPWAP, the AP will not start its Mobility Express controller functionality and does not participate in the Mobility Express master AP election process. This AP can then be deployed in a physical wireless controller-based network (i.e. in a non-Mobility Express network). There the AP will join that controller, and as the image on the controller will be different, the AP will request a CAPWAP image from the controller, reboot, and rejoin the controller as a CAPWAP AP.

To convert multiple access points running Mobility Express image to CAPWAP simultaneously from the Mobility Express controller CLI, execute the following command:

(Cisco Controller) > config ap unifiedmode <switch_name> <switch_ip_address>

The arguments <switch_name> and <switch_ip_address> are the name and IP address, respectively, of the WLC to which the APs need to be migrated to.

The above command converts all APs to AP Configuration: NOT MOBILITY EXPRESS CAPABLE. The APs are then reloaded, and they come back up in local mode.



(Cisco Controller) >apciscoshell  <<<<<提示信息如下

apciscoshell CLI is not supported from Telnet or SSH Session. It is only supported from Console.

所以,如果通过登录ME的CLI界面输入ap-type命令来修改,需要通过console。但是如果你可以远程接入该ME AP的LAP模式的下,可以在该模式下去修改ap-type capwap,此时AP会重启,然后尝试加入WLC。


#ap-type mobility-express tftp://<tftp server ip-address>/<filename with path from root>

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