UnpooledHeapByteBuf 是基于堆内存进行内存分配的字节缓冲区,没有基于对象池技术实现,这意味着每次I/O的读写都会创建一个新的UnpooledHeapByteBuf,频繁进行大块内存的分配和回收对性能会造成一定的影响,但是对比与堆外内存的申请和释放,它的成本会低一些。

相对与PooledHeapByteBuf,UnpooledHeapByteBuf 的实现原理更加简单,也不容易出现内存管理方面的问题,在满足性能的情况下,尽量使用UnpooledHeapByteBuf 。


private final ByteBufAllocator alloc;//聚合一个ByteBufAllocator,用于UnpooledHeapByteBuf的内存分配
private byte[] array;//byte 数组作为缓冲区
private ByteBuffer tmpNioBuf;//用于实现Netty ByteBuf 到 JDK ByteBuffer 的转换

事实上,如果使用JDK 的ByteBuffer替换byte数组也是可行的 ,直接使用byte数组的根本原因是提升性能和更加便捷的进行位操作。JDK 的ByteBuffer底层实现也是byte数组,如下。

public abstract class ByteBuffer
extends Buffer
implements Comparable<ByteBuffer>{ // These fields are declared here rather than in Heap-X-Buffer in order to
// reduce the number of virtual method invocations needed to access these
// values, which is especially costly when coding small buffers.
final byte[] hb; // Non-null only for heap buffers
final int offset;
boolean isReadOnly; // Valid only for heap buffers


public ByteBuf capacity(int newCapacity) {
if (newCapacity < 0 || newCapacity > maxCapacity()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("newCapacity: " + newCapacity);
} int oldCapacity = array.length;
if (newCapacity > oldCapacity) {
byte[] newArray = new byte[newCapacity];
System.arraycopy(array, 0, newArray, 0, array.length);
} else if (newCapacity < oldCapacity) {
byte[] newArray = new byte[newCapacity];
int readerIndex = readerIndex();
if (readerIndex < newCapacity) {
int writerIndex = writerIndex();
if (writerIndex > newCapacity) {
writerIndex(writerIndex = newCapacity);
System.arraycopy(array, readerIndex, newArray, readerIndex, writerIndex - readerIndex);
} else {
setIndex(newCapacity, newCapacity);
return this;
* Should be called by every method that tries to access the buffers content to check
* if the buffer was released before.
protected final void ensureAccessible() {
if (refCnt() == 0) {
throw new IllegalReferenceCountException(0);

方法 的入口首先对新容量进行合法性校验,如果大于容量上限或者小于0,则抛出IllegalArgumentException异常。

判断新的容量值是否大于当前的缓冲区容量,如果大于则需要动态扩展,通过 byte[] newArray = new byte[newCapacity];创建新的缓冲区字节数组,然后通过 System.arraycopy进行内存复制,将旧的字节数组复制到新创建的字节数组中,最后调用setArray(newArray);替换旧的字节数组。

private void setArray(byte[] initialArray) {
array = initialArray;
tmpNioBuf = null;


如果新的容量小于当前缓冲区容量不需要动态扩展,但是需要截取当前缓冲区创建一个新的子缓冲区。先判断下读索引是否小于新的容量值,如果小于进一步判断写索引是否大于新的容量值,如果大于则将写索引设置为新的容量值(防止越界)。更新完写索引之后,通过 System.arraycopy将当前可读的字节数组复制到新创建的子缓冲区中, System.arraycopy(array, readerIndex, newArray, readerIndex, writerIndex - readerIndex);



public ByteBuf setBytes(int index, byte[] src, int srcIndex, int length) {
checkSrcIndex(index, length, srcIndex, src.length);
System.arraycopy(src, srcIndex, array, index, length);
return this;


protected final void checkSrcIndex(int index, int length, int srcIndex, int srcCapacity) {
checkIndex(index, length);
if (srcIndex < 0 || srcIndex > srcCapacity - length) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(String.format(
"srcIndex: %d, length: %d (expected: range(0, %d))", srcIndex, length, srcCapacity));

校验index,length的值,如果小于0,抛出IllegalArgumentException异常,然后对两者之和进行判断,如果大于缓冲区的容量,则抛出IndexOutOfBoundsException异常。srcIndex和srcCapacity,与之类似。校验通过之后,调用 System.arraycopy(src, srcIndex, array, index, length)方法进行字节数组的复制。

protected final void checkIndex(int index, int fieldLength) {
if (fieldLength < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("length: " + fieldLength + " (expected: >= 0)");
if (index < 0 || index > capacity() - fieldLength) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(String.format(
"index: %d, length: %d (expected: range(0, %d))", index, fieldLength, capacity()));

注意: ButeBuf以set和get开头读写缓冲区的方法不会修改读写索引。

4.转换为JDK ByteBuffer

ByteBuffer 是基于byte数组实现,NIO的ByteBuffer提供wrap方法,可以将byte数组转换成ByteBuffer对象。

* Wraps a byte array into a buffer.
* <p> The new buffer will be backed by the given byte array;
* that is, modifications to the buffer will cause the array to be modified
* and vice versa. The new buffer's capacity will be
* <tt>array.length</tt>, its position will be <tt>offset</tt>, its limit
* will be <tt>offset + length</tt>, and its mark will be undefined. Its
* {@link #array backing array} will be the given array, and
* its {@link #arrayOffset array offset} will be zero. </p>
* @param array
* The array that will back the new buffer
* @param offset
* The offset of the subarray to be used; must be non-negative and
* no larger than <tt>array.length</tt>. The new buffer's position
* will be set to this value.
* @param length
* The length of the subarray to be used;
* must be non-negative and no larger than
* <tt>array.length - offset</tt>.
* The new buffer's limit will be set to <tt>offset + length</tt>.
* @return The new byte buffer
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
* If the preconditions on the <tt>offset</tt> and <tt>length</tt>
* parameters do not hold
public static ByteBuffer wrap(byte[] array,
int offset, int length)
try {
return new HeapByteBuffer(array, offset, length);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException x) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();


public ByteBuffer nioBuffer(int index, int length) {
return ByteBuffer.wrap(array, index, length).slice();




public boolean isDirect() {
return false;


public boolean hasArray() {
return true;


public byte[] array() {
return array;

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