在最新一期的“Python开发者周刊”(Pycoder's weekly)里,我看到一则有意思的分享,故转出来分享给大家。

该分享来自是一份”python weekly reports“,统计了 2019 年里 stackoverflow 网站上支持数最高的 20 个问题。问题列表如下(方括号中的两个数字是其支持数与回答数):

  1. Why does Python's hash of infinity have the digits of π? - [236/3]
  2. Is there a more elegant way to express ((x == a and y == b) or (x == b and y == a))? - [105/10]
  3. Why can I use a list index as an indexing variable in a for loop? - [92/6]
  4. Why does (inf + 0j)*1 evaluate to inf + nanj? - [93/4]
  5. Why is f'{{{74}}}' the same as f'{{74}}' with f-Strings? - [88/1]
  6. Why does b+=(4,) work and b = b + (4,) doesn't work when b is a list? - [75/7]
  7. Why does Python start at index -1 (as opposed to 0) when indexing a list from the end? - [79/7]
  8. Why is TensorFlow 2 much slower than TensorFlow 1? - [104/2]
  9. Randomness of Python's random - [70/4]
  10. Why does Python allow out-of-range slice indexes for sequences? - [72/2]
  11. Unexpected behaviour with Python generator - [57/8]
  12. What exactly is meant by "partial function" in functional programming? - [55/3]
  13. What does a yield inside a yield do? - [56/4]
  14. Issues implementing the "Wave Collapse Function" algorithm in Python 2.7 - [52/2]
  15. Should linear read-shuffled write always be faster than shuffled read-linear write? (Was: Why is fancy assignment slower than fancy lookup?) - [53/5]
  16. How to write 2**n - 1 as a recursive function? - [49/7]
  17. Why is a for loop so much faster to count True values? - [53/5]
  18. Is there a difference between board[x, y\] and board[x][y] in Python? - [47/6]
  19. Why was p[:] designed to work differently in these two situations?- [51/6]
  20. Jupyter notebook: No connection to server because websocket connection fails - [46/4]


还有一点需注意,这份报告并非 stackoverflow 网站的官方报告,而且文中也未说明统计口径与筛选标准,所以我们姑且一看。

有些问题可能挺怪的,或者平时不大可能考虑到,比如关于列表的两个问题:为什么从列表末尾查找时是从 -1 开始?为什么列表的切片允许越界?

不少回答都挺有专业精神,往往会带来新的视角和知识信息。比如,关于列表的 -1 索引问题,高票回答中提到了“~”运算符,有这样的用法:

arr = ["a", "b", "c", "d"]
print(arr[~0]) # d
print(arr[~1]) # c


还有一个问题是:如何优雅地计算 ((x == a and y == b) or (x == b and y == a)) 这个形式的结果?






[1] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/56227419

[2] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/58435645

[3] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/55644201

[4] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/58031966

[5] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/59359911

[6] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/58259682

[7] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/55684960

[8] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/58441514

[9] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/55934019

[10] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/54613753

[11] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/54245618

[12] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/58339040

[13] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/55922302

[14] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/57049191

[15] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/54782033

[16] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/58378549

[17] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/56288015

[18] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/57351363

[19] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/56782148

[20] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/54963043

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