
1)up定义为nums[i-1] < nums[i]

  down nums[i-1] > nums[i]


  up[i],记录包含nums[i]且nums[i-1] < nums[i]的最长子序列长度

  down[], 记录包含nums[i]nums[i-1] > nums[i]的最长子序列长度


  有三种情况 nums[i-1] <or=or> nums[i]

  a) up[i] = down[i-1] + 1;

   down[i] = down[i-1]

  b) up[i] = up[i-1]

   down[i] = down[i-1]

  c) up[i] = up[i-1]

   down[i] = up[i-1] + 1;

 class Solution {
public int wiggleMaxLength(int[] nums) {
if(nums == null || nums.length == 0)
return 0;
int len = nums.length;
int[] up = new int[len];
int[] down = new int[len];
int res = 1; up[0] = 1;
down[0] = 1; for(int i=1; i<len; i++){
if(nums[i] > nums[i-1]){
up[i] = down[i-1] + 1;
down[i] = down[i-1];
}else if(nums[i] < nums[i-1]){
up[i] = up[i-1];
down[i] = up[i-1] + 1;
up[i] = up[i-1];
down[i] = down[i-1];
} res = Math.max(res, Math.max(up[i], down[i]));
} return res; }

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