
The question is a bit confusing so please advise if it's not exactly what you need (otherwise, feel free to accept the answer). The confusion is that the Xcode 4 workflow you describe is used to allow developers to manage repositories (svn or git). If you want
to take an Xcode project and add it to an existing svn repository I am attaching links to answers for that question.

Adding Xcode Projects to SVN:

High-level Concepts (Xcode 4 Workflow in Xcode 5):

  • Tell Xcode 5 about a repository (it will auto detect the type of svn or git)
  • Check-out the repository for insertion into a different project


In Xcode 4.6.3 there was a repository area of the organizer. This is where subversion and git projects were managed.

New Workflow:

The new location for this information in Xcode 5 is in Xcode > Preferences > Accounts > Repositories (menu on the left) > (+) Add Repository... (on the lower left)

Once selected one may enter a repository address (local or external): 

And give the repository a directory name (credentials for many public read only repos are optional): 

With Xcode 5, one can then download the repository to a target folder by going to menu Source Control > Check Out... 

As part of the checkout wizard one will be authenticated to the repository: 

Select a target folder to store the local repo:

Edit basic repo properties:

more information on adding projects to repositories:

5 Source Control Management Documentation

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