AcWing 9. 分组背包问题
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
const int N = ;
int n, m;
int v[N][N], w[N][N], s[N];
int f[N];
int main() {
cin >> n >> m;
for (int i = ; i <= n; i ++ ) {
cin >> s[i];
for (int j = ; j < s[i]; j ++ )
cin >> v[i][j] >> w[i][j];
for (int i = ; i <= n; i ++ )
for (int j = m; j >= ; j -- )
for (int k = ; k < s[i]; k ++ )
if (v[i][k] <= j)
f[j] = max(f[j], f[j - v[i][k]] + w[i][k]);
cout << f[m] << endl;
return ;
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
const int N = ;
int n, m;
int v[N], w[N];
int f[N];
int main() {
cin >> n >> m;
for (int i = ; i < n; i ++ ) {
int s;
cin >> s;
for (int j = ; j < s; j ++ ) cin >> v[j]>>w[j];
for (int j = m ; j >=; j --)
for(int k = ; k<s; k++)
cout << f[m] << endl;
return ;
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