APL: ANSYS Power Library
1. creating accurate switching current waveforms (profiles)
2.output-state dependent decoupling capacitance (intrinsic decapacitance)
3. equivalent power circuit resistance (ESR effective series resistance)
4.switching delay
5.leakage current
Design View:
1. Main physical information of the design inputs :DEF and LEF files
2.RDL overlay of GDS
3.Lib/CCS/APL data
4.Physical Macro model views
The ModifiedDesignView provides an efficient way to make small changes to an existing Design View.
It is also the primary mechanism for reading any power/ground source/bump locations.
1.The power/ground voltage source locations or to import a ploc file
2.Modify geometries using by adding/deleting metals and vias or create dummy RDL patterns
3.Any light view changes only and referencing the main Design View
1.parasitic extraction directly on the design data. power grids / signal nets /resistors/capacitors. And also store information on shorts/disconnects/SPRs.
2.From inporting a SPEF input file of the signal nets. The view will store the signal net loading used for power grid analysis or more detailed information for Signal ElectroMigration(EM) analysis.
holds all external timing constraints read from SDC files and timing information,slews,timing windows,clock and slack,read from the output of STA through timing window files.It annotates all of the information onto the design as it builds a timing graph of entre design based on the chosen process corner.
Scenario View :
determine instance demand currents for specific conditions (design mode,PVT corner,spedific simulation vectors).
EM view contains the results of analyzing the EM rules based on the currents through either the PG nets or the Signal nets coming from either the Analysis View or the SignalNetCurrentView.
Peak/RMS/DC limits read from the technology view.
Contain the results of calculating,first,the driver currents for signal nets,followed by calculating the currents distributes through parasitics of the signal nets from the driver to all the receivers.
Reduced die model and so require submitting to a single big machine.It's recommended you generate ExtractView.
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