T-SQL 数据库笔试题
Create DATABASE database-name
drop database dbname
3、说明:备份sql server
--- 创建备份数据的 device
USE master
EXEC sp_addumpdevice ‘disk‘, ‘testBack‘, ‘c:\mssql7backup\MyNwind_1.dat‘
--- 开始备份
create table tabname(col1 type1 [not null] [primary key],col2 type2 [not null],..)
A:create table tab_new like tab_old (使用旧表创建新表)
B:create table tab_new as select col1,col2… from tab_old definition only
drop table tabname
Alter table tabname add column col type
7、说明:添加主键: Alter table tabname add primary key(col)
说明:删除主键: Alter table tabname drop primary key(col)
8、说明:创建索引:create [unique] index idxname on tabname(col….)
删除索引:drop index idxname
9、说明:创建视图:create view viewname as select statement
删除视图:drop view viewname
选择:select * from table1 where 范围
插入:insert into table1(field1,field2) values(value1,value2)
删除:delete from table1 where 范围
更新:update table1 set field1=value1 where 范围
查找:select * from table1 where field1 like ’%value1%’ ---like的语法很精妙,查资料!
排序:select * from table1 order by field1,field2 [desc]
总数:select count as totalcount from table1
求和:select sum(field1) as sumvalue from table1
平均:select avg(field1) as avgvalue from table1
最大:select max(field1) as maxvalue from table1
最小:select min(field1) as minvalue from table1
A: UNION 运算符
UNION 运算符通过组合其他两个结果表(例如 TABLE1 和 TABLE2)并消去表中任何重复行而派生出一个结果表。当 ALL 随 UNION 一起使用时(即 UNION ALL),不消除重复行。两种情况下,派生表的每一行不是来自 TABLE1 就是来自 TABLE2。
EXCEPT 运算符通过包括所有在 TABLE1 中但不在 TABLE2 中的行并消除所有重复行而派生出一个结果表。当 ALL 随 EXCEPT 一起使用时 (EXCEPT ALL),不消除重复行。
INTERSECT 运算符通过只包括 TABLE1 和 TABLE2 中都有的行并消除所有重复行而派生出一个结果表。当 ALL 随 INTERSECT 一起使用时 (INTERSECT ALL),不消除重复行。
A、left outer join:
SQL: select a.a, a.b, a.c, b.c, b.d, b.f from a LEFT OUT JOIN b ON a.a = b.c
B:right outer join:
C:full outer join:
复制表(只复制结构,源表名:a 新表名:b) (Access可用)
法一:select * into b from a where 1<>1
法二:select top 0 * into b from a
拷贝表(拷贝数据,源表名:a 目标表名:b) (Access可用)
insert into b(a, b, c) select d,e,f from b;
跨数据库之间表的拷贝(具体数据使用绝对路径) (Access可用)
insert into b(a, b, c) select d,e,f from b in ‘具体数据库’ where 条件
例子:..from b in ‘"&Server.MapPath("."&"\data.mdb" &"‘ where..
子查询(表名1:a 表名2:b)
select a,b,c from a where a IN (select d from b 或者: select a,b,c from a where a IN (1,2,3)
select a.title,a.username,b.adddate from table a,(select max(adddate) adddate from table where table.title=a.title) b
外连接查询(表名1:a 表名2:b)
select a.a, a.b, a.c, b.c, b.d, b.f from a LEFT OUT JOIN b ON a.a = b.c
select * from (Select a,b,c FROM a) T where t.a > 1;
between的用法,between限制查询数据范围时包括了边界值,not between不包括
select * from table1 where time between time1 and time2
select a,b,c, from table1 where a not between 数值1 and 数值2
in 的使用方法
select * from table1 where a [not] in (‘值1’,’值2’,’值4’,’值6’)
delete from table1 where not exists ( select * from table2 where table1.field1=table2.field1
select * from a left inner join b on a.a=b.b right inner join c on a.a=c.c inner join d on a.a=d.d where .....
SQL: select * from 日程安排 where datediff(‘minute‘,f开始时间,getdate())>5
一条sql 语句搞定数据库分页
select top 10 b.* from (select top 20 主键字段,排序字段 from 表名 order by 排序字段 desc) a,表名 b where b.主键字段 = a.主键字段 order by a.排序字段
select top 10 * form table1 where 范围
select a,b,c from tablename ta where a=(select max(a) from tablename tb where tb.b=ta.b)
包括所有在 TableA 中但不在 TableB和TableC 中的行并消除所有重复行而派生出一个结果表
(select a from tableA except (select a from tableB) except (select a from tableC)
select top 10 * from tablename order by newid()
select newid()
Select * From tablename where id in(Select id From tablename group by id having count(*)>1)
Delete from tablename where id not in (select max(id) from tablename group by col1,col2,...)
select name from sysobjects where type=‘U‘
select name from syscolumns where id=object_id(‘TableName‘)
列示type、vender、pcs字段,以type字段排列,case可以方便地实现多重选择,类似select 中的case。
select type,sum(case vender when ‘A‘ then pcs else 0 end),sum(case vender when ‘C‘ then pcs else 0 end),sum(case vender when ‘B‘ then pcs else 0 end) FROM tablename group by type
type vender pcs
电脑 A 1
电脑 A 1
光盘 B 2
光盘 A 2
手机 B 3
手机C 3
select top 5 * from (select top 15 * from table order by id asc) table_别名 order by id desc
“where 1=1”是表示选择全部 “where 1=2”全部不选,
if @strWhere !=‘
set @strSQL = ‘select count(*) as Total from [‘ + @tblName + ‘] where ‘ + @strWhere
set @strSQL = ‘select count(*) as Total from [‘ + @tblName + ‘]‘
set @strSQL = ‘select count(*) as Total from [‘ + @tblName + ‘] where 1=1 安定‘+ @strWhere
dbcc shrinkdatabase(dbname)
exec sp_change_users_login ‘update_one‘,‘newname‘,‘oldname‘
RESTORE VERIFYONLY from disk=‘E:\dvbbs.bak‘
DBCC CHECKDB(‘dvbbs‘,repair_allow_data_loss) WITH TABLOCK
DECLARE @LogicalFileName sysname,
@MaxMinutes INT,
@NewSize INT
USE tablename -- 要操作的数据库名
Select @LogicalFileName = ‘tablename_log‘, -- 日志文件名
@MaxMinutes = 10, -- Limit on time allowed to wrap log.
@NewSize = 1 -- 你想设定的日志文件的大小(M)
-- Setup / initialize
DECLARE @OriginalSize int
Select @OriginalSize = size
FROM sysfiles
Where name = @LogicalFileName
Select ‘Original Size of ‘ + db_name() + ‘ LOG is ‘ +
CONVERT(VARCHAR(30),@OriginalSize) + ‘ 8K pages or ‘ +
CONVERT(VARCHAR(30),(@OriginalSize*8/1024)) + ‘MB‘
FROM sysfiles
Where name = @LogicalFileName
Create TABLE DummyTrans
(DummyColumn char (8000) not null)
@StartTime DATETIME,
@TruncLog VARCHAR(255)
Select @StartTime = GETDATE(),
@TruncLog = ‘BACKUP LOG ‘ + db_name() + ‘ WITH TRUNCATE_ONLY‘
DBCC SHRINKFILE (@LogicalFileName, @NewSize)
EXEC (@TruncLog)
-- Wrap the log if necessary.
WHILE @MaxMinutes > DATEDIFF (mi, @StartTime, GETDATE()) -- time has not expired
AND @OriginalSize = (Select size FROM sysfiles Where name = @LogicalFileName)
AND (@OriginalSize * 8 /1024) > @NewSize
BEGIN -- Outer loop.
Select @Counter = 0
WHILE ((@Counter < @OriginalSize / 16) AND (@Counter < 50000))
BEGIN -- update
Insert DummyTrans VALUES (‘Fill Log‘)
Delete DummyTrans
Select @Counter = @Counter + 1
EXEC (@TruncLog)
Select ‘Final Size of ‘ + db_name() + ‘ LOG is ‘ +
CONVERT(VARCHAR(30),size) + ‘ 8K pages or ‘ +
CONVERT(VARCHAR(30),(size*8/1024)) + ‘MB‘
FROM sysfiles
Where name = @LogicalFileName
Drop TABLE DummyTrans
exec sp_changeobjectowner ‘tablename‘,‘dbo‘
Create PROCEDURE dbo.User_ChangeObjectOwnerBatch
@OldOwner as NVARCHAR(128),
@NewOwner as NVARCHAR(128)
DECLARE @OwnerName as NVARCHAR(128)
select ‘Name‘ = name,
‘Owner‘ = user_name(uid)
from sysobjects
where user_name(uid)=@OldOwner
order by name
OPEN curObject
FETCH NEXT FROM curObject INTO @Name, @Owner
if @Owner=@OldOwner
set @OwnerName = @OldOwner + ‘.‘ + rtrim(@Name)
exec sp_changeobjectowner @OwnerName, @NewOwner
-- select @name,@NewOwner,@OldOwner
FETCH NEXT FROM curObject INTO @Name, @Owner
close curObject
deallocate curObject
10、SQL SERVER中直接循环写入数据
declare @i int
set @i=1
while @i<30
insert into test (userid) values(@i)
set @i=@i+1
1.一道SQL语句面试题,关于group by
2005-05-09 胜
2005-05-09 胜
2005-05-09 负
2005-05-09 负
2005-05-10 胜
2005-05-10 负
2005-05-10 负
如果要生成下列结果, 该如何写sql语句?
2005-05-09 2 2
2005-05-10 1 2
create table #tmp(rq varchar(10),shengfu nchar(1))
insert into #tmp values('2005-05-09','胜')
insert into #tmp values('2005-05-09','胜')
insert into #tmp values('2005-05-09','负')
insert into #tmp values('2005-05-09','负')
insert into #tmp values('2005-05-10','胜')
insert into #tmp values('2005-05-10','负')
insert into #tmp values('2005-05-10','负')
1)select rq, sum(case when shengfu='胜' then 1 else 0 end)'胜',sum(case when shengfu='负' then 1 else 0 end)'负' from #tmp group by rq
2) select N.rq,N.勝,M.負 from (
select rq,勝=count(*) from #tmp where shengfu='胜'group by rq)N inner join
(select rq,負=count(*) from #tmp where shengfu='负'group by rq)M on N.rq=M.rq
3)select a.col001,a.a1 胜,b.b1 负 from
(select col001,count(col001) a1 from temp1 where col002='胜' group by col001) a,
(select col001,count(col001) b1 from temp1 where col002='负' group by col001) b
where a.col001=b.col001
表中有A B C三列,用SQL语句实现:当A列大于B列时选择A列否则选择B列,当B列大于C列时选择B列否则选择C列。
select (case when a>b then a else b end ),
(case when b>c then b esle c end)
from table_name
select * from tb where datediff(dd,SendTime,getdate())=0
语文 数学 英语
及格 优秀 不及格
(case when 语文>=80 then '优秀'
when 语文>=60 then '及格'
else '不及格') as 语文,
(case when 数学>=80 then '优秀'
when 数学>=60 then '及格'
else '不及格') as 数学,
(case when 英语>=80 then '优秀'
when 英语>=60 then '及格'
else '不及格') as 英语,
from table
用户临时表:create table #xx(ID int, IDValues int)
系统临时表:create table ##xx(ID int, IDValues int)
全局临时表对整个SQL Server实例都可见,但是所有访问它的Session都消失的时候,它也自动删除.
它的所有数据都存储在数据文件中(*.dbf),所以只要文件够大,SQL Server的存储容量是可以扩大的.
SQL Server 2000 数据库有三种类型的文件:
主要数据文件是数据库的起点,指向数据库中文件的其它部分。每个数据库都有一个主要数据文件。主要数据文件的推荐文件扩展名是 .mdf。
次要数据文件包含除主要数据文件外的所有数据文件。有些数据库可能没有次要数据文件,而有些数据库则有多个次要数据文件。次要数据文件的推荐文件扩展名是 .ndf。
日志文件包含恢复数据库所需的所有日志信息。每个数据库必须至少有一个日志文件,但可以不止一个。日志文件的推荐文件扩展名是 .ldf。
月份mon 部门dep 业绩yj
一月份 01 10
一月份 02 10
一月份 03 5
二月份 02 8
二月份 04 9
三月份 03 8
部门dep 部门名称dname
01 国内业务一部
02 国内业务二部
03 国内业务三部
04 国际业务部
table3 (result)
部门dep 一月份 二月份 三月份
01 10 null null
02 10 8 null
03 null 5 8
04 null null 9
select a.部门名称dname,b.业绩yj as '一月份',c.业绩yj as '二月份',d.业绩yj as '三月份'
from table1 a,table2 b,table2 c,table2 d
where a.部门dep = b.部门dep and b.月份mon = '一月份' and
a.部门dep = c.部门dep and c.月份mon = '二月份' and
a.部门dep = d.部门dep and d.月份mon = '三月份' and
select a.dep,
sum(case when b.mon=1 then b.yj else 0 end) as '一月份',
sum(case when b.mon=2 then b.yj else 0 end) as '二月份',
sum(case when b.mon=3 then b.yj else 0 end) as '三月份',
sum(case when b.mon=4 then b.yj else 0 end) as '四月份',
sum(case when b.mon=5 then b.yj else 0 end) as '五月份',
sum(case when b.mon=6 then b.yj else 0 end) as '六月份',
sum(case when b.mon=7 then b.yj else 0 end) as '七月份',
sum(case when b.mon=8 then b.yj else 0 end) as '八月份',
sum(case when b.mon=9 then b.yj else 0 end) as '九月份',
sum(case when b.mon=10 then b.yj else 0 end) as '十月份',
sum(case when b.mon=11 then b.yj else 0 end) as '十一月份',
sum(case when b.mon=12 then b.yj else 0 end) as '十二月份',
from table2 a left join table1 b on a.dep=b.dep
select id, Count(*) from tb group by id having count(*)>1
select * from(select count(ID) as count from table group by ID)T where T.count>1
张三语文 74
张三数学 83
张三物理 93
李四语文 74
李四数学 84
李四物理 94
---- ---- ---- ----
李四 74 84 94
张三 74 83 93
create table tb(姓名 varchar(10) , 课程 varchar(10) , 分数 int)
insert into tb values('张三' , '语文' , 74)
insert into tb values('张三' , '数学' , 83)
insert into tb values('张三' , '物理' , 93)
insert into tb values('李四' , '语文' , 74)
insert into tb values('李四' , '数学' , 84)
insert into tb values('李四' , '物理' , 94)
--SQL SERVER 2000 静态SQL,指课程只有语文、数学、物理这三门课程。(以下同)
select 姓名 as 姓名 ,
max(case 课程 when '语文' then 分数 else 0 end) 语文,
max(case 课程 when '数学' then 分数 else 0 end) 数学,
max(case 课程 when '物理' then 分数 else 0 end) 物理
from tb
group by 姓名
--SQL SERVER 2000 动态SQL,指课程不止语文、数学、物理这三门课程。(以下同)
declare @sql varchar(8000)
set @sql = 'select 姓名 '
select @sql = @sql + ' , max(case 课程 when ''' + 课程 + ''' then 分数 else 0 end) [' + 课程 + ']'
from (select distinct 课程 from tb) as a
set @sql = @sql + ' from tb group by 姓名'
--SQL SERVER 2005 静态SQL。
select * from (select * from tb) a pivot (max(分数) for 课程 in (语文,数学,物理)) b
--SQL SERVER 2005 动态SQL。
declare @sql varchar(8000)
select @sql = isnull(@sql + '],[' , '') + 课程 from tb group by 课程
set @sql = '[' + @sql + ']'
exec ('select * from (select * from tb) a pivot (max(分数) for 课程 in (' + @sql + ')) b')
---- ---- ---- ---- ------ ----
李四 74 84 94 84.00 252
张三 74 83 93 83.33 250
--SQL SERVER 2000 静态SQL。
select 姓名姓名,
max(case 课程 when '语文' then 分数 else 0 end) 语文,
max(case 课程 when '数学' then 分数 else 0 end) 数学,
max(case 课程 when '物理' then 分数 else 0 end) 物理,
cast(avg(分数*1.0) as decimal(18,2)) 平均分,
sum(分数) 总分
from tb
group by 姓名
--SQL SERVER 2000 动态SQL。
declare @sql varchar(8000)
set @sql = 'select 姓名 '
select @sql = @sql + ' , max(case 课程 when ''' + 课程 + ''' then 分数 else 0 end) [' + 课程 + ']'
from (select distinct 课程 from tb) as a
set @sql = @sql + ' , cast(avg(分数*1.0) as decimal(18,2)) 平均分 , sum(分数) 总分 from tb group by 姓名'
--SQL SERVER 2005 静态SQL。
select m.* , n.平均分 , n.总分 from
(select * from (select * from tb) a pivot (max(分数) for 课程 in (语文,数学,物理)) b) m,
(select 姓名 , cast(avg(分数*1.0) as decimal(18,2)) 平均分 , sum(分数) 总分 from tb group by 姓名) n
where m.姓名 = n.姓名
--SQL SERVER 2005 动态SQL。
declare @sql varchar(8000)
select @sql = isnull(@sql + ',' , '') + 课程 from tb group by 课程
exec ('select m.* , n.平均分 , n.总分 from
(select * from (select * from tb) a pivot (max(分数) for 课程 in (' + @sql + ')) b) m ,
(select 姓名 , cast(avg(分数*1.0) as decimal(18,2)) 平均分 , sum(分数) 总分 from tb group by 姓名) n
where m.姓名 = n.姓名')
drop table tb
张三 74 83 93
李四 74 84 94
---- ---- ----
李四语文 74
李四数学 84
李四物理 94
张三语文 74
张三数学 83
张三物理 93
create table tb(姓名 varchar(10) , 语文 int , 数学 int , 物理 int)
insert into tb values('张三',74,83,93)
insert into tb values('李四',74,84,94)
--SQL SERVER 2000 静态SQL。
select * from
select 姓名 , 课程 = '语文' , 分数 = 语文 from tb
union all
select 姓名 , 课程 = '数学' , 分数 = 数学 from tb
union all
select 姓名 , 课程 = '物理' , 分数 = 物理 from tb
) t
order by 姓名 , case 课程 when '语文' then 1 when '数学' then 2 when '物理' then 3 end
--SQL SERVER 2000 动态SQL。
declare @sql varchar(8000)
select @sql = isnull(@sql + ' union all ' , '' ) + ' select 姓名 , [课程] = ' + quotename(Name , '''') + ' , [分数] = ' + quotename(Name) + ' from tb'
from syscolumns
where name! = N'姓名' and ID = object_id('tb') --表名tb,不包含列名为姓名的其它列
order by colid asc
exec(@sql + ' order by 姓名 ')
--SQL SERVER 2005 动态SQL。
select 姓名 , 课程 , 分数 from tb unpivot (分数 for 课程 in([语文] , [数学] , [物理])) t
姓名课程 分数
---- ------ ------
李四语文 74.00
李四数学 84.00
李四物理 94.00
李四平均分 84.00
李四总分 252.00
张三语文 74.00
张三数学 83.00
张三物理 93.00
张三平均分 83.33
张三总分 250.00
select * from
select 姓名 as 姓名 , 课程 = '语文' , 分数 = 语文 from tb
union all
select 姓名 as 姓名 , 课程 = '数学' , 分数 = 数学 from tb
union all
select 姓名 as 姓名 , 课程 = '物理' , 分数 = 物理 from tb
union all
select 姓名 as 姓名 , 课程 = '平均分' , 分数 = cast((语文 + 数学 + 物理)*1.0/3 as decimal(18,2)) from tb
union all
select 姓名 as 姓名 , 课程 = '总分' , 分数 = 语文 + 数学 + 物理 from tb
) t
order by 姓名 , case 课程 when '语文' then 1 when '数学' then 2 when '物理' then 3 when '平均分' then 4 when '总分' then 5 end
drop table tb
假设只有一个table,名为pages,有四个字段,id, url,title,body。里面储存了很多网页,网页的url地址,title和网页的内容,然后你用一个sql查询将url匹配的排在最前,title匹配的其次,body匹配最后,没有任何字段匹配的,不返回。
select a.[id],a.mark from
select [page].[id],100 as mark from [page] where [page].[url] like '%baidu%'
select [page].[id],50 as mark from [page] where [page].[title] like '%baidu%'
select [page].[id],10 as mark from [page] where [page].[body] like '%baidu%'
) as a order by mark desc
姓名 课程 分数
张三 语文 81
张三 数学 75
李四 语文 56
李四 数学 90
王五 语文 81
王五 数学 100
王五 英语 49
select * from score
where s_name not in
(select s_name from score
where score<60)
select * from score where s_name in
(select s_name from score
group by s_name
having min(score)>=60)
名称 产地 进价
苹果 烟台 2.5
苹果 云南 1.9
苹果 四川 3
西瓜 江西 1.5
西瓜 北京 2.4
select 名称 from 商品表 group by 名称 having avg(进价) < 2
准考证号 科目 成绩
2006001 语文 119
2006001 数学 108
2006002 物理 142
2006001 化学 136
2006001 物理 127
2006002 数学 149
2006002 英语 110
2006002 语文 105
2006001 英语 98
2006002 化学 129
select 准考证号 from 高考信息表 group by 准考证号 having sum(成绩) > 600
准考证号 数学 语文 英语 物理 化学
2006001 108 119 98 127 136
2006002 149 105 110 142 129
select 准考证号 from 高考信息表 where (数学+语文+英语+物理+化学) > 600
id gender age
67 M 19
68 F 30
69 F 27
70 F 16
71 M 32
select gender,count(id) from club group by gender
ID(number型) Name(varchar2型)
1 a
2 b
3 b
4 a
5 c
6 c
ID(number型) Name(varchar2型)
1 a
2 b
5 c
delete from team where id not in
select min(a1.id) from team a1
where a1.name=team.name )
delete from team where id not in
select min(id) from team group by name)
name course score
张青语文 72
王华数学 72
张华英语 81
张青物理 67
李立化学 98
张燕物理 70
张青化学 76
select * from student where name in
(select name from student
where name like '张%'
group by name having avg(score) > 75)
SC(S#,C#,G) S#,C#,G分别代表学号,所选的课程编号,学习成绩
(2) 使用标准SQL嵌套语句查询选修课程编号为’C2’的学员姓名和所属单位?
(3) 使用标准SQL嵌套语句查询不选修课程编号为’C5’的学员姓名和所属单位?
(4) 查询选修了课程的学员人数?
(5) 查询选修课程超过5门的学员学号和所属单位?
drop table S;
drop table C;
drop table SC;
create table S
S# varchar(10),
SN varchar (25),
SD varchar (25),
SA int
create table C
C# varchar(10),
CN varchar (25)
create table SC
S# varchar(10),
C# varchar(10),
G int
Primary Key(S#, C#)
insert into S values ('10001','Students1','department1',23)
insert into S values ('10002','Students2','department1',24)
insert into S values ('10003','Students3','department2',25)
insert into S values ('10004','Students4','department2',26)
insert into S values ('10005','Students5','department3',23)
insert into S values ('10006','Students6','department3',24)
insert into S values ('10007','Students7','department3',25)
insert into S values ('10008','Students8','department4',25)
insert into C values ('C1','数学')
insert into C values ('C2','物理')
insert into C values ('C3','化学')
insert into C values ('C4','英语')
insert into C values ('C5','中文')
insert into C values ('C6','税收基础')
insert into C values ('C7','传媒')
insert into C values ('C8','日语')
insert into SC values ('10001','C1',67)
insert into SC values ('10001','C2',77)
insert into SC values ('10001','C3',87)
insert into SC values ('10001','C4',97)
insert into SC values ('10001','C5',57)
insert into SC values ('10001','C6',47)
insert into SC values ('10002','C1',62)
insert into SC values ('10002','C2',72)
insert into SC values ('10002','C3',82)
insert into SC values ('10002','C4',92)
insert into SC values ('10002','C5',52)
insert into SC values ('10002','C6',42)
insert into SC values ('10004','C2',74)
insert into SC values ('10004','C5',54)
insert into SC values ('10004','C6',44)
select S#,SN from S where S# in (select S# from C, SC where C.C#=SC.C# and C.CN='税收基础')
select S.S#,S.SN from S inner join (select S# from C left join SC on C.C#=SC.C# where C.CN='税收基础') T on T.S#=S.S#
--(2) 使用标准SQL嵌套语句查询选修课程编号为’C2’的学员姓名和所属单位?
select S.SN,S.SD from S,SC where S.S#=SC.S# and SC.C#='C2'
--(3) 使用标准SQL嵌套语句查询不选修课程编号为’C5’的学员姓名和所属单位?
select distinct S.SN,S.SD from S where S.S# not in (select S.S# from S,SC where S.S#=SC.S# and SC.C#='C5')
--(4) 查询选修了课程的学员人数?
select 学员人数=count(distinct s#) from sc
select count(*) as 学员人数 from (select distinct SC.S# from SC) t
--(5) 查询选修课程超过5门的学员学号和所属单位?
select S#,SD from S where S.S# in (select SC.S# from SC group by SC.S# having count(*)>5)
select S#,SD from S where S# in(select S# from SC group by S# having count(distinct C#)>5)
create table testtable1
id int IDENTITY,
department varchar(12)
insert into testtable1 values('设计')
insert into testtable1 values('市场')
insert into testtable1 values('售后')
id department
1 设计
2 市场
3 售后
create table testtable2
id int IDENTITY,
dptID int,
name varchar(12)
insert into testtable2 values(1,'张三')
insert into testtable2 values(1,'李四')
insert into testtable2 values(2,'王五')
insert into testtable2 values(3,'彭六')
insert into testtable2 values(4,'陈七')
insert into testtable2 values(5,'陈七')
select t2.id,t2.dptID,t1.department,t2.name from testtable2 t2 left join testtable1 t1 on t1.id=t2.dptID
select * from testtable2
id dptID department name
1 1 设计 张三
2 1 设计 李四
3 2 市场 王五
4 3 售后 彭六
5 4 黑人 陈七
select t2.id,t2.dptID,t1.department,t2.name from testtable2 t2 left join testtable1 t1 on t1.id=t2.dptID
SELECT t2.id , t2.dptID, ISNULL(t1.department,'黑人') dptName,t2.name FROM testtable1 t1 right join testtable2 t2 on t2.dptID = t1.ID
select t2.id,t2.dptID,t1.department,t2.name from testtable1 t1,testtable2 t2 where t1.id=t2.dptID
select t2.id,t2.dptID,t1.department,t2.name from testtable2 t2 inner join testtable1 t1 on t1.id=t2.dptID
A: p_ID p_Num s_id
1 10 01
1 12 02
2 8 01
3 11 01
3 8 03
p_ID s1_id s2_id s3_id
1 10 12 0
2 8 0 0
3 11 0 8
create table A
p_ID int,
p_Num int,
s_id int
insert into A values(1,10,01)
insert into A values(1,12,02)
insert into A values(2,8,01)
insert into A values(3,11,01)
insert into A values(3,8,03)
select p_id ,
sum(case when s_id=1 then p_num else 0 end) as s1_id,
sum(case when s_id=2 then p_num else 0 end) as s2_id,
sum(case when s_id=3 then p_num else 0 end) as s3_id
from A group by p_id
create table A
id int IDENTITY,
Name varchar (25)
select top 10 * from A where ID >(select max(ID) from (select top 30 ID from A order by id ) T) order by id
drop table A
create table A
id int,
Name varchar (25)
insert into A values(1,'a')
insert into A values(2,'a')
insert into A values(3,'a')
insert into A values(1,'a')
insert into A values(2,'a')
insert into A values(3,'a')
insert into A values(4,'a')
insert into A values(1,'a')
select id,name from A where id in (select id from A group by id having count(id)>3)order by id
courseid coursename score
1 java 70
2 oracle 90
3 xml 40
4 jsp 30
5 servlet 80
courseid coursename score mark
1 java 70 pass
2 oracle 90 pass
3 xml 40 fail
4 jsp 30 fail
5 servlet 80 pass
create table Course(
courseid int IDENTITY,
coursename varchar (25),
score int
insert into Course values ( 'java',70)
insert into Course values ( 'oracle',90)
insert into Course values ( 'xml',40)
insert into Course values ( 'jsp',30)
insert into Course values ( 'servlet',80)
select courseid, coursename ,score ,decode(sign(score-60),-1,'fail','pass') as mark from course
--SQL Server:
select *, (case when score<60 then 'failed' else 'pass' end) as mark from Course
有表:emp(id, name, age)
create table emp(
id int IDENTITY,
name varchar (25),
age int
insert into emp values('Zhang1',26)
insert into emp values('Zhang2',27)
insert into emp values('Zhang3',28)
insert into emp values('Zhang1',26)
insert into emp values('Zhang2',27)
insert into emp values('Zhang3',29)
insert into emp values('Zhang1',26)
insert into emp values('Zhang2',27)
insert into emp values('Zhang3',28)
insert into emp values('Zhang1',26)
insert into emp values('Zhang4',22)
insert into emp values('Wang1',27)
insert into emp values('wang2',28)
insert into emp values('Wang2',26)
insert into emp values('Wang1',22)
select id,name,age from emp where name in (select name from emp group by name having count(*)>1)
select * from emp where (select count(*) from emp e where e.name=emp.name)>1
select * from emp where exists (select * from emp e where e.name=emp.name and e.id<>emp.id)
select distinct emp.* from emp inner join emp e on emp.name=e.name and emp.id<>e.id
Tom 16
Sun 14
Tom 16
Tom 16
create table emp(
name varchar(20),
age int
insert into emp values('Tom',16)
insert into emp values('Sun',14)
insert into emp values('Tom',16)
insert into emp values('Tom',16)
--解法一:通过distinct、group by过滤重复:
select distinct * from emp
select name,age from emp group by name,age
select distinct * into #tmp from emp
delete from emp
insert into emp select * from #tmp
alter table emp add chk int identity(1,1)
select * from emp where (select count(*) from emp e where e.name=emp.name)>1
delete from emp where (select count(*) from emp e where e.name=emp.name and e.chk>=emp.chk)>1
alter table emp drop column chk
select min(chk) from emp group by name having count(*) >1
delete from emp where chk not in (select min(chk) from emp group by name)
有列表:emp(emp_no, name,age)
001 Tom 17
002 Sun 14
003 Tom 15
004 Tom 16
create table emp(
emp_no int,
name varchar(20),
age int
insert into emp values(001,'Tom',17)
insert into emp values(002,'Sun',14)
insert into emp values(003,'Tom',15)
insert into emp values(004,'Tom',16)
alter table emp add chk int identity(1,1)
select *,identity(int,1,1) chk into #tmp from emp
select * from emp
alter table emp drop column chk
select *,identity(int,1,1) chk into #tmp from emp order by age
delete from emp
alter table emp add chk int
insert into emp select * from #tmp
select * from #tmp
drop table #tmp
select emp.*,(select count(*) from emp e where e.emp_no<=emp.emp_no) from emp order by (select count(*) from emp e where e.emp_no<=emp.emp_no)
姓名 选课
张三 数学
张三 物理
张三 语文
张三 化学
李四 数学
李四 化学
李四 语文
王五 数学
王五 物理
王五 语文
赵六 数学
赵六 物理
赵六 语文
周七 数学
周七 物理
问题一:只选数学,物理,语文的学生, 查询结果如下,写出相应SQL语句
姓名 选课
王五 数学
王五 物理
王五 语文
赵六 数学
赵六 物理
赵六 语文
问题二:同时选了数学,物理,语文的学生, 查询结果如下,写出相应SQL语句
姓名 选课
张三 数学
张三 物理
张三 语文
王五 数学
王五 物理
王五 语文
赵六 数学
赵六 物理
赵六 语文
create table course(
Name varchar(25),
CName varchar(25)
insert into course values ('张三','数学')
insert into course values ('张三','物理')
insert into course values ('张三','语文')
insert into course values ('张三','化学')
insert into course values ('李四','数学')
insert into course values ('李四','语文')
insert into course values ('李四','化学')
insert into course values ('王五','数学')
insert into course values ('王五','物理')
insert into course values ('王五','语文')
insert into course values ('赵四','数学')
insert into course values ('赵四','物理')
insert into course values ('赵四','语文')
insert into course values ('周七','数学')
insert into course values ('周七','物理')
select * from course
--问题一:只选数学,物理,语文的学生, 查询结果如下,写出相应SQL语句------
select A.Name,B.CName from
(select T.Name from (select Name,CName from Course where CName in('数学','物理','语文'))T group by Name having count(*)=3 )A,
(select Name,CName from Course where CName in('数学','物理','语文'))B
where A.Name=B.Name
and A.Name not in (select Name from Course group by Name having count(*)>3 )
select * from course
where name in (select name from course where CName in('数学','物理','语文') group by name having count(*)=3)
and name not in(select name from course group by name having count(*)>3)
--问题二:同时选了数学,物理,语文的学生, 查询结果如下,写出相应SQL语句---
select A.Name,B.CName from
(select T.Name from (select Name,CName from Course where CName in('数学','物理','语文'))T group by Name having count(*)=3 )A,
(select Name,CName from Course where CName in('数学','物理','语文'))B
where A.Name=B.Name
select * from course
where name in (select name from course where CName in('数学','物理','语文') group by name having count(*)=3)
name class grade
张三 数学 81
李四 语文 70
王五 数学 90
张三 语文 60
李四 数学 100
王五 语文 90
王五 英语 81
要求: 用sql语句输出各门功课都大于80分的同学姓名?
create table students (
name varchar(25),
class varchar(25),
grade int
insert into students values ('张三','语文',20)
insert into students values ('张三','数学',90)
insert into students values ('张三','英语',50)
insert into students values ('李四','语文',81)
insert into students values ('李四','数学',60)
insert into students values ('李四','英语',90)
insert into students values ('王二','数学',81)
insert into students values ('王二','英语',90)
insert into students values ('李五','数学',83)
insert into students values ('李五','英语',90)
insert into students values ('李五','化学',90)
select name from students group by name having min(grade)>80
select distinct Name from students where grade >80 and Name not in (select Name from students where grade <80)
select distinct name from students where name not in (select name from students where grade <=80 group by name )
select name from students group by name having name not in (select name from students where grade<=80)
姓名 科目 成绩
张三 语文 20
张三 数学 30
张三 英语 50
李四 语文 70
李四 数学 60
李四 英语 90
姓名 语文 数学 英语
张三 20 30 50
李四 70 60 90
create table students (
name varchar(25),
class varchar(25),
grade int
insert into students values ('张三','语文',20)
insert into students values ('张三','数学',90)
insert into students values ('张三','英语',50)
insert into students values ('李四','语文',81)
insert into students values ('李四','数学',60)
insert into students values ('李四','英语',90)
select A.Name,A.grade as 语文,B.grade as 数学,C.grade as 英语
from students A,students B,students C
where A.Name=B.Name and B.Name=C.Name
and A.class='语文' and B.class='数学'
and C.class='英语'
create table userinfo
id int,
username varchar(32),
u_id int
create table checkinfo
id int,
checktype varchar(32) --出勤的类型(正常,病假,事假)
u_id int
username 病假(天数)事假(天数)病假(天数)
张三 15 5 2
create table userinfo
id int,
username varchar(32),
u_id int
create table checkinfo
id int,
checktype varchar(32), --出勤的类型(正常,病假,事假)
u_id int
delete from userinfo
insert into userinfo values(1,'user1',1)
insert into userinfo values(2,'user2',2)
insert into userinfo values(3,'user3',3)
insert into userinfo values(4,'user4',4)
insert into checkinfo values(1,'正常',1)
insert into checkinfo values(2,'正常',1)
insert into checkinfo values(3,'病假',1)
insert into checkinfo values(4,'正常',2)
insert into checkinfo values(5,'事假',2)
insert into checkinfo values(6,'病假',2)
insert into checkinfo values(7,'正常',2)
insert into checkinfo values(8,'病假',2)
insert into checkinfo values(9,'正常',3)
insert into checkinfo values(10,'事假',3)
insert into checkinfo values(11,'病假',3)
insert into checkinfo values(12,'正常',3)
insert into checkinfo values(13,'正常',3)
insert into checkinfo values(14,'正常',3)
insert into checkinfo values(15,'正常',3)
insert into checkinfo values(16,'病假',3)
insert into checkinfo values(17,'正常',4)
insert into checkinfo values(18,'事假',4)
insert into checkinfo values(19,'病假',4)
insert into checkinfo values(20,'正常',4)
insert into checkinfo values(21,'事假',4)
insert into checkinfo values(22,'病假',4)
insert into checkinfo values(23,'事假',4)
insert into checkinfo values(24,'病假',4)
select b.*,m.正常,m.事假,m.病假
from userinfo b
(select a.u_id,
count(case when a.checktype='病假' then '1' end ) 病假 ,
count(case when a.checktype='正常' then '1' end ) 正常 ,
count(case when a.checktype='事假' then '1' end ) 事假
from checkinfo a group by a.u_id) m
on m.u_id=b.u_id
select b.* ,m1.正常,m2.病假,m3.事假 from userinfo b
left join (select a.u_id, count(a.checktype) 正常 from checkinfo a where a.checktype='正常' group by a.u_id ) m1 on b.u_id=m1.u_id
left join (select a.u_id, count(a.checktype) 病假 from checkinfo a where a.checktype='病假' group by a.u_id ) m2 on b.u_id=m2.u_id
left join (select a.u_id, count(a.checktype) 事假 from checkinfo a where a.checktype='事假' group by a.u_id ) m3 on b.u_id=m3.u_id
产品 颜色 数量
产品1 红色 100
产品1 蓝色 80
产品2 蓝色 103
产品2 红色 NULL
产品2 红色 89
产品1 红色 100
create table products(
name varchar(20),
color char(20),
quantities int
insert into products values('产品1','红色',100)
insert into products values('产品1','蓝色',80)
insert into products values('产品2','红色',null)
insert into products values('产品2','蓝色',103)
insert into products values('产品2','红色',89)
insert into products values('产品1','红色',100)
select name,sum(quantities) from products where color='红色' group by name
select name,sum(quantities) from products where color='蓝色' group by name
select t1.name,t1.x-t2.x as balance
(select name,sum(quantities) as x from products where color='红色' group by name) t1,
(select name,sum(quantities) as x from products where color='蓝色' group by name) t2
where t1.x >t2.x and t1.name=t2.name
create table students (
id int IDENTITY,
name varchar(20),
elective_course varchar(20)
insert into students values('student1','course1')
insert into students values('student1','course2')
insert into students values('student1','course3')
insert into students values('student1','course4')
insert into students values('student1','course6')
insert into students values('student1','course6')
insert into students values('student2','course1')
insert into students values('student2','course2')
insert into students values('student2','course3')
insert into students values('student2','course4')
insert into students values('student2','course5')
insert into students values('student3','course1')
insert into students values('student3','course2')
insert into students values('student3','course3')
insert into students values('student3','course4')
insert into students values('student4','course1')
insert into students values('student4','course2')
insert into students values('student4','course3')
insert into students values('student4','course4')
insert into students values('student4','course5')
insert into students values('student4','course6')
insert into students values('student4','course7')
insert into students values('student5','course2')
insert into students values('student5','course3')
insert into students values('student5','course4')
insert into students values('student5','course5')
insert into students values('student5','course6')
insert into students values('student5','course7')
insert into students values('student5','course8')
insert into students values('student5','course9')
insert into students values('student6','course7')
insert into students values('student6','course8')
insert into students values('student6','course9')
select name from students group by name having count(elective_course)>=5
create table DbTable (
name varchar(20),
data varchar(10)
insert into DbTable values ('a1{data}bb','1')
insert into DbTable values ('a2{data}bb','2')
insert into DbTable values ('a3{data}bb','3')
insert into DbTable values ('a4{data}bb','4')
insert into DbTable values ('a5{data}bb','5')
update DbTable set name=replace(name,'{data}',data)
select * from DbTable
create table F3 (
FID varchar(20),
FLASS varchar(20),
insert into F3 values ('S_Name1','Class1',67)
insert into F3 values ('S_Name2','Class1',57)
insert into F3 values ('S_Name3','Class1',27)
insert into F3 values ('S_Name4','Class1',37)
insert into F3 values ('S_Name5','Class1',97)
insert into F3 values ('S_Name6','Class2',67)
insert into F3 values ('S_Name7','Class2',57)
insert into F3 values ('S_Name8','Class2',27)
insert into F3 values ('S_Name9','Class2',37)
insert into F3 values ('S_Name10','Class2',97)
insert into F3 values ('S_Name11','Class2',37)
insert into F3 values ('S_Name112','Class2',97)
insert into F3 values ('S_Name17','Class3',57)
insert into F3 values ('S_Name18','Class3',27)
insert into F3 values ('S_Name19','Class3',37)
insert into F3 values ('S_Name110','Class3',88)
insert into F3 values ('S_Name111','Class3',37)
insert into F3 values ('S_Name1112','Class3',67)
insert into F3 values ('S_Name117','Class4',57)
insert into F3 values ('S_Name118','Class4',27)
insert into F3 values ('S_Name119','Class4',37)
insert into F3 values ('S_Name1110','Class4',82)
insert into F3 values ('S_Name1111','Class4',37)
insert into F3 values ('S_Name11112','Class4',67)
insert into F3 values ('S_Name11111','Class5',37)
insert into F3 values ('S_Name111112','Class5',67)
select F3.FLASS, Max(FSSCORE) from F3 group by FLASS having count(*) >=5
select FLASS ,count(*) as Total from F3 group by FLASS having count(*) >= 5
select * from F3 where FLASS in (select FLASS from F3 group by FLASS having count(*) >= 5 )
select FLASS, Max(FSSCORE) from F3 where FLASS in (select FLASS from F3 group by FLASS having count(*) >= 5 ) group by FLASS
select FLASS,max(fsscore) from
select * from F3
where FLASS in (select FLASS from F3 group by FLASS having count(*)>=5)
) T group by FLASS
create table Teachers (
T_ID int,
T_NAME varchar(20)
create table Students (
S_ID int,
S_NAME varchar(20)
create table Classes (
T_ID int,
S_ID int,
C_NAME varchar(20)
insert into Teachers values(1,'T1')
insert into Teachers values(2,'T2')
insert into Teachers values(3,'T3')
insert into Teachers values(4,'T4')
insert into Teachers values(5,'T5')
insert into Students values(1,'S1')
insert into Students values(2,'S1')
insert into Students values(3,'S1')
insert into Students values(4,'S1')
insert into Students values(5,'S1')
insert into Students values(6,'S1')
insert into Students values(7,'S1')
insert into Students values(8,'S1')
insert into Students values(9,'S1')
insert into Students values(10,'S1')
insert into Students values(11,'S1')
insert into Students values(12,'S1')
insert into Students values(13,'S1')
insert into Students values(14,'S1')
insert into Students values(15,'S1')
insert into Students values(16,'S1')
insert into Classes values(1,1,'大班')
insert into Classes values(1,2,'大班')
insert into Classes values(1,3,'小班')
insert into Classes values(1,4,'大班')
insert into Classes values(1,13,'大班')
insert into Classes values(1,14,'大班')
insert into Classes values(1,15,'小班')
insert into Classes values(1,16,'大班')
insert into Classes values(2,1,'大班')
insert into Classes values(2,2,'小班')
insert into Classes values(2,3,'大班')
insert into Classes values(2,4,'大班')
insert into Classes values(2,16,'小班')
insert into Classes values(2,15,'小班')
insert into Classes values(2,14,'小班')
insert into Classes values(3,5,'大班')
insert into Classes values(3,6,'小班')
insert into Classes values(3,7,'大班')
insert into Classes values(4,4,'大班')
insert into Classes values(4,5,'大班')
insert into Classes values(4,6,'小班')
insert into Classes values(4,7,'小班')
insert into Classes values(4,8,'小班')
insert into Classes values(5,9,'大班')
insert into Classes values(5,10,'小班')
insert into Classes values(5,11,'小班')
insert into Classes values(5,12,'小班')
select T_ID,count(*) as x from Classes where C_Name='小班' group by T_ID
select T_ID,count(*) as x from Classes where C_Name='大班' group by T_ID
select T_NAME
from Teachers t,
(select T_ID,count(*) as x from Classes where C_Name='小班' group by T_ID) T1,
(select T_ID,count(*) as x from Classes where C_Name='大班' group by T_ID) T2
where T1.x<T2.x
and T1.T_ID=T2.T_ID and t.T_ID=T1.T_ID
--考察要点:1.分组查询. 2.把查询出来的某些结果作为表来连接查询出相关结果.
前提:a 部门表 b 员工表
id --部门编号
employee- 员工名称
create table departments(
Name varchar (20),
create table employees(
ID int,
Name varchar (20)
insert into departments values ('DeparmentA')
insert into departments values ('DeparmentB')
insert into departments values ('DeparmentC')
insert into departments values ('DeparmentD')
insert into departments values ('DeparmentE')
insert into employees values (1,'Zhang3')
insert into employees values (1,'Zhang4')
insert into employees values (1,'Zhang5')
insert into employees values (2,'Li3')
insert into employees values (2,'Li4')
insert into employees values (2,'Li5')
insert into employees values (2,'Li6')
insert into employees values (3,'Zhao3')
insert into employees values (3,'Zhao4')
insert into employees values (3,'Zhao5')
insert into employees values (4,'Chen4')
insert into employees values (4,'Chen5')
insert into employees values (5,'Zhu4')
select b.id,a.Name,count(b.id)as employeecount from departments a left join employees b on a.id=b.id group by b.id,a.Name
select b.id,a.Name,count(*)as employeecount from departments a left join employees b on a.id=b.id group by b.id,a.Name
select t.id as 'Id', t.name as 'Name',count (*) as 'EmployeeCount' from (select d.id,d.name from departments as d inner join employees as e on d.id=e.id) t group by t.id,t.name
select a.id,a.Name,count(b.id)as employeecount from departments a left join employees b on a.id=b.id group by a.id,a.Name
编号 名称
1 a
2 b
3 c
4 d
drop table B select b.id,b.name from B b
create table B (
id int IDENTITY,
name varchar (20)
insert into B values ('a')
insert into B values ('b')
insert into B values ('c')
insert into B values ('d')
--SQL Server:
select a.name+b.name,a.name+c.name,a.name+d.name,b.name+c.name,c.name+d.name from B a, B b,B c,B d where a.id=1 and b.id=2 and c.id=3 and d.id=4
select distinct a.name||b.name||','||a.name||c.name||','||a.name||d.name||','||b.name||c.name||','||c.name||d.name
from B a,B b,B c,B d
where a.number=1 and b.number=2 and c.number=3 and d.number=4
select a.name+b.name from B a,B b
where a.id<b.id group by a.name+b.name
id name
1 test1
2 test2
3 test3
4 test4
5 test5
6 test6
2 test2
3 test3
2 test2
6 test6
查出所有有重复记录的数据,用一句sql 来实现
create table D(
id varchar (20),
name varchar (20)
insert into D values('1','test1')
insert into D values('2','test2')
insert into D values('3','test3')
insert into D values('4','test4')
insert into D values('6','test6')
insert into D values('5','test5')
insert into D values('2','test2')
insert into D values('3','test3')
insert into D values('4','test4')
insert into D values('7','test7')
insert into D values('4','test4')
insert into D values('6','test6')
insert into D values('5','test5')
insert into D values('2','test2')
insert into D values('3','test3')
insert into D values('4','test4')
insert into D values('8','test8')
insert into D values('10','test4')
select * from D where
select id,name from D group by id,name having count(*)>1
select a.id,a.name from D a,(select id,name from D group by id,name having count(*)>1) b where a.id=b.id and a.name=b.name
select t1.* from D t1,
(select sum(1) as Sig,id,name from D group by id,name) as t2
where t1.name=t2.name and t1.id=t2.id and t2.Sig>1
year salary
2000 1000
2001 2000
2002 3000
2003 4000
year salary
2000 1000
2001 3000
create table t_salary(
year int,
salary int
select * from t_salary
insert into t_salary values(2000,1000)
insert into t_salary values(2001,2000)
insert into t_salary values(2002,3000)
insert into t_salary values(2003,4000)
select year, (select sum(salary) from t_salary b where b.year <= a.year) salary from t_salary a group by year
year month total
1996 1 3000
1996 3 4000
1996 7 5000
1997 3 4000
1997 6 3000
year m1,m2,m3,m4
year 为年,m1等为季度,要求按上行输出
create table Outputs (
year char(4),
month int,
total int
insert into Outputs values ('1996',1,3000)
insert into Outputs values ('1996',3,4000)
insert into Outputs values ('1996',7,5000)
insert into Outputs values ('1997',3,4000)
insert into Outputs values ('1997',6,3000)
insert into Outputs values ('1997',2,3000)
insert into Outputs values ('1998',1,3000)
insert into Outputs values ('1998',4,3500)
select * from Outputs
select year,
sum(case when month<=3 then total else 0 end) as M1,
sum(case when month>3 and month<=6 then total else 0 end) as M2,
sum(case when month>6 and month<=9 then total else 0 end) as M3,
sum(case when month>9 and month<=12 then total else 0 end) as M2
from Outputs group by year
select year,
sum(case when month in(1,2,3) then total else 0 end) as M1,
sum(case when month in(4,5,6) then total else 0 end) as M2,
sum(case when month in(7,8,9) then total else 0 end) as M3,
sum(case when month in(10,11,12) then total else 0 end) as M2
from Outputs group by year
姓名 课程 分数
张三 语文 74
张三 数学 83
张三 物理 93
李四 语文 74
李四 数学 84
李四 物理 94
姓名 语文 数学 物理
---- ---- ---- ----
李四 74 84 94
张三 74 83 93
create table tb(
姓名 varchar(10) ,
课程 varchar(10) ,
分数 int)
insert into tb values('张三' , '语文' , 74)
insert into tb values('张三' , '数学' , 83)
insert into tb values('张三' , '物理' , 93)
insert into tb values('李四' , '语文' , 74)
insert into tb values('李四' , '数学' , 84)
insert into tb values('李四' , '物理' , 94)
insert into tb values('李四' , '历史' , 94)
-----解法一:SQL SERVER 2000 静态SQL,指课程只有语文、数学、物理这三门课程。(以下同)---------
select 姓名,
max(case when 课程='语文' then 分数 end) as 语文,
max(case when 课程='数学' then 分数 end) as 数学,
max(case when 课程='物理' then 分数 end) as 物理
from tb
group by 姓名
-----解法二:--SQL SERVER 2000 动态SQL,指课程不止语文、数学、物理这三门课程。(以下同) ---------
declare @sql varchar(8000)
set @sql = 'select 姓名 '
select @sql = @sql + ' , max(case 课程 when ''' + 课程 + ''' then 分数 else 0 end) [' + 课程 + ']'
from (select distinct 课程 from tb) as a
set @sql = @sql + ' from tb group by 姓名'
-----解法三:SQL SERVER 2005 静态SQL。
select * from (select * from tb) a pivot (max(分数) for 课程 in (语文,数学,物理)) b
-----解法四:SQL SERVER 2005 静态SQL。
declare @sql varchar(8000)
select @sql = isnull(@sql + ',' , '') + 课程 from tb group by 课程
exec ('select * from (select * from tb) a pivot (max(分数) for 课程 in (' + @sql + ')) b')
姓名 语文 数学 物理 平均分 总分
---- ---- ---- ---- ------ ----
李四 74 84 94 84.00 252
张三 74 83 93 83.33 250
--SQL SERVER 2000 静态SQL。
select 姓名姓名,
max(case 课程 when '语文' then 分数 else 0 end) 语文,
max(case 课程 when '数学' then 分数 else 0 end) 数学,
max(case 课程 when '物理' then 分数 else 0 end) 物理,
cast(avg(分数*1.0) as decimal(18,2)) 平均分,
sum(分数) 总分
from tb
group by 姓名
--SQL SERVER 2000 动态SQL。
declare @sql varchar(8000)
set @sql = 'select 姓名 '
select @sql = @sql + ' , max(case 课程 when ''' + 课程 + ''' then 分数 else 0 end) [' + 课程 + ']'
from (select distinct 课程 from tb) as a
set @sql = @sql + ' , cast(avg(分数*1.0) as decimal(18,2)) 平均分 , sum(分数) 总分 from tb group by 姓名'
--SQL SERVER 2005 静态SQL。
select m.* , n.平均分 , n.总分 from
(select * from (select * from tb) a pivot (max(分数) for 课程 in (语文,数学,物理)) b) m,
(select 姓名 , cast(avg(分数*1.0) as decimal(18,2)) 平均分 , sum(分数) 总分 from tb group by 姓名) n
where m.姓名 = n.姓名
--SQL SERVER 2005 动态SQL。
declare @sql varchar(8000)
select @sql = isnull(@sql + ',' , '') + 课程 from tb group by 课程
exec ('select m.* , n.平均分 , n.总分 from
(select * from (select * from tb) a pivot (max(分数) for 课程 in (' + @sql + ')) b) m ,
(select 姓名 , cast(avg(分数*1.0) as decimal(18,2)) 平均分 , sum(分数) 总分 from tb group by 姓名) n
where m.姓名 = n.姓名')
drop table tb
姓名 语文 数学 物理
张三 74 83 93
李四 74 84 94
姓名 课程 分数
---- ---- ----
李四 语文 74
李四 数学 84
李四 物理 94
张三 语文 74
张三 数学 83
张三 物理 93
create table tb(姓名 varchar(10) , 语文 int , 数学 int , 物理 int)
insert into tb values('张三',74,83,93)
insert into tb values('李四',74,84,94)
--SQL SERVER 2000 静态SQL。
select * from
select 姓名 , 课程 = '语文' , 分数 = 语文 from tb
union all
select 姓名 , 课程 = '数学' , 分数 = 数学 from tb
union all
select 姓名 , 课程 = '物理' , 分数 = 物理 from tb
) t
order by 姓名 , case 课程 when '语文' then 1 when '数学' then 2 when '物理' then 3 end
--SQL SERVER 2000 动态SQL。
declare @sql varchar(8000)
select @sql = isnull(@sql + ' union all ' , '' ) + ' select 姓名 , [课程] = ' + quotename(Name , '''') + ' , [分数] = ' + quotename(Name) + ' from tb'
from syscolumns
where name! = N'姓名' and ID = object_id('tb') --表名tb,不包含列名为姓名的其它列
order by colid asc
exec(@sql + ' order by 姓名 ')
--SQL SERVER 2005 动态SQL。
select 姓名 , 课程 , 分数 from tb unpivot (分数 for 课程 in([语文] , [数学] , [物理])) t
姓名 课程 分数
---- ------ ------
李四 语文 74.00
李四 数学 84.00
李四 物理 94.00
李四 平均分 84.00
李四 总分 252.00
张三 语文 74.00
张三 数学 83.00
张三 物理 93.00
张三 平均分 83.33
张三 总分 250.00
select * from
select 姓名 as 姓名 , 课程 = '语文' , 分数 = 语文 from tb
union all
select 姓名 as 姓名 , 课程 = '数学' , 分数 = 数学 from tb
union all
select 姓名 as 姓名 , 课程 = '物理' , 分数 = 物理 from tb
union all
select 姓名 as 姓名 , 课程 = '平均分' , 分数 = cast((语文 + 数学 + 物理)*1.0/3 as decimal(18,2)) from tb
union all
select 姓名 as 姓名 , 课程 = '总分' , 分数 = 语文 + 数学 + 物理 from tb
) t
order by 姓名 , case 课程 when '语文' then 1 when '数学' then 2 when '物理' then 3 when '平均分' then 4 when '总分' then 5 end
左表: 右表:
---------- ------------------
1 A5 1 A5,A8,AF....
2 A8 2 B5,B3,BD....
3 AF 3 C3,CK,CI....
4 B5
5 B3
6 BD
7 C3
8 CK
9 CI
create table leftTable(
id int indentity,
name varchar(20)
create table rightTable(
id int indentity,
name varchar(20)
insert into leftTable values('A5')
insert into leftTable values('A8')
insert into leftTable values('AF')
insert into leftTable values('B5')
insert into leftTable values('B3')
insert into leftTable values('BD')
insert into leftTable values('C3')
insert into leftTable values('CK')
insert into leftTable values('CI')
create table duplicateTable(
id int IDENTITY,
name varchar(10),
class varchar(10),
address varchar(20),
nationality varchar(30)
insert into duplicateTable values('name1','class1','address1','nationality1')
insert into duplicateTable values('name2','class2','address2','nationality2')
insert into duplicateTable values('name3','class3','address3','nationality3')
insert into duplicateTable values('name4','class4','address4','nationality4')
insert into duplicateTable values('name5','class5','address5','nationality5')
insert into duplicateTable values('name6','class6','address6','nationality6')
insert into duplicateTable values('name2','class2','address2','nationality2')
insert into duplicateTable values('name3','class3','address3','nationality3')
insert into duplicateTable values('name4','class4','address4','nationality4')
insert into duplicateTable values('name5','class5','address5','nationality5')
insert into duplicateTable values('name6','class6','address6','nationality6')
insert into duplicateTable values('name3','class3','address3','nationality3')
insert into duplicateTable values('name4','class4','address4','nationality4')
insert into duplicateTable values('name5','class5','address5','nationality5')
insert into duplicateTable values('name6','class6','address6','nationality6')
insert into duplicateTable values('name4','class4','address4','nationality4')
insert into duplicateTable values('name5','class5','address5','nationality5')
insert into duplicateTable values('name6','class6','address6','nationality6')
insert into duplicateTable values('name5','class5','address5','nationality5')
insert into duplicateTable values('name6','class6','address6','nationality6')
insert into duplicateTable values('name7','class7','address7','nationality7')
delete t from duplicateTable t where exists(select 1 from duplicateTable where name=t.name and class="t".class and address=t.address and nationality=t.nationality and id>t.id)
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