typedef struct buf_pool_struct buf_pool_t; struct buf_pool_struct{ /** @name General fields */ /* @{ */ mutex_t mutex; /*!< Buffer pool mutex of this instance */ mutex_t zip_mutex; /*!< Zip mutex of this buffer pool instance, protects compressed only pages (of type buf_page_t, not buf_block_t */ ulint instance_no; /*!< Array index of this buffer pool instance */ ulint old_pool_size; /*!< Old pool size in bytes */ ulint curr_pool_size; /*!< Current pool size in bytes */ ulint LRU_old_ratio; /*!< Reserve this much of the buffer pool for "old" blocks */ #ifdef UNIV_DEBUG ulint buddy_n_frames; /*!< Number of frames allocated from the buffer pool to the buddy system */ #endif #if defined UNIV_DEBUG || defined UNIV_BUF_DEBUG ulint mutex_exit_forbidden; /*!< Forbid release mutex */ #endif ulint n_chunks; /*!< number of buffer pool chunks */ buf_chunk_t* chunks; /*!< buffer pool chunks */ ulint curr_size; /*!< current pool size in pages */ hash_table_t* page_hash; /*!< hash table of buf_page_t or buf_block_t file pages, buf_page_in_file() == TRUE, indexed by (space_id, offset) */ hash_table_t* zip_hash; /*!< hash table of buf_block_t blocks whose frames are allocated to the zip buddy system, indexed by block->frame */ ulint n_pend_reads; /*!< number of pending read operations */ ulint n_pend_unzip; /*!< number of pending decompressions */ time_t last_printout_time; /*!< when buf_print_io was last time called */ buf_buddy_stat_t buddy_stat[BUF_BUDDY_SIZES + ]; /*!< Statistics of buddy system, indexed by block size */ buf_pool_stat_t stat; /*!< current statistics */ buf_pool_stat_t old_stat; /*!< old statistics */ /* @} */ /** @name Page flushing algorithm fields */ /* @{ */ mutex_t flush_list_mutex;/*!< mutex protecting the flush list access. This mutex protects flush_list, flush_rbt and bpage::list pointers when the bpage is on flush_list. It also protects writes to bpage::oldest_modification */ UT_LIST_BASE_NODE_T(buf_page_t) flush_list; /*!< base node of the modified block list */ ibool init_flush[BUF_FLUSH_N_TYPES]; /*!< this is TRUE when a flush of the given type is being initialized */ ulint n_flush[BUF_FLUSH_N_TYPES]; /*!< this is the number of pending writes in the given flush type */ os_event_t no_flush[BUF_FLUSH_N_TYPES]; /*!< this is in the set state when there is no flush batch of the given type running */ ib_rbt_t* flush_rbt; /*!< a red-black tree is used exclusively during recovery to speed up insertions in the flush_list. This tree contains blocks in order of oldest_modification LSN and is kept in sync with the flush_list. Each member of the tree MUST also be on the flush_list. This tree is relevant only in recovery and is set to NULL once the recovery is over. Protected by flush_list_mutex */ ulint freed_page_clock;/*!< a sequence number used to count the number of buffer blocks removed from the end of the LRU list; NOTE that this counter may wrap around at 4 billion! A thread is allowed to read this for heuristic purposes without holding any mutex or latch */ ulint LRU_flush_ended;/*!< when an LRU flush ends for a page, this is incremented by one; this is set to zero when a buffer block is allocated */ /* @} */ /** @name LRU replacement algorithm fields */ /* @{ */ UT_LIST_BASE_NODE_T(buf_page_t) free; /*!< base node of the free block list */ UT_LIST_BASE_NODE_T(buf_page_t) LRU; /*!< base node of the LRU list */ buf_page_t* LRU_old; /*!< pointer to the about LRU_old_ratio/BUF_LRU_OLD_RATIO_DIV oldest blocks in the LRU list; NULL if LRU length less than BUF_LRU_OLD_MIN_LEN; NOTE: when LRU_old != NULL, its length should always equal LRU_old_len */ ulint LRU_old_len; /*!< length of the LRU list from the block to which LRU_old points onward, including that block; see buf0lru.c for the restrictions on this value; 0 if LRU_old == NULL; NOTE: LRU_old_len must be adjusted whenever LRU_old shrinks or grows! */ UT_LIST_BASE_NODE_T(buf_block_t) unzip_LRU; /*!< base node of the unzip_LRU list */ /* @} */ /** @name Buddy allocator fields The buddy allocator is used for allocating compressed page frames and buf_page_t descriptors of blocks that exist in the buffer pool only in compressed form. */ /* @{ */ #if defined UNIV_DEBUG || defined UNIV_BUF_DEBUG UT_LIST_BASE_NODE_T(buf_page_t) zip_clean; /*!< unmodified compressed pages */ #endif /* UNIV_DEBUG || UNIV_BUF_DEBUG */ UT_LIST_BASE_NODE_T(buf_page_t) zip_free[BUF_BUDDY_SIZES]; /*!< buddy free lists */ buf_page_t watch[BUF_POOL_WATCH_SIZE]; /*!< Sentinel records for buffer pool watches. Protected by buf_pool->mutex. */ #if BUF_BUDDY_HIGH != UNIV_PAGE_SIZE # error "BUF_BUDDY_HIGH != UNIV_PAGE_SIZE" #endif #if BUF_BUDDY_LOW > PAGE_ZIP_MIN_SIZE # error "BUF_BUDDY_LOW > PAGE_ZIP_MIN_SIZE" #endif /* @} */ };
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