Applied Functional Analysis(Applications to Mathematical Physics )   E.Zeidler

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Applied Functional Analysis(Applications to Mathematical Physics ) E.Zeidler的更多相关文章

  1. 2011-2015年Journal of Mathematical Physics高引用文章

  2. Discrete.Differential.Geometry-An.Applied.Introduction(sig2008)笔记

    -------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1: Introduction to Discrete D ...

  3. Discrete.Differential.Geometry-An.Applied.Introduction(sig2013) 笔记

    The author has a course on web: It has more reading assignment ...

  4. Methods for follow-up research of exome analysis:外显子后续分析研究思路总结

    外显子后续分析研究思路一般有以下几种(Methods for follow-up research of exome analysis): 1.对突变频率.突变类型.突变方式进行统计分析 Mutati ...

  5. Open Source VOIP applications, both clients and servers (开源sip server & sip client 和开发库)

    SIP Proxies SBO SIP Proxy Bypass All types of Internet Firewall JAIN-SIP Proxy Mini-SIP-Proxy A very ...

  6. FAQ: Machine Learning: What and How

    What: 就是将统计学算法作为理论,计算机作为工具,解决问题.statistic Algorithm. How: 如何成为菜鸟一枚? ...

  7. A Personal Selection of Books on E lectromagnetics and Computational E lectromagnetics---David B. Davidson

    链接. General Books on Electromagnetics When our department recently reviewed our junior-level text, w ...

  8. Alexander Grothendieck去世了

    Alexander Grothendieck (German: [ˈɡroːtn̩diːk]; French: [ɡʁɔtɛndik]; 28 March 1928 – 13 November 201 ...

  9. 数学类杂志SCI2013-2014影响因子

    ISSN Abbreviated Journal Title Full Title Category Subcategory Country total Cites IF        2013-20 ...


  1. Java基于Servlet 验证吗

    req.setCharacterEncoding("utf-8");        resp.setContentType("text/html;charset=utf- ...

  2. 一步一步制作yaffs/yaffs2根文件系统(二)---安装BusyBox,构造/bin、/sbin、/usr、linuxr

    开发环境:Ubuntu 12.04 开发板:mini2440  256M NandFlash   64M SDRAM 交叉编译器:arm-linux-gcc 4.4.3点此可下载 BusyBox版本: ...

  3. hdu4639Hehe 统计连续he的数量恰为斐波序列  不同块进行相乘 #include <iostream> #i ...

  4. LeetCode Implement Trie (Prefix Tree) (实现trie树3个函数:插入,查找,前缀)

    题意:实现trie树的3个功能,只含小写字母的串. 思路:老实做即可! class TrieNode { public: TrieNode* chd[]; bool flag; // Initiali ...

  5. 【转】android开发工具Eclipse,androidStudio,adt网盘下载--不错


  6. Discuz!NT中的Redis架构设计

    在之前的Discuz!NT缓存的架构方案中,曾说过Discuz!NT采用了两级缓存方式,即本地缓存+memcached方式.在近半年多的实际运行环境下,该方案经受住了检验.现在为了提供多样式的解决方案 ...

  7. FAT32文件系统--For TF卡

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  8. .Net课程体系


  9. HDU 3007 Buried memory & ZOJ 1450 Minimal Circle

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  10. HDU 5636 Shortest Path 分治+搜索剪枝

    题意:bc round 74 分析(官方题解): 你可以选择分类讨论, 但是估计可能会写漏一些地方. 只要抽出新增边的端点作为关键点, 建立一个新图, 然后跑一遍floyd就好了. 复杂度大概O(6^ ...