php yii框架使用MongoDb
php composer.phar require --prefer-dist yiisoft/yii2-mongodb
or add
"yiisoft/yii2-mongodb": "~2.0.0"
to the require section of your composer.json.
return [ //.... 'components' => [ 'mongodb' => [ 'class' => '\yii\mongodb\Connection', 'dsn' => 'mongodb://developer:password@localhost:27017/mydatabase', ], ], ];
'mongodb' => [
'class' => '\yii\mongodb\Connection',
'dsn' => 'mongodb://',
namespace common\models;
use Yii;
use yii\behaviors\TimestampBehavior;
class ChatMsg extends \yii\mongodb\file\ActiveRecord
/*public static function find()
return parent::find()->where(['deleted' => false]);
//public static function find()
// use CustomerQuery instead of the default ActiveQuery
//return new CustomerQuery(get_called_class());
public function attributes()
return array_merge(
// Use andWhere()/orWhere() to apply the default condition
// SELECT FROM customer WHERE `deleted`=:deleted AND age>30
//$customers = ChatMsg::find()->andWhere('age>30')->all();
// Use where() to ignore the default condition
// SELECT FROM customer WHERE age>30
//$customers = ChatMsg::find()->where('age>30')->all();
namespace frontend\controllers;
use common\helper\MyHttpBasicAuth;
use common\helper\UtilHelper;
use common\models\ChatMsg;
use yii\filters\Cors;
use yii\helpers\ArrayHelper;
use yii\web\BadRequestHttpException;
use yii\web\Controller;
use yii\filters\auth\HttpBasicAuth;
use yii\caching\DbDependency;
use yii\mongodb\Query;
class ChatController extends Controller
public $enableCsrfValidation = false;
public function behaviors()
$behaviors = parent::behaviors();
$behaviors['authenticator'] = [
'class' => MyHttpBasicAuth::className(),
'except'=>['createmessage', 'getmessages'],
$behaviors = ArrayHelper::merge([
'class' => Cors::className(),
], $behaviors);
return $behaviors;
public function actionGetmessages() {
$query = new Query;
// compose the query
$query->select(['content', 'messageId','from','to','conversationId','timestamp', 'imageUrl','imageSize','imageWidth','imageHeight','type'])
// execute the query
//$rows = $query->all();
$rows = ChatMsg::find()->asArray()->all();
$rt['e'] = 0;
$rt['datas'] = $rows;
return json_encode($rt);
public function actionCreatemessage() {
$request = \Yii::$app->request;
if (!$request->isPost) {
return json_encode(['e'=>1001, 'm'=>'错误的请求类型']);
if (!isset($_POST['data'])) {
return json_encode(['e'=>1002, 'm'=>'缺少必要参数']);
$rowJson = $_POST['data'];
$reqData = json_decode($rowJson, true);
$messageId = 0;
if (isset($reqData['messageid'])) {
$messageId = $reqData['messageid'];
$from = 0;
if (isset($reqData['from'])) {
$from = intval($reqData['from']);
$to = 0;
if (isset($reqData['to'])) {
$to = intval($reqData['to']);
$imageWidth = 0;
if (isset($reqData['imagewidth'])) {
$imageWidth = intval($reqData['imagewidth']);
$imageHeight = 0;
if (isset($reqData['imageheight'])) {
$imageHeight = intval($reqData['imageheight']);
$imageSize = 0;
if (isset($reqData['imagesize'])) {
$imageSize = intval($reqData['imagesize']);
$conversationId = 0;
if (isset($reqData['conversationid'])) {
$conversationId = $reqData['conversationid'];
$timestamp = 0;
if (isset($reqData['timestamp'])) {
$timestamp = intval($reqData['timestamp']);
$type = 0;
if (isset($reqData['type'])) {
$type = intval($reqData['type']);
$content = '';
if (isset($reqData['content'])) {
$content = $reqData['content'];
$imageUrl = '';
if (isset($reqData['imageurl'])) {
$imageUrl = $reqData['imageurl'];
$msg = new ChatMsg();
$msg->imageUrl = $imageUrl;
$msg->imageWidth = $imageWidth;
$msg->imageHeight = $imageHeight;
$msg->imageSize = $imageSize;
$msg->content = $content;
$msg->type = $type;
$msg->timestamp = $timestamp;
$msg->conversationId = $conversationId;
$msg->to = $to;
$msg->from = $from;
$msg->messageId = $messageId;
if (!$msg->save()) {
return json_encode(['e'=>1004]);
return json_encode(['e'=>0, 'm'=>'添加成功!']);
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