


1, 11, 21, 1211, 111221, ...

1 读作 "one 1" -> 11.

11 读作 "two 1s" -> 21.

21 读作 "one 2, then one 1" -> 1211.

给定一个整数 n, 返回 第 n 个顺序。


给定 n = 5, 返回 "111221".







public class Solution {
* @param n the nth
* @return the nth sequence
public String countAndSay(int n) {
// Write your code here
String oldString = "1";
while (--n>0){
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
char[] oldChars = oldString.toCharArray();
for(int i=0;i<oldChars.length;i++){
int count = 1;
while((i+1)<oldChars.length && oldChars[i]==oldChars[i+1]){
sb.append(String.valueOf(count) + String.valueOf(oldChars[i]));
oldString = sb.toString();
return oldString; }

总耗时: 7304 ms



class Solution:
# @param {int} n the nth
# @return {string} the nth sequence
def countAndSay(self, n):
# Write your code here
p = ''
seq = [1]
m = n
while n>1:
q = ''
idx = 0
l = len(p)
while idx<l:
start = idx
idx = idx + 1
while idx<l and p[idx]==p[start]:
idx = idx + 1
q = q+str(idx - start) + p[start]
n, p = n -1 ,q
return str(seq[m-1])

总耗时: 312 ms

根据运行错误的结果,发现这个题目的测试数据只是 1 到9 这9个数,太小了吧。。。

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