Oracle推荐在对集群调整时,比方添加、删除节点之前,应对OCR进行备份,能够用export备份到指定文件。假设做了replace或者restore等操作,Oracle建议使用cluvfy comp ocr -n all命令做一个全面的检查。


[oracle@felix1 bin]$ cluvfy comp ocr  -n all

Verifying OCR integrity

Checking OCR integrity...

Checking the absence of a non-clusteredconfiguration...

All nodes free of non-clustered, local-onlyconfigurations.

Uniqueness check for OCR device passed.

Checking the version of OCR...

OCR of correct Version "2" exists.

Checking data integrity of OCR...

Data integrity check for OCR passed.

OCR integrity check passed.

Verification of OCR integrity was successful.

[oracle@felix1 bin]$


[root@felix1 bin]# ./crsctl stop crs

Stopping resources. This could take severalminutes.

Successfully stopped CRS resources.

Stopping CSSD.

Shutting down CSS daemon.

Shutdown request successfully issued.

[root@felix1 bin]#

[root@felix2 bin]# ./crsctl stop crs

Stopping resources. This could take severalminutes.

Successfully stopped CRS resources.

Stopping CSSD.

Shutting down CSS daemon.

Shutdown request successfully issued.

[root@felix2 bin]#


cd $CRS_HOME/bin


[root@felix1 bin]# ./ocrconfig -export ocr_exp.exp


[root@felix2 bin]# ./crsctl start crs

Attempting to start CRS stack

The CRS stack will be started shortly

[root@felix1 bin]# ./crsctl start crs

Attempting to start CRS stack

The CRS stack will be started shortly


[root@felix2 bin]# ./crsctl check crs

CSS appears healthy

CRS appears healthy

EVM appears healthy

[root@felix2 bin]#


[root@felix2 bin]# ./ocrcheck

Status of Oracle Cluster Registry is as follows :

Version                  :          2

Total space (kbytes)     :     521836

Used space (kbytes)      :       3852

Available space (kbytes) :    517984

ID                       :  383273474

 Device/File Name         : /dev/raw/raw1

Device/Fileintegrity check succeeded

Device/Filenot configured

Cluster registry integrity check succeeded

[root@felix2 bin]#

[root@felix2 bin]# dd  if=/dev/zero   of=/dev/raw/raw1   bs=1024  count=102400

102400+0 records in

102400+0 records out

104857600 bytes (105 MB) copied, 143.294 seconds,732 kB/s

[root@felix2 bin]#


[root@felix1 bin]# ./ocrcheck

PROT-601: Failed to initialize ocrcheck

[root@felix1 bin]#



[oracle@felix1 bin]$  ./cluvfy comp ocr  -n all

Verifying OCR integrity

Unable to retrieve nodelist from Oracleclusterware.

Verification cannot proceed.

[oracle@felix1 bin]$



[root@felix1 bin]# ./ocrconfig -import/u01/oracle/ocr_exp.exp

PROT-19: Cannot proceed while clusterware isrunning. Shutdown clusterware first

[root@felix1 bin]#


[root@felix1 bin]# ./crsctl stop crs

OCR initialization failed with invalid format:PROC-22: The OCR backend has an invalid format

[root@felix1 bin]#




[root@felix1 bin]# ps -ef| grep d.bin

root     3852  2532  0 08:30 pts/1    00:00:00 grep d.bin

[root@felix1 bin]# ./ocrconfig -import/u01/oracle/ocr_exp.exp

[root@felix1 bin]# ps -ef| grep d.bin

oracle   4090  4089  1 08:32 ?        00:00:00/u01/oracle/10.2.0/crs_1/bin/evmd.bin

root     4260  3061  3 08:32 ?        00:00:00/u01/oracle/10.2.0/crs_1/bin/crsd.bin reboot

root     4693  4267  0 08:32 ?

00:00:00 /u01/oracle/10.2.0/crs_1/bin/oprocd.binrun -t 1000 -m 500 -f

root     4737  2532  0 08:32 pts/1    00:00:00 grep d.bin

[root@felix1 bin]#


[root@felix2 bin]# ./crs_stat  -t

Name          Type           Target    State    Host


ora.felix.db  application    ONLINE    ONLINE   felix1

ora....x1.inst application    ONLINE   ONLINE    felix1

ora....x2.inst application    ONLINE   ONLINE    felix2

ora....SM1.asm application    ONLINE   ONLINE    felix1

ora....X1.lsnr application    ONLINE   ONLINE    felix1

ora.felix1.gsd application    ONLINE   ONLINE    felix1

ora.felix1.ons application    ONLINE   ONLINE    felix1 application    ONLINE   ONLINE    felix1

ora....SM2.asm application    ONLINE   ONLINE    felix2

ora....X2.lsnr application    ONLINE   ONLINE    felix2

ora.felix2.gsd application    ONLINE   ONLINE    felix2

ora.felix2.ons application    ONLINE   ONLINE    felix2 application    ONLINE   ONLINE    felix2

[root@felix2 bin]#



[root@felix2 bin]# ./ocrcheck

Status of Oracle Cluster Registry is as follows :

Version                  :          2

Total space (kbytes)     :     521836

Used space (kbytes)      :       3852

Available space (kbytes) :    517984

ID                       :1105086789

Device/File Name         :/dev/raw/raw1

Device/Fileintegrity check succeeded

Device/Filenot configured

Cluster registry integrity check succeeded

[root@felix2 bin]#


[oracle@felix2 bin]$ ./cluvfy comp crs -n all

Verifying CRS integrity

Checking CRS integrity...

Checking daemon liveness...

Liveness check passed for "CRS daemon".

Checking daemon liveness...

Liveness check passed for "CSS daemon".

Checking daemon liveness...

Liveness check passed for "EVM daemon".

Checking CRS health...

CRS health check passed.

CRS integrity check passed.

Verification of CRS integrity was successful.

[oracle@felix2 bin]$


[oracle@felix2 bin]$ ./crsctl check crs

CSS appears healthy

CRS appears healthy

EVM appears healthy

[oracle@felix2 bin]$



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