var nows; function rightZeroStr(v) {
if (v < ) {
return "" + v;
return v + "";
//计时 每10秒中为当前时间+10
setInterval(function () {
nows =parseInt(nows) + ;
}, );
//ajax.post 向服务器请求得到当前的服务器时间
function syncTime() {
var url = "Handler/Seckil.ashx?t=" + new Date().getTime();
$.post(url, { action: "now" }, function (response) {
nows = response.nows || new Date().getTime();
//倒计时 参数arg存放倒计时的标签名称 id 或者class
function lxfEndtime(arg) {
$(arg).each(function () {
var lxfday = $(this).attr("lxfday"); //用来判断是否显示天数的变量
var endtime = new Date($(this).attr("endtime")).getTime(); //取结束日期(毫秒值)
var nowtime = nows; //今天的日期(毫秒值)
var starttime = new Date($(this).attr("starttime")).getTime();
//开始时间和当时时间作比较 判断是开始 技术还是正在进行中
if (starttime >= nowtime) {
if (endtime <= nowtime) {
$(this).html("活动已经结束"); //如果结束日期小于当前日期就提示过期啦
if (starttime < nowtime && endtime > nowtime) {
var youtime = endtime - nowtime; //还有多久(毫秒值)
var seconds = youtime / ;
var minutes = Math.floor(seconds / );
var hours = Math.floor(minutes / );
var days = Math.floor(hours / );
var CDay = days;
var CHour = CDay * + hours % ;
var CMinute = minutes % ;
var CSecond = Math.floor(seconds % ); //"%"是取余运算,可以理解为60进一后取余数,然后只要余数。 if ($(this).attr("lxfday") == "no") {
$(this).html('<span class="countdown" millseconds="1188163453"> <strong class="tcd-h">' + CHour + '</strong>时<strong class="tcd-m">' + CMinute + '</strong>分 <strong class="tcd-s">' + CSecond + '</strong>秒 </span>'); //输出没有天数的数据
} else {
$(this).html('<span class="countdown" millseconds="1188163453"><strong class="tcd-d">' + days + '</strong><b>天</b> <strong class="tcd-h">' + CHour + '</strong> <i>:</i> <strong class="tcd-m">' + CMinute + '</strong><i>:</i> <strong class="tcd-s">' + CSecond + '</strong> </span>'); //输出有天数的数据
setTimeout("lxfEndtime('" + arg + "')", );
<%@ WebHandler Language="C#" Class="Seckil" %> using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Text;
using System.Data;
public class Seckil : IHttpHandler
{ public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
context.Response.ContentType = "text/json";
string action = context.Request["action"];
switch (action)
{case "now":
return; }
context.Response.Write("Hello World");
}public void now(HttpContext context)
Int64 retval = ;
DateTime st = new DateTime(, , );
TimeSpan t = (DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime() - st);
retval = (Int64)(t.TotalMilliseconds + 0.5);
context.Response.Write("{\"nows\":\"" + retval + "\"}");
} public bool IsReusable
return false;
} }
<script src="js/time.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
lxfEndtime(".box font");
<font color=\"#FF0000\" endtime=\"' + dataitem.EndDate + '\" starttime=\"' + dataitem.StartDate + '\" lxfday=\"no\"></font>
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