Flex xxx-app.xml配置
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<application xmlns="http://ns.adobe.com/air/application/1.0">
<!-- The application identifier string, unique to this application. Required. -->
<id>AIRTest1</id><!-- 软件ID,当安装时系统将会检测同一ID软件版本,版本高的即做更新操作 -->
<!-- Used as the filename for the application. Required. -->
<filename>AIRTest_filename</filename><!-- 安装界面中 Application: -->
<!-- The name that is displayed in the AIR application installer. Optional. -->
<name>AIRTest_name</name><!-- 桌面快捷方程式及窗口和系统控制面板添加程序中名称 -->
<!-- An application version designator (such as "v1", "2.5", or "Alpha 1"). Required. -->
<version>1.0</version><!-- 软件版本 -->
<!-- Description, displayed in the AIR application installer. Optional. -->
<description>AIRTest_description</description><!-- 安装第二个界面中的 description -->
<!-- Copyright information. Optional -->
<!-- Settings for the application's initial window. Required. -->
<!-- The main SWF or HTML file of the application. Required. -->
<!-- Note: In Flex Builder, the SWF reference is set automatically. -->
<content>[This value will be overwritten by Flex Builder in the output app.xml]</content>
<!-- The title of the main window. Optional. -->
<title>AIRTest_title</title><!-- 窗体标题,当此处为注释状态时取 name标签中内容 -->
<!-- The type of system chrome to use (either "standard" or "none"). Optional. Default standard. -->
<systemChrome>none</systemChrome><!-- standard为标准窗体,none 为圆滑窗体 -->
<!-- Whether the window is transparent. Only applicable when systemChrome is false. Optional. Default false. -->
<transparent>true</transparent><!-- 背景是否透明 -->
<!-- Whether the window is initially visible. Optional. Default false. -->
<visible>true</visible><!-- 窗体初始化的时候是否可见 -->
<!-- Whether the user can minimize the window. Optional. Default true. -->
<minimizable>true</minimizable><!-- 是否允许最小化 -->
<!-- Whether the user can maximize the window. Optional. Default true. -->
<!-- <maximizable></maximizable> --><!-- 是否允许最大化 -->
<!-- Whether the user can resize the window. Optional. Default true. -->
<!-- <resizable></resizable> --><!-- 是否允许缩放窗体 -->
<!-- The window's initial width. Optional. -->
<!-- <width></width> --><!-- 窗体宽 -->
<!-- The window's initial height. Optional. -->
<!-- <height></height> --><!-- 窗体高 -->
<!-- The window's initial x position. Optional. -->
<!-- <x></x> --><!-- 窗体X位置坐标 -->
<!-- The window's initial y position. Optional. -->
<!-- <y></y> --><!-- 窗体Y位置坐标 -->
<!-- The window's minimum size, specified as a width/height pair, such as "400 200". Optional. -->
<!-- <minSize></minSize> --><!-- 窗体最小化值 -->
<!-- The window's initial maximum size, specified as a width/height pair, such as "1600 1200". Optional. -->
<!-- <maxSize></maxSize> --><!-- 窗体最大化值 -->
<!-- The subpath of the standard default installation location to use. Optional. -->
<installFolder>AIRInstrallField/AIR</installFolder><!-- 默认安装路径 C:\Program Files\AIRInstrallField\AIR -->
<!-- The subpath of the Windows Start/Programs menu to use. Optional. -->
<programMenuFolder>AIRTest_programMenuFolder</programMenuFolder><!-- 开始/程序 快捷方程式所在文件夹 -->
<!-- The icon the system uses for the application. For at least one resolution,
specify the path to a PNG file included in the AIR package. Optional. -->
<!-- 图标的大小必须和标签中标写的尺寸一致 -->
<image16x16>icons/logo.png</image16x16><!-- 系统菜单中及系统控制面板添加程序中的图标 -->
<image32x32>icons/logo_32.png</image32x32><!-- 桌面图标,窗口图标 -->
<image48x48>icons/logo_48.png</image48x48><!-- 安装目录EXE文件图标 -->
<image128x128>icons/logo_128.png</image128x128><!-- 未知 -->
<!-- Whether the application handles the update when a user double-clicks an update version
of the AIR file (true), or the default AIR application installer handles the update (false).
Optional. Default false. -->
<!-- <customUpdateUI></customUpdateUI> --><!-- 是否为同一版本的时候双击直接更新 -->
<!-- Whether the application can be launched when the user clicks a link in a web browser.
Optional. Default false. -->
<!-- <allowBrowserInvocation></allowBrowserInvocation> --><!-- 是否应用程序可以通过浏览器激活 -->
<!-- Listing of file types for which the application can register. Optional. -->
<!-- <fileTypes> -->
<!-- Defines one file type. Optional. -->
<!-- <fileType> -->
<!-- The name that the system displays for the registered file type. Required. -->
<!-- <name></name> -->
<!-- The extension to register. Required. -->
<!-- <extension></extension> -->
<!-- The description of the file type. Optional. -->
<!-- <description></description> -->
<!-- The MIME type. Optional. -->
<!-- <contentType></contentType> -->
<!-- The icon to display for the file type. Optional. -->
<!-- <icon>
</icon> -->
<!-- </fileType> -->
<!-- </fileTypes> -->
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