This iPhone app shows how to create an animation that is displayed when the app starts. The animation shows a spinning laser that becomes a company logo. This example is implemented in two ways. The first implementation uses a compressed animation file attached as a resource. The second implementation demonstrates APNG animation file format support. The APNG implementation uses an 8 bit palette, which saves a lot of space (1/2 meg) but takes a bit longer to decode during the very first boot. After the first boot, the decoded video is saved and any future boot will begin to animate in less than a second. In comparison, a boot animation implemented with the built-in H.264 support takes about 4 seconds to load each time the app is started (results on 3G iPhone). You could just use a H.264 on startup, but it would be fairly slow on every boot. This example shows the fastest possible boot animation start time, except that the very first boot takes a few seconds to decode the file. (3800 Kb)

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