JTAG - Debug Cable Driver/Receiver的更多相关文章

  1. LPC18xx/43xx SWD/JTAG Debug Connector

  2. JTAG 引脚自动识别 JTAG Finder, JTAG Pinout Tool, JTAG Pin Finder, JTAG pinout detector, JTAGULATOR, Easy-JTAG, JTAG Enumeration

    JTAG Finder Figuring out the JTAG Pinouts on a Device is usually the most time-consuming and frustra ...

  3. OpenOCD Debug Adapter Configuration

    Correctly installing OpenOCD includes making your operating system give OpenOCD access to debug adap ...

  4. Training JTAG Interface

    For most embedded CPU architecture implementations, the JTAG port is used by the debugger to interfa ...

  5. xvcd – The Xilinx Virtual Cable Daemon

    http://debugmo.de/2012/02/xvcd-the-xilinx-virtual-cable-daemon/ I recently discovered an almost undo ...

  6. SPI、IIC、IIS、UART、JTAG的应用场合级区别

    SPI  SPI接口的全称是"Serial Peripheral Interface",意为串行外围接口,是Motorola首先在其MC68HCXX系列处理器上定义的. SPI接口 ...


    SPI 全称及由来:SPI接口的全称是"Serial Peripheral Interface",意为串行外围接口,是Motorola首先在其MC68HCXX系列处理器上定义的. ...

  8. LPC43XX JTAG Scan Chain

    Debug and trace functions are integrated into the ARM Cortex-M4. Serial wire debug and trace functio ...

  9. LPC43xx Dual-core or Multi-core configuration and JLink Debug

    Test access port (TAP) JTAG defines a TAP (Test access port). The TAP is a general-purpose port that ...


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  3. Linux TTY驱动--Uart_driver底层【转】

    转自:http://blog.csdn.net/sharecode/article/details/9196591 版权声明:本文为博主原创文章,未经博主允许不得转载. Linux 中将串口驱动进行了 ...

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