package utils import (
) //IsLICENSE return true when file is right LICENSE format while return false when the file is wrong format
func IsLICENSE(filepath string, fileContext string) (bool, error) {
_, err := os.Open(filepath)
if err != nil {
return false, err
buff, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filepath)
text := string(buff) reg := regexp.MustCompile(`. Identification: [a-z0-]+\n$`)
//Get the stand LICENSE string
license := reg.FindAllString(text, -)
license1 := reg.FindAllString(fileContext, -) if license1 == nil {
return false, nil
} str := strings.Replace(text, license[], ``, -)
str1 := strings.Replace(fileContext, license1[], ``, -) if str != str1 {
return false, nil
return true, nil
package utils import (
"strings" "bytes"
) //IsLICENSE return true when file is right LICENSE format while return false when the file is wrong format
func IsLICENSE(filepath string, fileContext string) (bool, error) {
_, err := os.Open(filepath)
if err != nil {
return false, err
buff, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filepath)
text := string(buff) //use this regexp to find the end
reg := regexp.MustCompile(`. Identification: [a-z0-]+(\n)*$`) license1 := reg.FindAllString(fileContext, -) //==========Rule1: The input string should use `12. Identification: [a-z0-9]+\n$` as end.==========
//The len of the license1 must be 0 or 1. 0 means not found this end.
if license1 == nil {
return false, nil
} //cut the end and the begin should be equal(This is a wrong rule)
// str := strings.Replace(text, license[0], ``, -1)
// str1 := strings.Replace(fileContext, license1[0], ``, -1)
// if str != str1 {
// return false, nil
// } reg2 := regexp.MustCompile(`\n`)
line := reg2.FindAllString(text, -)
line2 := reg2.FindAllString(fileContext, -) //==========Rule2: All LICENSE should have same lines(or same count `\n`)==========
if line[] != line2[] {
return false, nil
} reg3 := regexp.MustCompile(`[.&;]`)
point := reg3.FindAllString(text, -)
point2 := reg3.FindAllString(fileContext, -) //==========Rule3: All LICENSE should have same points(or same count `.&;`)==========
if point[] != point2[] {
return false, nil
} //delete all char can not see in text and fileContext
Tempa := DeleteNoSeeCharInString(text)
Tempb := DeleteNoSeeCharInString(fileContext) reg4 := regexp.MustCompile(`LicenseSummary.*mustbemade`)
info := reg4.FindAllString(Tempa, -)
info2 := reg4.FindAllString(Tempb, -) //==========Rule4: The some blocks information should be same(LicenseSummary.*mustbemade)==========
if info[] != info2[] {
return false, nil
} return true, nil
} //ArrayStr2String turn string array to string append
func ArrayStr2String (input []string) string {
var buffer bytes.Buffer
for _,v := range input{
return buffer.String()
} //DeleteNoSeeCharInString delete all char can not see in text and fileContext
func DeleteNoSeeCharInString(input string) string {
temp := strings.FieldsFunc(input, unicode.IsSpace)
return ArrayStr2String(temp)
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