链接地址  http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_403aa80a0101ar8q.html


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移动鼠标至最后一行 End Command+Right
历史记录翻滚 Up/Down Up/Down
弹出历史记录栏 Ctrl+Up Command+Up
终止目前命令 Esc Esc
改变工作路径 Ctrl+Shift+K Ctrl+Shift+K


功能 Windows & Linux Mac
移动鼠标到文件搜索区 Ctrl+. Ctrl+.
移动鼠标至文件编辑区 Ctrl+1 Ctrl+1
新文档(chrome除外) Ctrl+Shift+N Command+Shift+N
打开文档 Ctrl+O Command+O
保存当前文档 Ctrl+S Command+S
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关闭所有文档 Ctrl+Shift+W Command+Shift+W
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转换为HTML Ctrl+Shift+H Command+Shift+H
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插入代码块 Ctrl+Shift+R Command+Shift+R
运行当前行 Ctrl+Enter Command+Enter
重新运行当前区 Ctrl+Shift+P Command+Shift+P
运行当前文档 Ctrl+Alt+R Command+Option+R
从开始运行至当前行 Ctrl+Alt+B Command+Option+B
从当前行运行至结尾 Ctrl+Alt+E Command+Option+E
运行当前函数定义 Ctrl+Alt+F Command+Option+F
运行当前块 Ctrl+Alt+C Command+Option+C
运行下一个块 Ctrl+Alt+N Command+Option+N
执行一个文件 Ctrl+Shift+O Command+Shift+O
执行当前文档 Ctrl+Shift+S Command+Shift+S
执行当前文档并且显示 Ctrl+Shift+Enter Command+Shift+Enter
折叠选项 Alt+L Command+Option+L
打开选项 Shift+Alt+L Command+Shift+Option+L
折叠所有 Alt+0 Command+Option+0
打开所有 Shift+Alt+0 Command+Shift+Option+0
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往回导航 Ctrl+F9 Command+F9
向前导航 Ctrl+F10 Command+F10
行缩进 Ctrl+I Command+I
从选择中抽取函数 Ctrl+Shift+U Command+Shift+U
注释/取消注释当前行 Ctrl+Shift+C Command+Shift+C
重新注释 Ctrl+Shift+/ Command+Shift+/
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Copy Lines Up/Down Ctrl+Alt+Up/Down Command+Option+Up/Down
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Find and Replace Ctrl+F Command+F
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Find Previous Win: Shift+F3, Linux: Ctrl+Shift+G Command+Shift+G
Replace and Find Ctrl+= Command+=
Find in Files Ctrl+Shift+F Command+Shift+F
Check spelling F7 F7

Editing (Console and Source)

Description Windows & Linux Mac
Undo Ctrl+Z Command+Z
Redo Ctrl+Shift+Z Command+Shift+Z
Cut Ctrl+X Command+X
Copy Ctrl+C Command+C
Paste Ctrl+V Command+V
Select All Ctrl+A Command+A
Jump to Word Ctrl+Left/Right Option+Left/Right
Jump to Start/End Ctrl+Home/End or Ctrl+Up/Down Command+Home/End or Command+Up/Down
Delete Line Ctrl+D Command+D
Select Shift+[Arrow] Shift+[Arrow]
Select Word Ctrl+Shift+Left/Right Option+Shift+Left/Right
Select to Line Start Shift+Home Command+Shift+Left or Shift+Home
Select to Line End Shift+End Command+Shift+Right or Shift+End
Select Page Up/Down Shift+PageUp/PageDown Shift+PageUp/Down
Select to Start/End Ctrl+Shift+Home/End or Shift+Alt+Up/Down Command+Shift+Up/Down
Delete Word Left Ctrl+Backspace Option+Backspace or Ctrl+Option+Backspace
Delete Word Right   Option+Delete
Delete to Line End   Ctrl+K
Delete to Line Start   Option+Backspace
Indent Tab (at beginning of line) Tab (at beginning of line)
Outdent Shift+Tab Shift+Tab
Yank line up to cursor Ctrl+U Ctrl+U
Yank line after cursor Ctrl+K Ctrl+K
Insert currently yanked text Ctrl+Y Ctrl+Y
Insert assignment operator Alt+- Option+-
Show help for function at cursor F1 F1
Show source code for function at cursor F2 F2

Completions (Console and Source)

Description Windows & Linux Mac
Attempt completion Tab or Ctrl+Space Tab or Command+Space
Navigate candidates Up/Down Up/Down
Accept selected candidate Enter, Tab, or Right Enter, Tab, or Right
Dismiss completion popup Esc Esc


Description Windows & Linux Mac
Goto File/Function Ctrl+. Ctrl+.
Move cursor to Source Editor Ctrl+1 Ctrl+1
Move cursor to Console Ctrl+2 Ctrl+2
Move focus to Help Ctrl+3 Ctrl+3
Show History Ctrl+4 Ctrl+4
Show Files Ctrl+5 Ctrl+5
Show Plots Ctrl+6 Ctrl+6
Show Packages Ctrl+7 Ctrl+7
Show Workspace Ctrl+8 Ctrl+8
Show Git/SVN Ctrl+9 Ctrl+9
Show Build Ctrl+0 Ctrl+0
Sync Editor and PDF Preview Ctrl+F8 Command+F8


Description Windows & Linux Mac
Build and Reload Ctrl+Shift+B Command+Shift+B
Load All (devtools) Ctrl+Shift+L Command+Shift+L
Check Package Ctrl+Shift+E Command+Shift+E


Description Windows & Linux Mac
Previous plot Ctrl+Shift+PageUp Command+Shift+PageUp
Next plot Ctrl+Shift+PageDown Command+Shift+PageDown
Show manipulator Ctrl+Shift+M Command+Shift+M


Description Windows & Linux Mac
Diff active source document Ctrl+Shift+D Command+Shift+D
Commit changes Ctrl+Shift+M Command+Shift+M
Scroll diff view Ctrl+Up/Down Ctrl+Up/Down
Stage/Unstage (Git) Spacebar Spacebar
Stage/Unstage and move next (Git) Enter Enter
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