WebStorm failing to start with 'idea.system.path' error
WebStorm failing to start with 'idea.system.path' error
I was saving a file earlier and webstorm started throwing errors as I was saving saying the an 'idea' file was read only. It was unresponsive so I killed the process. Aftr I tried to restart WebStorm and I got the following error:
Temp directory '/home/xxxxxx/.WebStorm8/system/tmp' is inaccessible. If you have modified the 'idea.system.path' property please make sure it is correct, otherwise please re-install the IDE.
I am using Linux operating system. LXDE to be specific. Also I have not tried to re install the IDE as that will be my last resort. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.
- I have decided to just try an uninstall but it wont let me remove webstorm. I run rm -rf ~/.WebStorm8 and it says cannot remove and that the files are read only. – BobDoleForPresident Apr 14 '15 at 14:05
For me the cause was my laptop simply ran out of free disk space. After a clean-up WebStorm started flawlessly.
The cause of this was Linux trying to protect the file system from becoming corrupted. When Linux thinks that a file can become corrupted it switches the files to read only to avoid corruption. A simple restart fixed this problem.
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