cocos2dx 3.8版关于#include "GB2ShapeCache-x.h"
关于coco2d-x 3.8版的PhysicsEditor.exe1.09版的GB2ShapeCache-x.h.cpp中有些方法更新了和容器的使用方法,还有就是头文件include "CCNS.h" 以前在cocoa包中现在在base包中。
#include "GB2ShapeCache-x.h"
#include "Box2D/Box2D.h"
#include "base/CCNS.h"
using namespace cocos2d;
* Internal class to hold the fixtures
class FixtureDef {
: next(NULL) {}
~FixtureDef() {
delete next;
delete fixture.shape;
FixtureDef *next;
b2FixtureDef fixture;
int callbackData;
class BodyDef {
: fixtures(NULL) {}
~BodyDef() {
if (fixtures)
delete fixtures;
FixtureDef *fixtures;
CCPoint anchorPoint;
static GB2ShapeCache *_sharedGB2ShapeCache = NULL;
GB2ShapeCache* GB2ShapeCache::sharedGB2ShapeCache(void) {
if (!_sharedGB2ShapeCache) {
_sharedGB2ShapeCache = new GB2ShapeCache();
return _sharedGB2ShapeCache;
bool GB2ShapeCache::init() {
return true;
void GB2ShapeCache::reset() {
std::map<std::string, BodyDef *>::iterator iter;
for (iter = shapeObjects.begin(); iter != shapeObjects.end(); ++iter) {
delete iter->second;
void GB2ShapeCache::addFixturesToBody(b2Body *body, const std::string &shape) {
std::map<std::string, BodyDef *>::iterator pos = shapeObjects.find(shape);
assert(pos != shapeObjects.end());
BodyDef *so = (*pos).second;
FixtureDef *fix = so->fixtures;
while (fix) {
fix = fix->next;
cocos2d::CCPoint GB2ShapeCache::anchorPointForShape(const std::string &shape) {
std::map<std::string, BodyDef *>::iterator pos = shapeObjects.find(shape);
assert(pos != shapeObjects.end());
BodyDef *bd = (*pos).second;
return bd->anchorPoint;
void GB2ShapeCache::addShapesWithFile(const std::string &plist) {
CCDictionary *dict = CCDictionary::createWithContentsOfFileThreadSafe(plist.c_str());
CCAssert(dict != NULL, "Shape-file not found"); // not triggered - cocos2dx delivers empty dict if non was found
CCAssert(dict->count() != 0, "plist file empty or not existing");
CCDictionary *metadataDict = (CCDictionary *)dict->objectForKey("metadata");
int format = static_cast<CCString *>(metadataDict->objectForKey("format"))->intValue();
ptmRatio = static_cast<CCString *>(metadataDict->objectForKey("ptm_ratio"))->floatValue();
CCAssert(format == 1, "Format not supported");
CCDictionary *bodyDict = (CCDictionary *)dict->objectForKey("bodies");
b2Vec2 vertices[b2_maxPolygonVertices];
DictElement* pElement = NULL;
CCDICT_FOREACH(bodyDict, pElement)
BodyDef *bodyDef = new BodyDef();
CCString *bodyName = ccs(pElement->getStrKey());
CCDictionary *bodyData = (CCDictionary *)pElement->getObject();
bodyDef->anchorPoint = PointFromString(static_cast<CCString *>(bodyData->objectForKey("anchorpoint"))->getCString());
CCArray *fixtureList = (CCArray *)bodyData->objectForKey("fixtures");
FixtureDef **nextFixtureDef = &(bodyDef->fixtures);
CCObject *fixture = NULL;
CCARRAY_FOREACH(fixtureList, fixture)
b2FixtureDef basicData;
CCDictionary *fixtureData = (CCDictionary *)fixture;
int callbackData = 0;
basicData.filter.categoryBits = static_cast<CCString *>(fixtureData->objectForKey("filter_categoryBits"))->intValue();
basicData.filter.maskBits = static_cast<CCString *>(fixtureData->objectForKey("filter_maskBits"))->intValue();
basicData.filter.groupIndex = static_cast<CCString *>(fixtureData->objectForKey("filter_groupIndex"))->intValue();
basicData.friction = static_cast<CCString *>(fixtureData->objectForKey("friction"))->floatValue();
basicData.density = static_cast<CCString *>(fixtureData->objectForKey("density"))->floatValue();
basicData.restitution = static_cast<CCString *>(fixtureData->objectForKey("restitution"))->floatValue();
basicData.isSensor = (bool)static_cast<CCString *>(fixtureData->objectForKey("isSensor"))->intValue();
if (fixtureData->objectForKey("id")){
basicData.userData = static_cast<CCString *>(fixtureData->objectForKey("id"));
callbackData = static_cast<CCString *>(fixtureData->objectForKey("id"))->intValue();
std::string fixtureType = static_cast<CCString *>(fixtureData->objectForKey("fixture_type"))->getCString();
//CCString *fixtureType = static_cast<CCString *>(fixtureData->objectForKey("fixture_type"))->getCString();
if (fixtureType == "POLYGON") {
//CCDictionary *polygons = (CCDictionary *)fixtureData->objectForKey("polygons");
CCArray *polygons = (CCArray *)fixtureData->objectForKey("polygons");
//CCDictElement *polygon = NULL;
CCObject *polygon = NULL;
//CCDICT_FOREACH(polygons, polygon)
CCARRAY_FOREACH(polygons, polygon)
FixtureDef *fix = new FixtureDef();
fix->fixture = basicData; // copy basic data
fix->callbackData = callbackData;
b2PolygonShape *polyshape = new b2PolygonShape();
int vindex = 0;
//CCDictionary *polygonData = (CCDictionary *)polygon->getObject();
CCArray *polygonData = (CCArray *)polygon;
assert(polygonData->count() <= b2_maxPolygonVertices);
//CCDictElement *offset = NULL;
CCObject *offset = NULL;
//CCDICT_FOREACH(polygonData, offset)
CCARRAY_FOREACH(polygonData, offset)
CCString *pStr = (CCString *)offset;
CCPoint p = PointFromString(pStr->getCString());
vertices[vindex].x = (p.x / ptmRatio);
vertices[vindex].y = (p.y / ptmRatio);
polyshape->Set(vertices, vindex);
fix->fixture.shape = polyshape;
*nextFixtureDef = fix;
nextFixtureDef = &(fix->next);
else if (fixtureType == "CIRCLE") {
FixtureDef *fix = new FixtureDef();
fix->fixture = basicData; // copy basic data
fix->callbackData = callbackData;
CCDictionary *circleData = (CCDictionary *)fixtureData->objectForKey("circle");
b2CircleShape *circleShape = new b2CircleShape();
circleShape->m_radius = static_cast<CCString *>(circleData->objectForKey("radius"))->floatValue() / ptmRatio;
CCPoint p = PointFromString(static_cast<CCString *>(circleData->objectForKey("position"))->getCString());
circleShape->m_p = b2Vec2(p.x / ptmRatio, p.y / ptmRatio);
fix->fixture.shape = circleShape;
// create a list
*nextFixtureDef = fix;
nextFixtureDef = &(fix->next);
else {
CCAssert(0, "Unknown fixtureType");
// add the body element to the hash
shapeObjects[bodyName->getCString()] = bodyDef;
#ifndef __CCSHAPECACHE_H__
#define __CCSHAPECACHE_H__
#include "cocos2d.h"
class BodyDef;
class b2Body;
namespace cocos2d {
class GB2ShapeCache : public CCObject{
static GB2ShapeCache* sharedGB2ShapeCache(void);
bool init();
void addShapesWithFile(const std::string &plist);
void addFixturesToBody(b2Body *body, const std::string &shape);
cocos2d::CCPoint anchorPointForShape(const std::string &shape);
void reset();
float getPtmRatio() { return ptmRatio; }
~GB2ShapeCache() {}
std::map<std::string, BodyDef *> shapeObjects;
GB2ShapeCache(void) {}
float ptmRatio;
#endif /* defined(__CCSHAPECACHE_H__) */
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