感谢 http://tool.lu/pyc/ 这个牛逼的网站能反编译pyc...他妈的Katana太他妈无耻了,竟然不让自定义加Node Tab Content....只能反编译他的东西了。。。



def registerMesser():
Registers a new Messer node type using the NodeTypeBuilder utility class.
""" from Katana import Nodes3DAPI,NodegraphAPI
from Katana import FnAttribute def buildMesserOpChain(node, interface):
Defines the callback function used to define the Ops chain for the
node type being registered. @type node: C{Nodes3DAPI.NodeTypeBuilder.Messer}
@type interface: C{Nodes3DAPI.NodeTypeBuilder.BuildChainInterface}
@param node: The node for which to define the Ops chain
@param interface: The interface providing the functions needed to set
up the Ops chain for the given node.
# Get the current frame time
frameTime = interface.getGraphState().getTime() # Set the minimum number of input ports
interface.setMinRequiredInputs(1) argsGb = FnAttribute.GroupBuilder() # Parse the CEL parameter
celParam = node.getParameter('CEL')
if celParam:
argsGb.set('CEL', celParam.getValue(frameTime)) # Parse the displacement parameter
dispParam = node.getParameter('displacement')
if dispParam:
argsGb.set('displacement', dispParam.getValue(frameTime)) # Add the Messer Op to the Ops chain
interface.appendOp('Messer', argsGb.build()) # Create a NodeTypeBuilder to register the new type
nodeTypeBuilder = Nodes3DAPI.NodeTypeBuilder('Messer')
#NodegraphAPI.RegisterPythonNodeType('Messer', Messer)
NodegraphAPI.AddNodeFlavor('Messer', '3d')
NodegraphAPI.AddNodeFlavor('Messer', 'HoudiniFX')
# Add an input port
nodeTypeBuilder.setInputPortNames(('in',)) # Build the node's parameters
gb = FnAttribute.GroupBuilder()
gb.set('CEL', FnAttribute.StringAttribute(''))
gb.set('displacement', FnAttribute.FloatAttribute(0.0)) # Set the parameters template
# Set parameter hints
nodeTypeBuilder.setHintsForParameter('CEL', {'widget':'cel'})
# Set the callback responsible to build the Ops chain
nodeTypeBuilder.setBuildOpChainFnc(buildMesserOpChain) # Build the new node type
nodeTypeBuilder.build() # Register the node


def registerMesser():
Registers a new Messer node type using the NodeTypeBuilder utility class.
""" from Katana import Nodes3DAPI,NodegraphAPI
from Katana import FnAttribute def buildMesserOpChain(node, interface):
Defines the callback function used to define the Ops chain for the
node type being registered. @type node: C{Nodes3DAPI.NodeTypeBuilder.Messer}
@type interface: C{Nodes3DAPI.NodeTypeBuilder.BuildChainInterface}
@param node: The node for which to define the Ops chain
@param interface: The interface providing the functions needed to set
up the Ops chain for the given node.
# Get the current frame time
frameTime = interface.getGraphState().getTime() # Set the minimum number of input ports
interface.setMinRequiredInputs(1) argsGb = FnAttribute.GroupBuilder() # Parse the CEL parameter
celParam = node.getParameter('CEL')
if celParam:
argsGb.set('CEL', celParam.getValue(frameTime)) # Parse the displacement parameter
dispParam = node.getParameter('displacement')
if dispParam:
argsGb.set('displacement', dispParam.getValue(frameTime)) # Add the Messer Op to the Ops chain
interface.appendOp('Messer', argsGb.build()) # Create a NodeTypeBuilder to register the new type
nodeTypeBuilder = Nodes3DAPI.NodeTypeBuilder('Messer')
#NodegraphAPI.RegisterPythonNodeType('Messer', Messer)
NodegraphAPI.AddNodeFlavor('Messer', '3d')
NodegraphAPI.AddNodeFlavor('Messer', 'HoudiniFX')
# Add an input port
nodeTypeBuilder.setInputPortNames(('in',)) # Build the node's parameters
gb = FnAttribute.GroupBuilder()
gb.set('CEL', FnAttribute.StringAttribute(''))
gb.set('displacement', FnAttribute.FloatAttribute(0.0)) # Set the parameters template
# Set parameter hints
nodeTypeBuilder.setHintsForParameter('CEL', {'widget':'cel'})
# Set the callback responsible to build the Ops chain
nodeTypeBuilder.setBuildOpChainFnc(buildMesserOpChain) # Build the new node type
nodeTypeBuilder.build() # Register the node

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