
select distinct p1.Email as Email from Person p1, Person p2 where p1.Email=p2.Email and p1.Id>p2.id;


select Email from Person group by Email having count(Email)>1;

  sql 中有一系列 聚合函数: sum, count, max, avg, 这些函数作用域多条记录上

select sum(population) from b_table;

而通过group by 子句, 可以让sum和 count 这些函数对于属于一组的数据起作用。 计算population,可以指定region

select region, SUM(population),SUM(area)
from b_table
group by region

  having 子句可以筛选成组后的数据,where子句在聚合前筛选记录, 也就是作用域group by ,having子句之前,而having 子句对聚合后的记录进行筛选:

select region, sum(population),sum(area)
from b_table
group by region
having sum(population)>100000


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