Should we ban guns 英语禁枪议论文
Should we ban guns ?
Should we ban guns?
Just today, the gun battle on the streets of Bangkok was on the hot search list.
Some reports quoted the police as saying that the two groups of young people initially had a dispute at a snooker club, and then each took a knife and gun and ran to the alley to start a fight. When the police arrived, the gang members had fled.
There are many news about the gun case, so should the gun really be banned?
I believe that the guns should not be banned. I think that guns don't kill people, only people can and will kill people, it's the people who decide to pull the trigger. Outlawing guns can't lower the crime rate for the criminals are always gonna find ways to kill people. They will buy guns from the black market that criminally sells guns regardless of the policy.
For instance, Vermont is one of the most peaceful states in the USA, with just 0.3 gun murders per 100,000 people based on FBI report in 2010 , but its gun owners are up to 42.0%. But for Washington D.C., its gun owners make up just 3.6% of its population, but it's with 16.5 gun murders per 100,000 inhabitants in 2010. The difference is huge because criminals are far less likely to commit a crime if they think that the victim could be armed.
Switzerland is a gun-loving country and it has a high rate of gun ownership, However, the annual rate of homicide by guns per 100,000 population in Switzerland was 0.52, which is one of the lowest in the world. Unlike some other heavily armed nations, Switzerland’s gun ownership is deeply rooted in a sense of patriotic duty and national identity.
I believe that If people have a responsible, disciplined and organized introduction into shooting, there will be less risk of gun violence. As a easy example , last century, all the people in China were soldiers, and the guns were safe and sound in every home. Whether the guns were banned or not related to the management of the social system. Whether the society is safe or not is the key to who the gun is in.
Thanks for reading!
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