
Creating target directory...
========================== Command start time -- :: Connection to cetc12 closed.
SSH command execution finished
host=cetc12, exitcode=
Command end time -- :: ==========================
Copying ambari sudo script...
========================== Command start time -- :: scp /var/lib/ambari-server/ambari-sudo.sh
host=cetc12, exitcode=
Command end time -- :: ==========================
Copying common functions script...
========================== Command start time -- :: scp /usr/lib/ambari-server/lib/ambari_commons
host=cetc12, exitcode=
Command end time -- :: ==========================
Copying create-python-wrap script...
========================== Command start time -- :: scp /var/lib/ambari-server/create-python-wrap.sh
host=cetc12, exitcode=
Command end time -- :: ==========================
Copying OS type check script...
========================== Command start time -- :: scp /usr/lib/ambari-server/lib/ambari_server/os_check_type.py
host=cetc12, exitcode=
Command end time -- :: ==========================
Running create-python-wrap script...
========================== Command start time -- :: Connection to cetc12 closed.
SSH command execution finished
host=cetc12, exitcode=
Command end time -- :: ==========================
Running OS type check...
========================== Command start time -- ::
Cluster primary/cluster OS family is redhat7 and local/current OS family is redhat7 Connection to cetc12 closed.
SSH command execution finished
host=cetc12, exitcode=
Command end time -- :: ==========================
Checking 'sudo' package on remote host...
========================== Command start time -- :: Connection to cetc12 closed.
SSH command execution finished
host=cetc12, exitcode=
Command end time -- :: ==========================
Copying repo file to 'tmp' folder...
========================== Command start time -- :: scp /etc/yum.repos.d/ambari.repo
host=cetc12, exitcode=
Command end time -- :: ==========================
Moving file to repo dir...
========================== Command start time -- :: Connection to cetc12 closed.
SSH command execution finished
host=cetc12, exitcode=
Command end time -- :: ==========================
Changing permissions for ambari.repo...
========================== Command start time -- :: Connection to cetc12 closed.
SSH command execution finished
host=cetc12, exitcode=
Command end time -- :: ==========================
Copying setup script file...
========================== Command start time -- :: scp /usr/lib/ambari-server/lib/ambari_server/setupAgent.py
host=cetc12, exitcode=
Command end time -- :: ==========================
Running setup agent script...
========================== Command start time -- ::
("INFO 2018-07-26 13:17:06,791 HeartbeatHandlers.py:116 - Stop event received
INFO -- ::, NetUtil.py: - Stop event received
INFO -- ::, ExitHelper.py: - Performing cleanup before exiting...
INFO -- ::, ExitHelper.py: - Cleanup finished, exiting with code:
INFO -- ::, main.py: - Agent died gracefully, exiting.
INFO -- ::, ExitHelper.py: - Performing cleanup before exiting...
INFO -- ::, main.py: - loglevel=logging.INFO
INFO -- ::, main.py: - loglevel=logging.INFO
INFO -- ::, main.py: - loglevel=logging.INFO
INFO -- ::, DataCleaner.py: - Data cleanup thread started
INFO -- ::, DataCleaner.py: - Data cleanup started
INFO -- ::, DataCleaner.py: - Data cleanup finished
INFO -- ::, hostname.py: - agent:hostname_script configuration not defined thus read hostname 'cetc12' using socket.getfqdn().
INFO -- ::, PingPortListener.py: - Ping port listener started on port:
INFO -- ::, main.py: - Connecting to Ambari server at https://cetc13:8440 (
INFO -- ::, NetUtil.py: - Connecting to https://cetc13:8440/ca
ERROR -- ::, NetUtil.py: - EOF occurred in violation of protocol (_ssl.c:)
ERROR -- ::, NetUtil.py: - SSLError: Failed to connect. Please check openssl library versions.
Refer to: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1022468 for more details.
WARNING -- ::, NetUtil.py: - Server at https://cetc13:8440 is not reachable, sleeping for 10 seconds...
", None)
("INFO 2018-07-26 13:17:06,791 HeartbeatHandlers.py:116 - Stop event received
INFO -- ::, NetUtil.py: - Stop event received
INFO -- ::, ExitHelper.py: - Performing cleanup before exiting...
INFO -- ::, ExitHelper.py: - Cleanup finished, exiting with code:
INFO -- ::, main.py: - Agent died gracefully, exiting.
INFO -- ::, ExitHelper.py: - Performing cleanup before exiting...
INFO -- ::, main.py: - loglevel=logging.INFO
INFO -- ::, main.py: - loglevel=logging.INFO
INFO -- ::, main.py: - loglevel=logging.INFO
INFO -- ::, DataCleaner.py: - Data cleanup thread started
INFO -- ::, DataCleaner.py: - Data cleanup started
INFO -- ::, DataCleaner.py: - Data cleanup finished
INFO -- ::, hostname.py: - agent:hostname_script configuration not defined thus read hostname 'cetc12' using socket.getfqdn().
INFO -- ::, PingPortListener.py: - Ping port listener started on port:
INFO -- ::, main.py: - Connecting to Ambari server at https://cetc13:8440 (
INFO -- ::, NetUtil.py: - Connecting to https://cetc13:8440/ca
ERROR -- ::, NetUtil.py: - EOF occurred in violation of protocol (_ssl.c:)
ERROR -- ::, NetUtil.py: - SSLError: Failed to connect. Please check openssl library versions.
Refer to: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1022468 for more details.
WARNING -- ::, NetUtil.py: - Server at https://cetc13:8440 is not reachable, sleeping for 10 seconds...
", None) Connection to cetc12 closed.
SSH command execution finished
host=cetc12, exitcode=
Command end time -- :: Registering with the server...
Registration with the server failed.

[root@cetc15 lib64]# rpm -qa | grep openssl




Hey,thank both of you.i got it.The character in China is UTF8,and Ambari is ascii.And Python 2.6 for UTF8 has a bug.

I think this is because I set a non-English language (i.e,. Trad. Chinese) as a default language when I installed CentOs 7. It would encounter a charset problem (UTF-8<->ascii) when confirming hosts. After changing the default language to English, This problem has been solved.



最有效的方式就是关闭 openssl 的检查

sed -i 's/verify=platform_default/verify=disable/' /etc/python/cert-verification.cfg

source /etc/python/cert-verification.cfg




(1)先停掉:ambari-server stop;

(2)卸载掉所有节点agent:rpm -qa | grep ambari-agent 得到对应版本,使用rpm -e ambari-agent-XXX卸载;

(3)启动setup:ambari-server setup,配置你的东西,直到选择jdk如下图:


    然后,yum -y install ambari-agent


(4)启动ambari:ambari-server start







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