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Programming Languages
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- Eta - Functional programming language for the JVM.
Front-End Development
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- Browserify - Module bundler.
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- Less - CSS preprocessor.
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Back-End Development
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Snippets - nginx
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- Gideros - Game engine.
Development Environment
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- Lockpicking - The art of unlocking a lock by manipulating its components without the key.
Content Management Systems
- Umbraco
- Refinery CMS - Ruby on Rails CMS.
- Wagtail - Django CMS focused on flexibility and user experience.
- Textpattern - Lightweight PHP-based CMS.
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- Quantified Self - Self-tracking through technology.
- SaltStack - Python-based config management system.
- Web Design - For digital designers.
- JMeter - Load testing and performance measurement tool.
- Creative Coding - Programming something expressive instead of something functional.
- No-Login Web Apps - Web apps that work without login.
- Testing - Software testing.
- Free Software - Free as in freedom.
- Framer - Prototyping interactive UI designs.
- Markdown - Markup language.
- Dev Fun - Funny developer projects.
- Events in the Netherlands - Tech-related events in the Netherlands.
- Healthcare - Open source healthcare software for facilities, providers, developers, policy experts, and researchers.
- Magento 2 - Open Source eCommerce built with PHP.
- TikZ - Graph drawing packages for TeX/LaTeX/ConTeXt.
- Neuroscience - Study of the nervous system and brain.
- Effective Altruism - Evidence-driven philanthropy.
- Ad-Free - Ad-free alternatives.
- Esolangs - Programming languages designed for experimentation or as jokes rather than actual use.
- Prometheus - Open-source monitoring system.
- Homematic - Smart home devices.
- Ledger - Double-entry accounting on the command-line.
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