static block and non-static block(constructor block)


public class Foo {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Will execute after Baz is initialized.
} class Bar {
static {
// Will execute before Baz is initialized!
} class Baz extends Bar {
static int x = 1; static void testAsserts() { System.out.println("x is " + x);
} }
  • 输出结果

x is 0

x is 1

x is 3

  • 分析
  1. Invoking Baz.testAsserts() cause Baz to be initialized
  2. default value int x=0;
  3. Before Baz initialize , Bar must be initialized
  4. Bar's static initializer again invoking Baz.testAsserts()
  5. so x is 0 , then x+2 , x=2
  6. go on initializing Baz , init x = 1;
  7. Invoking Baz.testAsserts() x = 1 , so x is 1;


父类静态变量 ——>父类静态代码块——>子类静态代码块——>父类非静态变量 ——>

父类非静态代码块——>父类构造函数 ——>子类非静态变量——>子类非静态代码块——>


非静态代码块 non-static block(constructor block)

class A {

    int x ;

    //block num 1
x = 1;
System.out.println("block num 1, x is " + x);
} A() {
x = 3;
System.out.println("constructor block x is " + x);
} //block num 2
x = 2;
System.out.println("block num 2, x is " + x);
} } public class Non_staticBlock { public static void main(String[] args) { String newLine = System.getProperty("line.separator"); System.out.println("====first time instantiate ====" + newLine);
new A(); System.out.println(" \n====second time instantiate ====" + newLine);
new A();
} }
  • 输出结果、顺序

====first time instantiate ====

block num 1, x is 1

block num 2, x is 2

constructor x is 3

====second time instantiate ====

block num 1, x is 1

block num 2, x is 2

constructor x is 3

  • 非静态代码块被java编译器拷贝到了构造块内,所以称为"constructor block"也是可以的,所以每次 new 构造函数也都执行
  • .class 文件如下, 非静态代码块被java编译器拷贝到了构造块内.
class A {
int x = 1; A() {
System.out.println("block num 1, x is " + this.x);
this.x = 2;
System.out.println("block num 2, x is " + this.x);
this.x = 3;
System.out.println("constructor x is " + this.x);

静态代码块 static block

class AA {

    AA() {
x = 3;
System.out.println("constructor x is " + x);
} static int x = 1; //block num 1
static {
System.out.println("static block num 1 , x is " + x);
} //block num 2
static {
x = 2;
System.out.println("static block num 2 , x is " + x);
} static void print() {
System.out.println("static method");
} public class StaticBlock {
static {
System.out.println("==== first ====");
} public static void main(String[] args) {
String newLine = System.getProperty("line.separator");
System.out.println("====AA class init ====" + newLine);
// class init
AA.print(); System.out.println(" \n====fisrt time instantiate AA====" + newLine); new AA();
System.out.println(" \n====sencond time instantiate AA====" + newLine);
new AA();
  • 输出结果、顺序

==== first ====

====AA class init ====

static block num 1 , x is 1

static block num 2 , x is 2

static method

==== first time instantiate AA ====

constructor x is 3

==== second time instantiate AA ====

constructor x is 3

  • 由于JVM在加载类时会执行静态代码块,且只会执行一次. 本例静态引用AA.print(); 触发类初始化
  • 静态代码块先于主方法执行,本例优先打印first
  • 更多内容搜索jvm类加载
  • .class 文件如下
class AA {
static int x = 1; AA() {
x = 3;
System.out.println("constructor x is " + x);
} static void print() {
System.out.println("static method");
} static {
System.out.println("static block num 1 , x is " + x);
x = 2;
System.out.println("static block num 2 , x is " + x);


class AAA {
int x; //block num 1
x = 1;
System.out.println("non-static block num 1 x is " + x);
} AAA() {
x = 3;
System.out.println("constructor x is " + x); } //block num 2
x = 2;
System.out.println("non-static block num 2 x is " + x);
} // The static block only gets called once,when the class itself is initialized,
// no matter how many objects of that type you create
static {
System.out.println("static block");
} //Gets called every time an instance of the class is constructed.
//the non-static block is actually copied by the Java compiler into every constructor the class has (source).
//So it is still the constructor's job to initialize fields.
//to understand "actually " , find the result in the .class file of A.class
System.out.println("non-static block");
} public class BlockSample { public static void main(String[] args) { String newLine = System.getProperty("line.separator"); System.out.println("====first time instantiate AAA ====" + newLine);
new AAA(); System.out.println(" \n====second time instantiate AAA ====" + newLine);
new AAA(); }
  • 输出结果、顺序

====first time instantiate AAA ====

static block

non-static block num 1 x is 1

non-static block num 2 x is 2

non-static block

constructor x is 3

====second time instantiate AAA ====

non-static block num 1 x is 1

non-static block num 2 x is 2

non-static block

constructor x is 3

  • .class 文件
class AAA {
int x = 1; AAA() {
System.out.println("non-static block num 1 x is " + this.x);
this.x = 2;
System.out.println("non-static block num 2 x is " + this.x);
System.out.println("non-static block");
this.x = 3;
System.out.println("constructor x is " + this.x);
} static {
System.out.println("static block");


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