March 25 2017 Week 12 Saturday
Better master one than engage with ten.
My colleagues think I have known a lot of things, not only know how to program with C and C++, but also know how to work on the Linux Operating System.
Uh, in those people who don't have a deep cooperation with me, I am indeed a skilled programmer.
However, when I was appointed to lead a team and program for some industrial control system, my performance was not so satisfying.
Maybe many would be disappointed by my performance.
In a word, it seems I haven't mastered anything, I only know a little.
Maybe I should choose a field and have some deep understanding about it through consitent exercises and learning.
Can I reach the destination?
We are all different. Don't judge, understand instead.
But frankly speaking, all of us are judged by others all the time.
Understand? Sometimes we can understand others and we can get others' understanding, but most often we must present some perfect outcomes, for we always are judging or being judged by the final results.
Remember only when you are powerful and strong enough, you can free yourself of other's judgements.
If you are somewhat weak in abilities, don't be afraid of being juded, try to improve yourself.
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