A warm smile is the universal language of kindness.


Face comes from the heart.

Just smile a little more, and maybe I can get paid for my warm smile.

But if the heart is vain and bitter, how can I rise a smile on my face?

The more things you do, the more you can do.


Before I am designated to charge some projects, I thought it should be very easy to finish them, even if the outcomes were not perfect, at least I would make them better than what my colleagues had done.

However, as time had past, the acutal facts proved that I had expected too much, maybe I was too confident in my own capabilities, the two projects I am in charge of, both are late, both need to extend the time to finish them.

When I complained to my director and apologized for my postponements, and apologized for the loss of the company, my director and the general manager told me that there were a lot of things, abilities and experience, that I was lack of, and I need to do more to improve myself.

Yes, if I had done more, I would have enough experience to tackle with the problems I confronted, and I would be competent to the job, as a project leader.

But sometimes I felt helpless and powerless when the outcomes were so disappointed after I had done more for them.

Maybe the only thing I need to do is to do much more, whether the outcome is good or bad, my ability and experience can be improved through the process.

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