BZOJ 2143





每一个点拿出来的更新的时候其实是要付出它的点权,所以我们要把$dis_{x, y}  + a_{x, y}$一起丢到堆里去才能保证转移的正确性。



#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <queue>
using namespace std;
typedef long long ll; const int N = ;
const ll inf = 0x3f3f3f3f3f3f3f3f; int n, m, b[N][N], ufs[N][N], sx[], sy[];
ll a[N][N], dis[N][N], ans[];
bool vis[N][N]; struct Node {
int x, y;
ll d; inline Node (int nowX = , int nowY = , ll nowD = 0LL) {
x = nowX, y = nowY, d = nowD;
} friend bool operator < (const Node &u, const Node &v) {
return u.d > v.d;
} };
priority_queue <Node> Q; template <typename T>
inline void read(T &X) {
X = ; char ch = ; T op = ;
for(; ch > '' || ch < ''; ch = getchar())
if(ch == '-') op = -;
for(; ch >= '' && ch <= ''; ch = getchar())
X = (X << ) + (X << ) + ch - ;
X *= op;
} inline int max(int x, int y) {
return x > y ? x : y;
} inline int min(int x, int y) {
return x > y ? y : x;
} inline int abs(int x) {
return x > ? x : -x;
} int find(int x, int y) {
return ufs[x][y] == y ? y : ufs[x][y] = find(x, ufs[x][y]);
} void dij(int st) {
for(int i = ; i <= n; i++)
for(int j = ; j <= m + ; j++) {
dis[i][j] = inf;
ufs[i][j] = j;
vis[i][j] = ;
dis[sx[st]][sy[st]] = 0LL;
Q.push(Node(sx[st], sy[st], a[sx[st]][sy[st]]));
ufs[sx[st]][sy[st]] = sy[st] + ;
for(; !Q.empty(); ) {
Node out =; Q.pop();
int x = out.x, y = out.y;
if(vis[x][y]) continue;
vis[x][y] = ; int ln = max(, x - b[x][y]), rn = min(n, x + b[x][y]);
for(int i = ln; i <= rn; i++) {
int stp = b[x][y] - abs(i - x);
int lm = max(, y - stp), rm = min(m, y + stp);
for(int j = find(i, lm); j <= rm; j = find(i, j)) {
if(dis[i][j] > dis[x][y] + a[x][y]) {
dis[i][j] = dis[x][y] + a[x][y];
Q.push(Node(i, j, dis[i][j] + a[i][j]));
ufs[i][j] = j + ;
} int main() {
freopen("", "r", stdin);
// freopen("my.out", "w", stdout); read(n), read(m);
for(int i = ; i <= n; i++)
for(int j = ; j <= m; j++)
for(int i = ; i <= n; i++)
for(int j = ; j <= m; j++)
read(a[i][j]); for(int i = ; i <= ; i++)
read(sx[i]), read(sy[i]); for(int i = ; i <= ; i++) {
for(int j = ; j <= ; j++) ans[j] += dis[sx[j]][sy[j]];
} ll res = inf, pos = ;
for(int i = ; i <= ; i++)
if(ans[i] < res) res = ans[i], pos = i; if(res >= inf) {
return ;
} if(pos == ) puts("X");
if(pos == ) puts("Y");
if(pos == ) puts("Z"); printf("%lld\n", res);
return ;

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