kaldi GMM模型解码指令 gmm-latgen-faster详解
- 作用:
Generate lattices using GMM-based model.
- 用法:
Usage: gmm-latgen-faster [options] model-in (fst-in|fsts-rspecifier) features-rspecifier lattice-wspecifier [ words-wspecifier [alignments-wspecifier] ]
- 可选项及含义:
--acoustic-scale : Scaling factor for acoustic likelihoods (float, default = 0.1)
--allow-partial : If true, produce output even if end state was not reached. (bool, default = false)
--beam : Decoding beam. Larger->slower, more accurate. (float, default = 16)
--beam-delta : Increment used in decoding-- this parameter is obscure and relates to a speedup in the way the max-active constraint is applied. Larger is more accurate. (float, default = 0.5)
--delta : Tolerance used in determinization (float, default = 0.000976562)
--determinize-lattice : If true, determinize the lattice (lattice-determinization, keeping only best pdf-sequence for each word-sequence). (bool, default = true)
--hash-ratio : Setting used in decoder to control hash behavior (float, default = 2)
--lattice-beam : Lattice generation beam. Larger->slower, and deeper lattices (float, default = 10)
--max-active : Decoder max active states. Larger->slower; more accurate (int, default = 2147483647)
--max-mem : Maximum approximate memory usage in determinization (real usage might be many times this). (int, default = 50000000)
--min-active : Decoder minimum #active states. (int, default = 200)
--minimize : If true, push and minimize after determinization. (bool, default = false)
--phone-determinize : If true, do an initial pass of determinization on both phones and words (see also --word-determinize) (bool, default = true)
--prune-interval : Interval (in frames) at which to prune tokens (int, default = 25)
--word-determinize : If true, do a second pass of determinization on words only (see also --phone-determinize) (bool, default = true)
--word-symbol-table : Symbol table for words [for debug output] (string, default = "")
Standard options:
--config : Configuration file to read (this option may be repeated) (string, default = "")
--help : Print out usage message (bool, default = false)
--print-args : Print the command line arguments (to stderr) (bool, default = true)
--verbose : Verbose level (higher->more logging) (int, default = 0)
- 使用实例:
gmm-latgen-faster --max-active=700 --beam=13 --lattice-beam=6 --acoustic-scale=0.1 --allow-partial=true --word-symbol-table=words.txt final.mdl HCLG.fst ark:delta.ark ark:lattice.ark
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