A Telephone Line Company (TLC) is establishing a new telephone cable network. They are connecting several places numbered by integers from 1 to N . No two places have the same number. The lines are bidirectional and always connect together two places and in each place the lines end in a telephone exchange. There is one telephone exchange in each place. From each place it is
possible to reach through lines every other place, however it need not be a direct connection, it can go through several exchanges. From time to time the power supply fails at a place and then the exchange does not operate. The officials from TLC realized that in such a case it can happen that besides the fact that the place with the failure is unreachable, this can also cause that some other places cannot connect to each other. In such a case we will say the place (where the failure
occured) is critical. Now the officials are trying to write a program for finding the number of all such critical places. Help them.
- program poj1144;
- const maxn = ;
- var n,e,i,j,x,y,time,ans,u,v:longint;
- fa,next,link,low,dfn,hash:array[-..maxn]of longint;
- vis:array[-..maxn]of boolean;
- procedure add(x,y:longint);
- begin
- inc(e);fa[e]:=y;next[e]:=link[x];link[x]:=e;
- inc(e);fa[e]:=x;next[e]:=link[y];link[y]:=e;
- end;
- function min(a,b:longint):longint;
- begin
- if a<b then exit(a) else exit(b);
- end;
- procedure tarjan(p:longint);
- var j:longint;
- begin
- inc(time);dfn[p]:=time;low[p]:=time;vis[p]:=false;
- j:=link[p];
- while j<> do
- begin
- if vis[fa[j]] then
- begin
- tarjan(fa[j]);
- if low[fa[j]]>=dfn[p] then inc(hash[p]);
- low[p]:=min(low[p],low[fa[j]]);
- end else low[p]:=min(low[p],dfn[fa[j]]);
- j:=next[j];
- end;
- end;
- begin
- //assign(input,'poj1144.in');reset(input);
- readln(n);
- while n<> do
- begin
- fillchar(link,sizeof(link),);
- fillchar(hash,sizeof(hash),);
- fillchar(next,sizeof(next),);
- e:=;
- read(u);
- while u<> do
- begin
- while not eoln do
- begin
- read(v);
- add(u,v);
- end;
- readln;read(u);
- end;
- readln;
- fillchar(vis,sizeof(vis),true);time:=;
- for i:= to n do if vis[i] then tarjan(i);
- ans:=;
- if hash[]> then inc(ans);
- for i:= to n do if hash[i]> then inc(ans);
- writeln(ans);
- readln(n);
- end;
- end.
- program bzoj2730;
- const maxn = ;maxm = ;
- var n,e,time,x,y,ans1,ans2,test,root,tot,m,col:int64;
- i,j:longint;
- fa,next,stack:array[-..maxm]of int64;
- vis,cut,used,exi:array[-..maxn]of boolean;
- link,dfn,low,hash,opt:array[-..maxn]of int64;
- function min(a,b:int64):int64;
- begin
- if a<b then exit(a) else exit(b);
- end;
- procedure add(x,y:int64);
- begin
- inc(e);fa[e]:=y;next[e]:=link[x];link[x]:=e;
- inc(e);fa[e]:=x;next[e]:=link[y];link[y]:=e;
- end;
- procedure tarjan(p:int64);
- var j:int64;
- begin
- inc(time);dfn[p]:=time;low[p]:=time;vis[p]:=false;stack[time]:=p;
- j:=link[p];
- while j<> do
- begin
- if vis[fa[j]] then
- begin
- tarjan(fa[j]);
- if low[fa[j]]>=dfn[p] then inc(hash[p]);
- low[p]:=min(low[p],low[fa[j]]);
- end else low[p]:=min(low[p],dfn[fa[j]]);
- j:=next[j];
- end;
- end;
- function bfs(s:int64):int64;
- var head,tail,x,j:int64;
- begin
- fillchar(used,sizeof(used),true);
- tot:=;head:=;tail:=;opt[]:=s;vis[s]:=false;
- while head<>tail do
- begin
- inc(head);x:=opt[head];j:=link[x];
- while j<> do
- begin
- if (vis[fa[j]])and(not cut[fa[j]]) then
- begin
- vis[fa[j]]:=false;
- inc(tail);opt[tail]:=fa[j];
- end else
- if (cut[fa[j]])and(used[fa[j]]) then
- begin
- inc(tot);
- used[fa[j]]:=false;
- end;
- j:=next[j];
- end;
- end;
- exit(tail);
- end;
- begin
- //assign(input,'bzoj2730.in');reset(input);
- // assign(output,'col.out');rewrite(output);
- readln(m);
- test:=;
- while m<> do
- begin
- inc(test);
- fillchar(next,sizeof(next),);
- fillchar(link,sizeof(link),);
- fillchar(exi,sizeof(exi),false);
- e:=;time:=;n:=;
- for i:= to m do
- begin
- readln(x,y);
- if x>n then n:=x;
- if y>n then n:=y;
- exi[x]:=true;exi[y]:=true;
- add(x,y);
- end;
- fillchar(vis,sizeof(vis),true);
- fillchar(hash,sizeof(hash),);
- fillchar(cut,sizeof(cut),false);
- for i:= to n do if (vis[i])and(exi[i]) then
- begin
- tarjan(i);
- dec(hash[i]);
- end;
- for i:= to n do if hash[i]> then cut[i]:=true;
- ans1:=;ans2:=;col:=;
- fillchar(vis,sizeof(vis),true);
- for i:= to n do if (not cut[i])and(vis[i])and(exi[i]) then
- begin
- tot:=;x:=bfs(i);inc(col);
- if tot = then
- begin
- inc(ans1);
- ans2:=ans2*x;
- end;
- end;
- if col = then writeln('Case ',test,': ',,' ',n*(n-) >> )
- else writeln('Case ',test,': ',ans1,' ',ans2);
- readln(m);
- end;
- end.
- poj1144 tarjan求割点
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