HTML5 Canvas Game: 玩家飞船


Languages: HTML5, JavaScript




控制: 移动 – 上下左右箭头
射击 – 空格键

The HTML Page


<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Space Shooter Demo</title>
canvas {
position: absolute;
top: 0px;
left: 0px;
background: transparent;
#background {
z-index: -2;
#main {
z-index: -1;
#ship {
z-index: 0;
<!-- The canvas for the panning background -->
<canvas id="background" width="600" height="360">
Your browser does not support canvas. Please try again with a different browser.
<!-- The canvas for all enemy ships and bullets -->
<canvas id="main" width="600" height="360">
<!-- The canvas the ship uses (can only move up
one forth the screen.) -->
<canvas id="ship" width="600" height="360">
<script src="space_shooter_part_two.js"></script>




function Drawable() {
this.init = function(x, y, width, height) {
// Defualt variables
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.width = width;
this.height = height;

因为我们的图像不再充满整个画布,所以我们补充了width, height 2个属性。

The imageRepository


* Define an object to hold all our images for the game so images
* are only ever created once. This type of object is known as a
* singleton.
var imageRepository = new function() {
// Define images
this.background = new Image();
this.spaceship = new Image();
this.bullet = new Image();
// Ensure all images have loaded before starting the game
var numImages = 3;
var numLoaded = 0;
function imageLoaded() {
if (numLoaded === numImages) {
this.background.onload = function() {
this.spaceship.onload = function() {
this.bullet.onload = function() {
// Set images src
this.background.src = "imgs/bg.png";
this.spaceship.src = "imgs/ship.png";
this.bullet.src = "imgs/bullet.png";





* Custom Pool object. Holds Bullet objects to be managed to prevent
* garbage collection.
function Pool(maxSize) {
var size = maxSize; // Max bullets allowed in the pool
var pool = [];
* Populates the pool array with Bullet objects
this.init = function() {
for (var i = 0; i < size; i++) {
// Initalize the bullet object
var bullet = new Bullet();
bullet.init(0,0, imageRepository.bullet.width,
pool[i] = bullet;
* Grabs the last item in the list and initializes it and
* pushes it to the front of the array.
this.get = function(x, y, speed) {
if(!pool[size - 1].alive) {
pool[size - 1].spawn(x, y, speed);
* Used for the ship to be able to get two bullets at once. If
* only the get() function is used twice, the ship is able to
* fire and only have 1 bullet spawn instead of 2.
this.getTwo = function(x1, y1, speed1, x2, y2, speed2) {
if(!pool[size - 1].alive &&
!pool[size - 2].alive) {
this.get(x1, y1, speed1);
this.get(x2, y2, speed2);
* Draws any in use Bullets. If a bullet goes off the screen,
* clears it and pushes it to the front of the array.
this.animate = function() {
for (var i = 0; i < size; i++) {
// Only draw until we find a bullet that is not alive
if (pool[i].alive) {
if (pool[i].draw()) {





* Creates the Bullet object which the ship fires. The bullets are
* drawn on the "main" canvas.
function Bullet() {
this.alive = false; // Is true if the bullet is currently in use
* Sets the bullet values
this.spawn = function(x, y, speed) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.speed = speed;
this.alive = true;
* Uses a "drity rectangle" to erase the bullet and moves it.
* Returns true if the bullet moved off the screen, indicating that
* the bullet is ready to be cleared by the pool, otherwise draws
* the bullet.
this.draw = function() {
this.context.clearRect(this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height);
this.y -= this.speed;
if (this.y <= 0 - this.height) {
return true;
else {
this.context.drawImage(imageRepository.bullet, this.x, this.y);
* Resets the bullet values
this.clear = function() {
this.x = 0;
this.y = 0;
this.speed = 0;
this.alive = false;
Bullet.prototype = new Drawable();
子弹对象初始化状态设置alive为false,子弹对象包含三个方法spawn,draw和clear,仔细看draw方法可以看到if (this.y <= 0 - this.height),代表子弹已经在屏幕中消失,这里返回的true。






* Create the Ship object that the player controls. The ship is
* drawn on the "ship" canvas and uses dirty rectangles to move
* around the screen.
function Ship() {
this.speed = 3;
this.bulletPool = new Pool(30);
var fireRate = 15;
var counter = 0;
this.draw = function() {
this.context.drawImage(imageRepository.spaceship, this.x, this.y);
this.move = function() {
// Determine if the action is move action
if (KEY_STATUS.left || KEY_STATUS.right ||
// The ship moved, so erase it's current image so it can
// be redrawn in it's new location
this.context.clearRect(this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height);
// Update x and y according to the direction to move and
// redraw the ship. Change the else if's to if statements
// to have diagonal movement.
if (KEY_STATUS.left) {
this.x -= this.speed
if (this.x <= 0) // Keep player within the screen
this.x = 0;
} else if (KEY_STATUS.right) {
this.x += this.speed
if (this.x >= this.canvasWidth - this.width)
this.x = this.canvasWidth - this.width;
} else if (KEY_STATUS.up) {
this.y -= this.speed
if (this.y <= this.canvasHeight/4*3)
this.y = this.canvasHeight/4*3;
} else if (KEY_STATUS.down) {
this.y += this.speed
if (this.y >= this.canvasHeight - this.height)
this.y = this.canvasHeight - this.height;
// Finish by redrawing the ship
if ( && counter >= fireRate) {;
counter = 0;
* Fires two bullets
*/ = function() {
this.bulletPool.getTwo(this.x+6, this.y, 3,
this.x+33, this.y, 3);
Ship.prototype = new Drawable();

飞船对象设置自己的移动速度为3, 子弹对象池大小为30,开火帧率为15。


// The keycodes that will be mapped when a user presses a button.
// Original code by Doug McInnes
32: 'space',
37: 'left',
38: 'up',
39: 'right',
40: 'down',
// Creates the array to hold the KEY_CODES and sets all their values
// to false. Checking true/flase is the quickest way to check status
// of a key press and which one was pressed when determining
// when to move and which direction.
for (code in KEY_CODES) {
KEY_STATUS[ KEY_CODES[ code ]] = false;
* Sets up the document to listen to onkeydown events (fired when
* any key on the keyboard is pressed down). When a key is pressed,
* it sets the appropriate direction to true to let us know which
* key it was.
document.onkeydown = function(e) {
// Firefox and opera use charCode instead of keyCode to
// return which key was pressed.
var keyCode = (e.keyCode) ? e.keyCode : e.charCode;
if (KEY_CODES[keyCode]) {
KEY_STATUS[KEY_CODES[keyCode]] = true;
* Sets up the document to listen to ownkeyup events (fired when
* any key on the keyboard is released). When a key is released,
* it sets teh appropriate direction to false to let us know which
* key it was.
document.onkeyup = function(e) {
var keyCode = (e.keyCode) ? e.keyCode : e.charCode;
if (KEY_CODES[keyCode]) {
KEY_STATUS[KEY_CODES[keyCode]] = false;


* Creates the Game object which will hold all objects and data for
* the game.
function Game() {
* Gets canvas information and context and sets up all game
* objects.
* Returns true if the canvas is supported and false if it
* is not. This is to stop the animation script from constantly
* running on browsers that do not support the canvas.
this.init = function() {
// Get the canvas elements
this.bgCanvas = document.getElementById('background');
this.shipCanvas = document.getElementById('ship');
this.mainCanvas = document.getElementById('main');
// Test to see if canvas is supported. Only need to
// check one canvas
if (this.bgCanvas.getContext) {
this.bgContext = this.bgCanvas.getContext('2d');
this.shipContext = this.shipCanvas.getContext('2d');
this.mainContext = this.mainCanvas.getContext('2d');
// Initialize objects to contain their context and canvas
// information
Background.prototype.context = this.bgContext;
Background.prototype.canvasWidth = this.bgCanvas.width;
Background.prototype.canvasHeight = this.bgCanvas.height;
Ship.prototype.context = this.shipContext;
Ship.prototype.canvasWidth = this.shipCanvas.width;
Ship.prototype.canvasHeight = this.shipCanvas.height;
Bullet.prototype.context = this.mainContext;
Bullet.prototype.canvasWidth = this.mainCanvas.width;
Bullet.prototype.canvasHeight = this.mainCanvas.height;
// Initialize the background object
this.background = new Background();
this.background.init(0,0); // Set draw point to 0,0
// Initialize the ship object
this.ship = new Ship();
// Set the ship to start near the bottom middle of the canvas
var shipStartX = this.shipCanvas.width/2 - imageRepository.spaceship.width;
var shipStartY = this.shipCanvas.height/4*3 + imageRepository.spaceship.height*2;
this.ship.init(shipStartX, shipStartY, imageRepository.spaceship.width,
return true;
} else {
return false;
// Start the animation loop
this.start = function() {
* The animation loop. Calls the requestAnimationFrame shim to
* optimize the game loop and draws all game objects. This
* function must be a gobal function and cannot be within an
* object.
function animate() {
requestAnimFrame( animate );

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