接前文  初步学习pg_control文件之十四


int            MaxConnections;


* Primary determinants of sizes of shared-memory structures. MaxBackends is
* MaxConnections + autovacuum_max_workers + 1 (it is computed by the GUC
* assign hooks for those variables):
int NBuffers = ;
int MaxBackends = ;
int MaxConnections = ;
* This must be called ONCE during postmaster or standalone-backend startup

* If any of the critical GUCs have changed, log them before we allow
* backends to write WAL.
XLogReportParameters(); …
* Check if any of the GUC parameters that are critical for hot standby
* have changed, and update the value in pg_control file if necessary.
static void
if (wal_level != ControlFile->wal_level ||
MaxConnections != ControlFile->MaxConnections ||
max_prepared_xacts != ControlFile->max_prepared_xacts ||
max_locks_per_xact != ControlFile->max_locks_per_xact)
ControlFile->MaxConnections = MaxConnections;
ControlFile->max_prepared_xacts = max_prepared_xacts;
ControlFile->max_locks_per_xact = max_locks_per_xact;
ControlFile->wal_level = wal_level;


* This must be called ONCE during postmaster or standalone-backend startup
… /* REDO */
if (InRecovery)

/* Check that the GUCs used to generate the WAL allow recovery */
CheckRequiredParameterValues(); …
if (record != NULL)

* main redo apply loop

* If we are attempting to enter Hot Standby mode, process
* XIDs we see
if (standbyState >= STANDBY_INITIALIZED &&
RecordKnownAssignedTransactionIds(record->xl_xid); RmgrTable[record->xl_rmid].rm_redo(EndRecPtr, record);
… } while (record != NULL && recoveryContinue);



* XLOG resource manager's routines
* Definitions of info values are in include/catalog/pg_control.h, though
* not all record types are related to control file updates.
xlog_redo(XLogRecPtr lsn, XLogRecord *record)

if (info == XLOG_NEXTOID)


else if (info == XLOG_PARAMETER_CHANGE)

/* Check to see if any changes to max_connections give problems */


* Check to see if required parameters are set high enough on this server
* for various aspects of recovery operation.
static void
... if (InArchiveRecovery && EnableHotStandby)
.../* We ignore autovacuum_max_workers when we make this test. */



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