$ roslaunch rtabmap_ros euroc_datasets.launch args:="-d RGBD/CreateOccupancyGrid false Odom/Strategy 9 OdomVINS/ConfigPath ~/catkin_ws/src/VINS-Fusion/config/euroc/euroc_stereo_imu_config.yaml" MH_seq:=true raw_images_for_odom:=true
$ cd ~/Downloads
$ rosbag play --clock MH_01_easy.bag

ERROR: cannot launch node of type [rtabmap_ros/yaml_to_camera_info.py]: can't locate node [yaml_to_camera_info.py] in package [rtabmap_ros]
ERROR: cannot launch node of type [rtabmap_ros/yaml_to_camera_info.py]: can't locate node [yaml_to_camera_info.py] in package [rtabmap_ros]
ERROR: cannot launch node of type [stereo_image_proc/stereo_image_proc]: stereo_image_proc
ROS path [0]=/opt/ros/kinetic/share/ros
ROS path [1]=/home/william/test_ws/src
ROS path [2]=/home/william/truss_ws/src
ROS path [3]=/home/william/catkin_ws/src
ROS path [4]=/opt/ros/kinetic/share
ROS path [5]=/home/william/Documents/demos/ORB_SLAM2/Examples/ROS
process[imu_base_link-5]: started with pid [5521]
process[camera_imu_link-6]: started with pid [5522]
process[leica_base_link-7]: started with pid [5531]
ERROR: cannot launch node of type [rtabmap_ros/point_to_tf.py]: can't locate node [point_to_tf.py] in package [rtabmap_ros]


I will never be able to launch node yaml_to_camera_info.py & point_to_tf.py, because they are not built from source but just files I put in the directory /opt/ros/kinetic/share/rtabmap_ros/scripts/ . I install rtabmap by command sudo apt install.

ERROR: cannot launch node of type [rtabmap_ros/rgbd_odometry]: can't locate node [rgbd_odometry] in package [rtabmap_ros]
ERROR: cannot launch node of type [rtabmap_ros/rtabmap]: can't locate node [rtabmap] in package [rtabmap_ros]
ERROR: cannot launch node of type [rtabmap_ros/rtabmapviz]: can't locate node [rtabmapviz] in package [rtabmap_ros]


$ source /opt/ros/kinetic/setup.bash
$ source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash

IF after sourcing .bash, the same errors still exist, it's time to rebuild rtabmap with a patch related to the ROS package VINS-Fusion.

First of all, clone the repository from GitHub. (Assume you have installed the prerequisites.)

$ cd ~/catkin_ws/src
$ git clone https://github.com/HKUST-Aerial-Robotics/VINS-Fusion.git

Then install this patch. To do this, you download, extract then put the patch in the directory of VINS-Fusion. (Maybe a ladder to some you know well will be use to check the patch and download it).

$ cd /home/william/catkin_ws/src/VINS-Fusion
$ git apply vins-fusion_e72b5f7.patch
$ cd ~/catkin_ws
$ catkin_make

Then rebuild rtabmap successfully. Some difference seems like this:

Scanning dependencies of target vins_lib
[ 44%] Building CXX object VINS-Fusion/vins_estimator/CMakeFiles/vins_lib.dir/src/estimator/estimator.cpp.o
[ 92%] Linking CXX shared library /home/william/catkin_ws/devel/lib/libvins_lib.so
[ 96%] Built target vins_lib
[ 96%] Linking CXX executable /home/william/catkin_ws/devel/lib/vins/kitti_gps_test
[ 96%] Linking CXX executable /home/william/catkin_ws/devel/lib/vins/vins_node
[ 97%] Linking CXX executable /home/william/catkin_ws/devel/lib/vins/kitti_odom_test
[ 98%] Built target kitti_gps_test
[ 98%] Built target kitti_odom_test
[100%] Built target vins_node


  1. Make errors #380
  2. How to create and apply a patch with Git

[Error] DBDriverSqlite3.cpp:398::connectDatabaseQuery() Opened database version (0.19.1) is more recent than rtabmap installed version (0.17.6). Please update rtabmap to new version!

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