Before performing any upgrades or uninstalling software, stop all of the Hadoop services in the following order:

  • Ranger

  • Knox

  • Oozie

  • WebHCat

  • HiveServer2

  • Hive Metastore

  • HBase

  • YARN

  • HDFS

  • Zookeeper

  • Storm

  • Kafka


  1. Stop Ranger. Execute the following commands on the Ranger host machine:

    sudo service ranger-admin stop
    sudo service ranger-usersync stop
  2. Stop Knox. Execute the following command on the Knox host machine.

    su -l knox -c "/usr/hdp/current/knox-server/bin/ stop"
  3. Stop Oozie. Execute the following command on the Oozie host machine.

    su -l oozie -c "/usr/hdp/current/oozie-server/bin/ stop"
  4. Stop WebHCat. On the WebHCat host machine, execute the following command:

    su -l hcat -c "/usr/hdp/current/hive-webhcat/sbin/ stop"
  5. Stop Hive. Execute this command on the Hive Metastore and Hive Server2 host machine.

    ps aux | awk '{print $1,$2}' | grep hive | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill >/dev/null 2>&1
  6. Stop HBase

    • Execute this command on all RegionServers:

      su -l hbase -c "/usr/hdp/current/hbase-regionserver/bin/ stop regionserver"
    • Execute this command on the HBase Master host machine:

      su -l hbase -c "/usr/hdp/current/hbase-master/bin/ stop master"
  7. Stop YARN

    • Execute this command on all NodeManagers:

      su -l yarn -c "/usr/hdp/current/hadoop-yarn-nodemanager/sbin/ stop nodemanager"
    • Execute this command on the History Server host machine:

      su -l yarn -c "/usr/hdp/current/hadoop-mapreduce-historyserver/sbin/ stop historyserver"
    • Execute this command on the ResourceManager host machine(s):

      su -l yarn -c "/usr/hdp/current/hadoop-yarn-resourcemanager/sbin/ stop resourcemanager"
  8. Stop HDFS

    • Execute this command on all DataNodes:

      su -l hdfs -c "/usr/hdp/current/hadoop-hdfs-datanode/../hadoop/sbin/ stop datanode"
    • If you are not running NameNode HA (High Availability), stop the Secondary NameNode by executing this command on the Secondary NameNode host machine:

      su -l hdfs -c "/usr/hdp/current/hadoop-hdfs-namenode/../hadoop/sbin/ stop secondarynamenode"
    • Execute this command on the NameNode host machine(s):

      su -l hdfs -c "/usr/hdp/current/hadoop-hdfs-namenode/../hadoop/sbin/ stop namenode"
    • If you are running NameNode HA, stop the Zookeeper Failover Controllers (ZKFC) by executing this command on the NameNode host machines:

      su -l hdfs -c "/usr/hdp/current/hadoop-hdfs-namenode/../hadoop/sbin/ stop zkfc"
    • If you are running NameNode HA, stop the JournalNodes by executing these commands on the JournalNode host machines:

      su $HDFS_USER
      /usr/hdp/current/hadoop-hdfs-journalnode/../hadoop/sbin/ stop journalnode

      where $HDFS_USER is the HDFS user. For example, hdfs.

  9. Stop ZooKeeper. Execute this command on the ZooKeeper host machine(s):

    su - zookeeper -c "export ZOOCFGDIR=/usr/hdp/current/zookeeper-server/conf ; export ZOOCFG=zoo.cfg; source /usr/hdp/current/zookeeper-server/conf/ ; /usr/hdp/current/zookeeper-server/bin/ stop"
  10. Start Storm services using a process controller, such as supervisord. See "Installing and Configuring Apache Storm" in the Manual Install Guide. For example, to stop the storm-nimbus service:

    sudo /usr/bin/supervisorctl
    storm-drpc RUNNING pid 9801, uptime 0:03:20
    storm-nimbus RUNNING pid 9802, uptime 0:03:20
    storm-ui RUNNING pid 9800, uptime 0:03:20
    supervisor> stop storm-nimbus
    storm-nimbus: stopped

    where $STORM_USER is the operating system user that installed Storm. For example, storm.

  11. Stop Kafka. Execute this command on the Kafka host machine(s):

    su $KAFKA_USER
    /usr/hdp/current/kafka-broker/bin/kafka stop

    where$KAFKA_USER is the operating system user that installed Kafka. For example,kafka.


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