fl2440 platform总线button字符设备驱动
#include "s3c_driver.h" #define DRV_DESC "S3C24XX button driver" /* Driver version*/
#define DRV_MAJOR_VER 1
#define DRV_MINOR_VER 0
#ifndef DEV_MAJOR
#define DEV_MAJOR 0 /* dynamic major by default */
#endif #define BUTTON_UP 0 /* Button status is up */
#define BUTTON_DOWN 1 /* Button status is pushed down */
#define BUTTON_UNCERTAIN 2 /* Button status uncerntain */ #define TIMER_DELAY_DOWN (HZ/50) /*Remove button push down dithering timer delay 20ms */
#define TIMER_DELAY_UP (HZ/10) /*Remove button up dithering timer delay 100ms */ static int debug = DISABLE;
static int dev_major = DEV_MAJOR;
static int dev_minor = ; /*============================ Platform Device part ===============================*/
/* Button hardware informtation structure*/
struct s3c_button_info //定义按键结构体信息
unsigned char num; /*Button nubmer */ //第几个按键
char * name; /*Button nubmer */ //按键名称
int nIRQ; /*Button IRQ number*/ //按键中断号
unsigned int setting; /*Button IRQ Pin Setting*/ //对应管脚设置为中断模式
unsigned int gpio; /*Button GPIO port */ //按键对应管脚
}; /* The button plaotform device private data structure */
struct s3c_button_platform_data //定义一个platform总线的按键结构体
struct s3c_button_info *buttons;
int nbuttons;
}; /* Button hardware informtation data*/
static struct s3c_button_info s3c_buttons[] = { //定义每个按键的结构体信息
[] = {
.num = ,
.name = "KEY1",
.gpio = S3C2410_GPF(),
.setting = S3C2410_GPF0_EINT0,
[] = {
.num = ,
.name = "KEY2",
.gpio = S3C2410_GPF(),
.setting = S3C2410_GPF2_EINT2,
[] = {
.num = ,
.name = "KEY3",
.gpio = S3C2410_GPF(),
.setting = S3C2410_GPF3_EINT3,
[] = {
.num = ,
.name = "KEY4",
.gpio = S3C2410_GPF(),
.setting = S3C2410_GPF4_EINT4,
}; /* The button platform device private data */
static struct s3c_button_platform_data s3c_button_data = { //定义button的结构体信息
.buttons = s3c_buttons, //每个button的信息
.nbuttons = ARRAY_SIZE(s3c_buttons), //button的数量
}; struct button_device //定义一个button_device的结构体
unsigned char *status; /* The buttons Push down or up status */
struct s3c_button_platform_data *data; /* The buttons hardware information data */ struct timer_list *timers; /* The buttons remove dithering timers */
wait_queue_head_t waitq; /* Wait queue for poll() */
volatile int ev_press; /* Button pressed event */ struct cdev cdev;
struct class *dev_class;
} button_device; static void platform_button_release(struct device * dev)
} static struct platform_device s3c_button_device = { //设备节点结构体
.name = "s3c_button",
.id = ,
.dev =
.platform_data = &s3c_button_data,
.release = platform_button_release,
}; static irqreturn_t s3c_button_intterupt(int irq,void *de_id) //中断处理程序
int i;
int found = ;
struct s3c_button_platform_data *pdata = button_device.data; for(i=; i<pdata->nbuttons; i++)
if(irq == pdata->buttons[i].nIRQ) //发现某个按键有下降沿
found = ;
} if(!found) /* An ERROR interrupt */ //内核报中断没有中断,返回错误,基本不会发生
return IRQ_NONE; /* Only when button is up then we will handle this event */
if(BUTTON_UP == button_device.status[i])
button_device.status[i] = BUTTON_UNCERTAIN;
mod_timer(&(button_device.timers[i]), jiffies+TIMER_DELAY_DOWN);
} return IRQ_HANDLED;
} static void button_timer_handler(unsigned long data)
struct s3c_button_platform_data *pdata = button_device.data;
int num =(int)data;
int status = s3c2410_gpio_getpin( pdata->buttons[num].gpio ); if(LOWLEVEL == status)
if(BUTTON_UNCERTAIN == button_device.status[num]) /* Come from interrupt */
//dbg_print("Key pressed!\n");
button_device.status[num] = BUTTON_DOWN; printk("%s pressed.\n", pdata->buttons[num].name); /* Wake up the wait queue for read()/poll() */
button_device.ev_press = ;
} /* Cancel the dithering */
mod_timer(&(button_device.timers[num]), jiffies+TIMER_DELAY_UP);
//dbg_print("Key Released!\n");
button_device.status[num] = BUTTON_UP;
// enable_irq(pdata->buttons[num].nIRQ);
} return ;
} /*===================== Button device driver part ===========================*/ static int button_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file) //打开按键
struct button_device *pdev ;
struct s3c_button_platform_data *pdata;
int i, result; pdev = container_of(inode->i_cdev,struct button_device, cdev); //通过i_cdev找到cdev结构体
pdata = pdev->data;
file->private_data = pdev; /* Malloc for all the buttons remove dithering timer */
pdev->timers = (struct timer_list *) kmalloc(pdata->nbuttons*sizeof(struct timer_list), GFP_KERNEL); //为cdev结构体中的timer分配内存
if(NULL == pdev->timers)
printk("Alloc %s driver for timers failure.\n", DEV_NAME);
return -ENOMEM;
memset(pdev->timers, , pdata->nbuttons*sizeof(struct timer_list)); //初始化timer内存 /* Malloc for all the buttons status buffer */
pdev->status = (unsigned char *)kmalloc(pdata->nbuttons*sizeof(unsigned char), GFP_KERNEL); //为button状态分配内存空间
if(NULL == pdev->status)
printk("Alloc %s driver for status failure.\n", DEV_NAME);
result = -ENOMEM;
goto ERROR;
memset(pdev->status, , pdata->nbuttons*sizeof(unsigned char)); //初始化状态内存 init_waitqueue_head(&(pdev->waitq)); //加入等待队列 for(i=; i<pdata->nbuttons; i++) //初始化button信息
/* Initialize all the buttons status to UP */
pdev->status[i] = BUTTON_UP; //设置为未按 /* Initialize all the buttons' remove dithering timer */
setup_timer(&(pdev->timers[i]), button_timer_handler, i); //设置定时器及调用函数 /* Set all the buttons GPIO to EDGE_FALLING interrupt mode */
s3c2410_gpio_cfgpin(pdata->buttons[i].gpio, pdata->buttons[i].setting); //配置成中断模式
irq_set_irq_type(pdata->buttons[i].nIRQ, IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_FALLING); //中断采用下降沿触发 /* Request for button GPIO pin interrupt */
result = request_irq(pdata->buttons[i].nIRQ, s3c_button_intterupt, IRQF_DISABLED, DEV_NAME, (void *)i);
if( result )
result = -EBUSY;
goto ERROR1;
} return ; ERROR1: //出错反向退出
kfree((unsigned char *)pdev->status);
free_irq(pdata->buttons[i].nIRQ, (void *)i);
kfree(pdev->timers); return result;
} static int button_read(struct file *file, char __user *buf, size_t count, loff_t *ppos) //读按键信息函数
struct button_device *pdev = file->private_data;
struct s3c_button_platform_data *pdata;
int i, ret;
unsigned int status = ; pdata = pdev->data; dbg_print("ev_press: %d\n", pdev->ev_press);
if(!pdev->ev_press) //按键没有按下
if(file->f_flags & O_NONBLOCK) //如果是非阻塞模式则返回EAGAIN
dbg_print("read() without block mode.\n");
return -EAGAIN;
else //阻塞模式加入等待队列
/* Read() will be blocked here */
dbg_print("read() blocked here now.\n");
wait_event_interruptible(pdev->waitq, pdev->ev_press); //加入等待队列
} pdev->ev_press = ; //将按键设置为未按下 for(i=; i<pdata->nbuttons; i++) //读出按键状态并保存在status中
dbg_print("button[%d] status=%d\n", i, pdev->status[i]);
status |= (pdev->status[i]<<i); //这里的status[i]是如何保存各个按键状态信息的?
} ret = copy_to_user(buf, (void *)&status, min(sizeof(status), count)); //将此按键信息发送给用户空间 return ret ? -EFAULT : min(sizeof(status), count);
} static unsigned int button_poll(struct file *file, poll_table * wait) //监视button函数
struct button_device *pdev = file->private_data;
unsigned int mask = ; poll_wait(file, &(pdev->waitq), wait); //加入等待队列
mask |= POLLIN | POLLRDNORM; /* The data aviable */ //按键按下设置mask值
} return mask;
} static int button_release(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
int i;
struct button_device *pdev = file->private_data;
struct s3c_button_platform_data *pdata;
pdata = pdev->data; for(i=; i<pdata->nbuttons; i++)
disable_irq(pdata->buttons[i].nIRQ); //关中断
free_irq(pdata->buttons[i].nIRQ, (void *)i); //删中断
del_timer(&(pdev->timers[i])); //取消timer
} kfree(pdev->timers); //释放timer内存
kfree((unsigned char *)pdev->status); //释放申请的status内存 return ;
} static struct file_operations button_fops = { //功能函数
.owner = THIS_MODULE,
.open = button_open,
.read = button_read,
.poll = button_poll,
.release = button_release,
}; static int s3c_button_probe(struct platform_device *dev)
int result = ;
dev_t devno; /* Alloc the device for driver */
if ( != dev_major)
devno = MKDEV(dev_major, dev_minor);
result = register_chrdev_region(devno, , DEV_NAME);
result = alloc_chrdev_region(&devno, dev_minor, , DEV_NAME);
dev_major = MAJOR(devno);
} /* Alloc for device major failure */
if (result < )
printk("%s driver can't get major %d\n", DEV_NAME, dev_major);
return result;
} /* Initialize button_device structure and register cdev*/
memset(&button_device, , sizeof(button_device));
button_device.data = dev->dev.platform_data;
cdev_init (&(button_device.cdev), &button_fops);
button_device.cdev.owner = THIS_MODULE; result = cdev_add (&(button_device.cdev), devno , );
if (result)
printk (KERN_NOTICE "error %d add %s device", result, DEV_NAME);
goto ERROR;
} button_device.dev_class = class_create(THIS_MODULE, DEV_NAME);
printk("%s driver create class failture\n",DEV_NAME);
result = -ENOMEM;
goto ERROR;
device_create(button_device.dev_class, NULL, devno, NULL, DEV_NAME);
device_create (button_device.dev_class, NULL, devno, DEV_NAME);
#endif printk("S3C %s driver version %d.%d.%d initiliazed.\n", DEV_NAME, DRV_MAJOR_VER, DRV_MINOR_VER, DRV_REVER_VER); return ; ERROR:
printk("S3C %s driver version %d.%d.%d install failure.\n", DEV_NAME, DRV_MAJOR_VER, DRV_MINOR_VER, DRV_REVER_VER);
unregister_chrdev_region(devno, );
return result;
} static int s3c_button_remove(struct platform_device *dev)
dev_t devno = MKDEV(dev_major, dev_minor); cdev_del(&(button_device.cdev));
device_destroy(button_device.dev_class, devno);
class_destroy(button_device.dev_class); unregister_chrdev_region(devno, );
printk("S3C %s driver removed\n", DEV_NAME); return ;
} /*===================== Platform Device and driver regist part ===========================*/ static struct platform_driver s3c_button_driver = {
.probe = s3c_button_probe,
.remove = s3c_button_remove,
.driver = {
.name = "s3c_button",
.owner = THIS_MODULE,
}; static int __init s3c_button_init(void)
int ret = ; ret = platform_device_register(&s3c_button_device);
printk(KERN_ERR "%s: Can't register platform device %d\n", __FUNCTION__, ret);
goto fail_reg_plat_dev;
dbg_print("Regist S3C %s Device successfully.\n", DEV_NAME); ret = platform_driver_register(&s3c_button_driver);
printk(KERN_ERR "%s: Can't register platform driver %d\n", __FUNCTION__, ret);
goto fail_reg_plat_drv;
dbg_print("Regist S3C %s Driver successfully.\n", DEV_NAME); return ; fail_reg_plat_drv:
return ret;
} static void s3c_button_exit(void)
dbg_print("S3C %s platform device removed.\n", DEV_NAME); platform_device_unregister(&s3c_button_device);
dbg_print("S3C %s platform driver removed.\n", DEV_NAME);
} module_init(s3c_button_init);
module_exit(s3c_button_exit); module_param(debug, int, S_IRUGO);
module_param(dev_major, int, S_IRUGO);
module_param(dev_minor, int, S_IRUGO); MODULE_AUTHOR(DRV_AUTHOR);
编写中断程序需要注意的事情:1、Linux不支持中断嵌套 2、中断处理程序不可重用,不可阻塞
* Copyright: (C) 2016 2013dianxin_3
* All rights reserved.
* Filename: buttonapp.c
* Description: This file
* Version: 1.0.0(06/12/2016)
* Author: xiaohexiansheng <1392195453@qq.com>
* ChangeLog: 1, Release initial version on "06/12/2016 01:42:50 PM"
#include<sys/time.h> #define LED_OFF _IO (PLATDRV_MAGIC, 0x18)
#define LED_ON _IO (PLATDRV_MAGIC, 0x19)
#define KEY1 0x1
#define KEY2 0x2
#define KEY3 0x4
#define KEY4 0x8 int main(int argc, char **argv)
int button_fd;
int led_fd;
int ret;
int but_status;
fd_set rdfds; button_fd = open("/dev/button", O_RDWR);
if (button_fd < )
printf("Open buttons device faild!\n");
} led_fd = open("/dev/led", O_RDWR);
if (led_fd < )
printf("Open led device faild!\n");
} printf("Start select....\n"); FD_ZERO(&rdfds);
FD_SET(button_fd, &rdfds); while ()
ret = select(button_fd + , &rdfds, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (ret < )
printf("select failure\n");
} if (ret == )
printf("select timeout\n");
} else if (ret > )
if (FD_ISSET(button_fd, &rdfds) > )
read(button_fd, &but_status, sizeof(but_status));
} if (but_status & KEY1)
ioctl(led_fd, LED_ON, );
ioctl(led_fd, LED_OFF, );
} if (but_status & KEY2)
ioctl(led_fd, LED_ON, );
ioctl(led_fd, LED_OFF, );
} if (but_status & KEY3)
ioctl(led_fd, LED_ON, );
ioctl(led_fd, LED_OFF, );
} if (but_status & KEY4)
ioctl(led_fd, LED_ON, );
ioctl(led_fd, LED_OFF, );
} close(button_fd);
return ;
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