python+turtle 笔记
- from turtle import *
- def nose(x,y):#鼻子
- penup()#提起笔
- goto(x,y)#定位
- pendown()#落笔,开始画
- setheading(-30)#将乌龟的方向设置为to_angle/为数字(0-东、90-北、180-西、270-南)
- begin_fill()#准备开始填充图形
- a=0.4
- for i in range(120):
- if 0<=i<30 or 60<=i<90:
- a=a+0.08
- left(3) #向左转3度
- forward(a) #向前走a的步长
- else:
- a=a-0.08
- left(3)
- forward(a)
- end_fill()#填充完成
- penup()
- setheading(90)
- forward(25)
- setheading(0)
- forward(10)
- pendown()
- pencolor(255,155,192)#画笔颜色
- setheading(10)
- begin_fill()
- circle(5)
- color(160,82,45)#返回或设置pencolor和fillcolor
- end_fill()
- penup()
- setheading(0)
- forward(20)
- pendown()
- pencolor(255,155,192)
- setheading(10)
- begin_fill()
- circle(5)
- color(160,82,45)
- end_fill()
- def head(x,y):#头
- color((255,155,192),"pink")
- penup()
- goto(x,y)
- setheading(0)
- pendown()
- begin_fill()
- setheading(180)
- circle(300,-30)
- circle(100,-60)
- circle(80,-100)
- circle(150,-20)
- circle(60,-95)
- setheading(161)
- circle(-300,15)
- penup()
- goto(-100,100)
- pendown()
- setheading(-30)
- a=0.4
- for i in range(60):
- if 0<=i<30 or 60<=i<90:
- a=a+0.08
- lt(3) #向左转3度
- fd(a) #向前走a的步长
- else:
- a=a-0.08
- lt(3)
- fd(a)
- end_fill()
- def ears(x,y): #耳朵
- color((255,155,192),"pink")
- penup()
- goto(x,y)
- pendown()
- begin_fill()
- setheading(100)
- circle(-50,50)
- circle(-10,120)
- circle(-50,54)
- end_fill()
- penup()
- setheading(90)
- forward(-12)
- setheading(0)
- forward(30)
- pendown()
- begin_fill()
- setheading(100)
- circle(-50,50)
- circle(-10,120)
- circle(-50,56)
- end_fill()
- def eyes(x,y):#眼睛
- color((255,155,192),"white")
- penup()
- setheading(90)
- forward(-20)
- setheading(0)
- forward(-95)
- pendown()
- begin_fill()
- circle(15)
- end_fill()
- color("black")
- penup()
- setheading(90)
- forward(12)
- setheading(0)
- forward(-3)
- pendown()
- begin_fill()
- circle(3)
- end_fill()
- color((255,155,192),"white")
- penup()
- seth(90)
- forward(-25)
- seth(0)
- forward(40)
- pendown()
- begin_fill()
- circle(15)
- end_fill()
- color("black")
- penup()
- setheading(90)
- forward(12)
- setheading(0)
- forward(-3)
- pendown()
- begin_fill()
- circle(3)
- end_fill()
- def cheek(x,y):#腮
- color((255,155,192))
- penup()
- goto(x,y)
- pendown()
- setheading(0)
- begin_fill()
- circle(30)
- end_fill()
- def mouth(x,y): #嘴
- color(239,69,19)
- penup()
- goto(x,y)
- pendown()
- setheading(-80)
- circle(30,40)
- circle(40,80)
- def body(x,y):#身体
- color("red",(255,99,71))
- penup()
- goto(x,y)
- pendown()
- begin_fill()
- setheading(-130)
- circle(100,10)
- circle(300,30)
- setheading(0)
- forward(230)
- setheading(90)
- circle(300,30)
- circle(100,3)
- color((255,155,192),(255,100,100))
- setheading(-135)
- circle(-80,63)
- circle(-150,24)
- end_fill()
- def hands(x,y):#手
- color((255,155,192))
- penup()
- goto(x,y)
- pendown()
- setheading(-160)
- circle(300,15)
- penup()
- setheading(90)
- forward(15)
- setheading(0)
- forward(0)
- pendown()
- setheading(-10)
- circle(-20,90)
- penup()
- setheading(90)
- forward(30)
- setheading(0)
- forward(237)
- pendown()
- setheading(-20)
- circle(-300,15)
- penup()
- setheading(90)
- forward(20)
- setheading(0)
- forward(0)
- pendown()
- setheading(-170)
- circle(20,90)
- def foot(x,y):#脚
- pensize(10)
- color((240,128,128))
- penup()
- goto(x,y)
- pendown()
- setheading(-90)
- forward(40)
- setheading(-180)
- color("black")
- pensize(15)
- fd(20)
- pensize(10)
- color((240,128,128))
- penup()
- setheading(90)
- forward(40)
- setheading(0)
- forward(90)
- pendown()
- setheading(-90)
- forward(40)
- setheading(-180)
- color("black")
- pensize(15)
- fd(20)
- def tail(x,y):#尾巴
- pensize(4)
- color((255,155,192))
- penup()
- goto(x,y)
- pendown()
- seth(0)
- circle(70,20)
- circle(10,330)
- circle(70,30)
- def setting(): #参数设置
- pensize(4)
- hideturtle() #使乌龟无形(隐藏)
- colormode(255) #将其设置为1.0或255.随后 颜色三元组的r,g,b值必须在0 .. cmode范围内
- color((255,155,192),"pink")
- setup(840,500)
- speed(10)
- def main():
- setting() #画布、画笔设置
- nose(-100,100) #鼻子
- head(-69,167) #头
- ears(0,160) #耳朵
- eyes(0,140) #眼睛
- cheek(80,10) #腮
- mouth(-20,30) #嘴
- body(-32,-8) #身体
- hands(-56,-45) #手
- foot(2,-177) #脚
- tail(148,-155) #尾巴
- done()
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
- import numpy as np
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- import matplotlib.font_manager as fm
- t=np.arange(0,120,0.5)
- rabbit=np.piecewise(t,
- [t<10,t>110],
- [lambda x:15*x,
- lambda x:20*(x-110)+150,
- lambda x:150]
- )
- tortoise=3*t
- plt.plot(t,tortoise,label='乌龟')
- plt.plot(t,rabbit,label='兔子')
- plt.title('龟兔赛跑',fontpropertise='STKAITI',fontsize=24)
- plt.xlabel('时间(秒)',fontpropertise='STKAITI',fontsize=18)
- plt.ylabel('与起点的距离(米)',fontpropertise='simbei',fontsize=18)
- from turtle import *
- #global pen and speed
- pencolor("black")
- fillcolor("red")
- speed(50)
- s=0.15
- #init poistion
- penup()
- goto(0,600*s)
- pendown()
- begin_fill()
- circle(200*s,30)
- for i in range(60):
- lt(1)
- circle(50*s,1)
- circle(200*s,30)
- for i in range(4):
- lt(1)
- circle(100*s,1)
- circle(200*s,50)
- for i in range(50):
- lt(1)
- circle(50*s,1)
- circle(350*s,65)
- for i in range(40):
- lt(1)
- circle(70*s,1)
- circle(150*s,50)
- for i in range(20):
- rt(1)
- circle(50*s,1)
- circle(400*s,60)
- for i in range(18):
- lt(1)
- circle(50*s,1)
- fd(250*s)
- rt(150)
- circle(-500*s,12)
- lt(140)
- circle(550*s,110)
- lt(27)
- circle(650*s,100)
- lt(130)
- circle(-300*s,20)
- rt(123)
- circle(220*s,57)
- end_fill()
- lt(120)
- fd(280*s)
- lt(115)
- circle(300*s,33)
- lt(180)
- circle(-300*s,33)
- for i in range(70):
- rt(1)
- circle(225*s,1)
- circle(350*s,104)
- lt(90)
- circle(200*s,105)
- circle(-500*s,63)
- penup()
- goto(170*s,-330*s)
- pendown()
- lt(160)
- for i in range(20):
- lt(1)
- circle(2500*s,1)
- for i in range(220):
- rt(1)
- circle(250*s,1)
- fillcolor('green')
- penup()
- goto(670*s,-480*s)
- pendown()
- rt(140)
- begin_fill()
- circle(300*s,120)
- lt(60)
- circle(300*s,120)
- end_fill()
- penup()
- goto(180*s,-850*s)
- pendown()
- rt(85)
- circle(600*s,40)
- penup()
- goto(-150*s,-1300*s)
- pendown()
- begin_fill()
- rt(120)
- circle(300*s,115)
- lt(75)
- circle(300*s,100)
- end_fill()
- penup()
- goto(430*s,-1370*s)
- pendown()
- rt(30)
- circle(-600*s,35)
- done()
- from turtle import *
- color('red','yellow')
- begin_fill()
- while True:
- forward(200)
- left(170)
- if abs(pos())<1:
- break
- end_fill()
- done()
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