去重和分类后缀asp、php等路径 用python3写的
创建个data目录 把需要去重和分类的txt文件放到里面
- python datahanle.py
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- # -*- conding:utf-8 -*-
- import os,re
- data =[]
- asp = []
- aspx = []
- php = []
- jsp = []
- mdb = []
- dirx = []
- def file_name():
- for files in os.walk("data"):
- #print(files[2]) #当前路径下文件
- pass
- return files[2]
- def datas(dir):
- with open("%s"%dir,"r",encoding="gb18030") as f:
- for i in f.readlines():
- data.append(i)
- dirs =file_name()
- for i in dirs:
- datas("data/%s"%(i))
- print("一共有%s条路径"%(len(data)))
- data = list(set(data))
- print("去重后一共还有%s条路径"%(len(data)))
- count_asp = 0
- count_aspx = 0
- count_jsp = 0
- count_php = 0
- count_dirx = 0
- count_mdb = 0
- data = sorted(data) #对列表排序
- for i in data:
- #rule = re.compile(r".*?asp",re.I)
- res = re.search('.*?\.asp',i,flags=re.I)
- if res == None:
- res = re.search('.*?\.mdb', i, flags=re.I)
- if res == None:
- res = re.search('.*?\.php', i, flags=re.I)
- if res == None:
- res = re.search('.*?\.jsp', i, flags=re.I)
- if res == None:
- dirx.append(i)
- count_dirx +=1
- else:
- jsp.append(i)
- count_jsp +=1
- else:
- php.append(i)
- count_php +=1
- else:
- mdb.append(i)
- count_mdb += 1
- else:
- res = re.search('.*?\.aspx', i, flags=re.I)
- if res == None:
- asp.append(i)
- count_asp+=1
- else:
- aspx.append(i)
- count_aspx +=1
- print("asp:%s aspx:%s php:%s jsp:%s dir:%s mdb:%s"%(count_asp,count_aspx,count_php,count_jsp,count_dirx,count_mdb))
- with open('nwe_asp.txt','a',encoding='utf-8') as f:
- for i in asp:
- f.write(i)
- with open('nwe_aspx.txt','a',encoding='utf-8') as f:
- for i in aspx:
- f.write(i)
- with open('nwe_php.txt','a',encoding='utf-8') as f:
- for i in php:
- f.write(i)
- with open('nwe_jsp.txt','a',encoding='utf-8') as f:
- for i in jsp:
- f.write(i)
- with open('nwe_mdb.txt','a',encoding='utf-8') as f:
- for i in mdb:
- f.write(i)
- with open('nwe_dir.txt','a',encoding='utf-8') as f:
- for i in dirx:
- f.write(i)
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