228. Middle of Linked List

Find the middle node of a linked list.


Example 1:

Input:  1->2->3
Output: 2
Explanation: return the value of the middle node.

Example 2:

Input:  1->2
Output: 1
Explanation: If the length of list is even return the value of center left one.


If the linked list is in a data stream, can you find the middle without iterating the linked list again?



case 1: 空链表 (要确保head不是一个空结点,否则, while(head.next) 就会抛出空指针异常! 记住:写head.next之前一定要排除空结点的情况!!!!!!!!!!

case 2: 链表不为空 (快慢指针)


1)如果链表有偶数个结点,那么,当快指针  head.next.next == null 时 (事件A)

2)如果链表有奇数个结点,那么,当快指针  head.next == null 时 (事件B)


当上面两种情况都不发生时,慢指针(result)走一步,快指针(head)走两步。(Not C)

即:C = A || B, 那么 Not C = !A && !B


while (head.next != null && head.next.next != null)   不能写成 while (head.next.next != null && head.next != null)

因为如果是奇数结点的链表(1->2->3->null)当慢指针指向2时,快指针指向3。下一次循环如果先判断head.next.next 就会抛出空指针异常,所以应该先检验head.next是否为空,不满足(就不会执行第二个布尔表达式)直接退出循环。


public ListNode middleNode(ListNode head) {
ListNode result = head;
if (head == null) {
return result;
while (head.next != null && head.next.next != null) {
result = result.next;
head = head.next.next;
return result;

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