[Spring boot] Autowired by name, by @Primary or by @Qualifier
In the example we have currently:
public class BinarySearchImpl { @Autowired
private SortAlgo sortAlgo; public int binarySearch(int [] numbers, int target) {
// Sorting an array sortAlgo.sort(numbers);
// Quick sort // Return the result
return 3;
} }
public class QuickSortAlgo implements SortAlgo{
public int[] sort(int[] numbers) {
return numbers;
} @Component
public class BubbleSortAlgo implements SortAlgo{
public int[] sort(int[] numbers) {
return numbers;
The way we do Autowired is by '@Primary' decorator.
It is clear that one implementation detail is the best, then we should consider to use @Primary to do the autowiring
Autowiring by name
It is also possible to autowiring by name:
// Change From
private SortAlgo sortAlgo; // Change to
private SortAlgo quickSortAlgo
We changed it to using 'quickSortAlgo', even we remove the @Primary from 'QuickSortAlgo', it still works as the same.
// @Primary
public class QuickSortAlgo implements SortAlgo{
public int[] sort(int[] numbers) {
return numbers;
Instead of using naming, we can use @Qualifier() to tell which one we want to autowired.
public class QuickSortAlgo implements SortAlgo{
public int[] sort(int[] numbers) {
return numbers;
} @Component
public class BubbleSortAlgo implements SortAlgo{
public int[] sort(int[] numbers) {
return numbers;
private SortAlgo sortAlgo;
In this case, it will use 'BubbleSortAlgo'.
So we can say that
@Qualifier > @Primary > @naming
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