This example retrieves all the tabs in a tabbed pane:

    // To create a tabbed pane, see e828 创建JTabbedPane

    // Get number of tabs
int count = pane.getTabCount(); // Get the properties of each tab
for (int i=0; i<count; i++) {
// Get label
String label = pane.getTitleAt(i); // Get icon
Icon icon = pane.getIconAt(i); // Get tool tip
String tooltip = pane.getToolTipTextAt(i); // Is enabled?
boolean enabled = pane.isEnabledAt(i); // Get mnemonic
int keycode = pane.getMnemonicAt(i); // Get component associated with tab
Component comp = pane.getComponentAt(i);

Most of the methods that allow the properties of a tab to be changed require the index of the tab. The index of a tab can change as tabs are added, removed, or moved. Here are three ways to retrieve the index of a tab when needed.

    // Get the index of the first tab that matches a label
String label = "Tab Label";
int index = pane.indexOfTab(label); // Get the index of the first tab that matches an icon; the supplied
// icon must be the same instance that was used to create the tab
index = pane.indexOfTab(icon); // Get the index of the tab by matching the child component; the supplied
// component must be the same instance that was used to create the tab
index = pane.indexOfComponent(component); if (index < 0) {
// The tab could not be found
Related Examples

e833. 获得JTabbedPane中的卡片的更多相关文章

  1. e839. 使JTabbedPane中的卡片可滚动

    By default, all the tabs in a tabbed pane are displayed. When the tabs are wider than the width of t ...

  2. e840. 监听JTabbedPane中选中卡片的改变

    A tabbed pane fires a change event whenever the selected tab is changed either by the user or progra ...

  3. e838. 使JTabbedPane中的卡片能用按键的方式选取

    Setting a mnemonic on a tab allows the tab to be selected with a keystroke. For example, if the mnem ...

  4. e832. 从JTabbedPane中移动卡片

    To move a tab, it must first be removed and then reinserted into the tabbed pane as a new tab. Unfor ...

  5. e835. 使JTabbedPane中的卡片生效和失效

    By default, all new tabs are enabled, which means the user can select them. A tab can be disabled to ...

  6. e836. 设置JTabbedPane中卡片的提示语

    There are two ways to set a tool tip on a tab. The first is to specify it when the tab is created; t ...

  7. e837. 设置JTabbedPane中卡片的颜色

    // Create a tabbed pane JTabbedPane pane = new JTabbedPane(); // Set the text color for all tabs pan ...

  8. e834. 设置JTabbedPane中卡片的位置

    The tabs of a tabbed pane can be placed on one of the four edges of its container. By default, when ...

  9. e831. 从JTabbedPane中删除一个卡片

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