python 百度图片爬虫
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
import requests
import os
import pinyin
import simplejson def getManyPages(keyword,pages):
for i in range(30,30*pages+30,30):
'tn': 'resultjson_com',
'ipn': 'rj',
'ct': 201326592,
'is': '',
'fp': 'result',
'queryWord': keyword,
'cl': 2,
'lm': -1,
'ie': 'utf-8',
'oe': 'utf-8',
'adpicid': '',
'st': -1,
'z': '',
'ic': 0,
'word': keyword,
's': '',
'se': '',
'tab': '',
'width': '',
'height': '',
'face': 0,
'istype': 2,
'qc': '',
'nc': 1,
'fr': '',
'pn': i,
'rn': 30,
'gsm': '1e',
'': ''
url = ''
urls = []
for i in params:
rgjson = requests.get(url,params=i).json().get('data')
except simplejson.scanner.JSONDecodeError:
print('【错误】simplejson.scanner.JSONDecodeError ')
urls.append(rgjson) return urls def getImg(dataList, localPath, keyword): if not os.path.exists(localPath): # 新建文件夹
os.mkdir(localPath) x = 0
for list in dataList:
for i in list:
if i.get('thumbURL') != None:
#print('download:%s' % i.get('thumbURL'))
print("down " + str(x) + " image " + i.get('thumbURL'))
ir = requests.get(i.get('thumbURL'))
open(localPath +"/" + keyword + '_%d.jpg' % x, 'wb').write(ir.content)
x += 1
print('image not exist') def convert():
fp = open("stars_list_clean.txt",'w')
with open("stars_list.txt",'r') as face_file:
stars_list = face_file.readlines()
index = 0
line_record = []
for line in stars_list:
line = line.replace('\r','').replace('\n','').replace('\t','')
line_split = line.strip().split(",")
if line_split[1] not in line_record:
fp.write('%s\n' % line_split[1])
print(line_split[1], " is exist") def debug(): # with open("stars_list_clean.txt",'r') as face_file:
# stars_list = face_file.readlines()
# index = 0
# for line in stars_list:
# line = line.replace('\r','').replace('\n','').replace('\t','')
# keyword_english = pinyin.get(line, format="strip")
# keyword = line
# index += 1
# if index > 0:
# break # print(keyword)
# keyword1 = '胡因梦'
# if keyword == keyword1:
# print("yes")
# else:
# print("no")
keyword = '胡因梦'
keyword_english = "hym"
dataList = getManyPages(keyword,2) # 参数1:关键字,参数2:要下载的页数
getImg(dataList,'./hanxue', keyword_english) # 参数2:指定保存的路径 # keyword = '韩雪'
# dataList = getManyPages(keyword,2) # 参数1:关键字,参数2:要下载的页数
#getImg(dataList,'./hanxue') # 参数2:指定保存的路径 def run(): fp = open("stars_list_en.txt",'w')
with open("stars_list_clean.txt",'r') as face_file:
stars_list = face_file.readlines()
for line in stars_list:
line = line.replace('\r','').replace('\n','').replace('\t','')
keyword_english = pinyin.get(line, format="strip")
fp.write('%s\n' % keyword_english)
face_ID_index = 0 dir = "./stars_srcimg/" # if os.path.exists(dir):
# os.system("rm -rf " + dir) if not os.path.exists(dir):
os.mkdir(dir) pages = 5
maxnum = pages * 30
print(maxnum) for line in stars_list:
line = line.replace('\r','').replace('\n','').replace('\t','')
keyword = line
print keyword
keyword_english = pinyin.get(keyword, format="strip")
print keyword_english
face_ID = str(face_ID_index) + "_" + keyword
facesavepath = dir + str(face_ID_index) + "_" + keyword
face_ID_index += 1
print facesavepath
if not os.path.exists(facesavepath):
print(keyword, " exist")
continue print("down " + keyword) dataList = getManyPages(keyword, pages) # 参数1:关键字,参数2:要下载的页数
getImg(dataList, facesavepath, face_ID) # 参数2:指定保存的路径 if __name__ == '__main__':
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