




一、语句的含义(不一定完全准确,大概是这样) 15分

(1)、persistent declare distance :vertex,vertex ->float

(2)、persistent declare mirror :Cuboid || vertex,vertex,vertex->void

(3)、declare marry :person || person -> void

  refine declare marry :Employee || person -> void

(4)、 ploymorph declare ...

(5)、 ploymorph overload select (\t1 <= {\t2}) : \t1 || (\t2->bool) -> \t1

二、设计题 15分



(2)写出(1)的类,人类的行为:吃食物、结婚;猩猩的行为:跳越、吃事物, 属性自定



三、简答题 30分








五、时间戳调度 10分


<R(x), 19>

<R(x), 22>

<W(x), 21>

<W(x), 28>

六、描述2PL,解释在什么情况下引入ROWA,并描述其算法。 15分



1.1. Create a Database(创建数据库)

1.Make the database directory(创建数据库目录)

The first step in creating a new database is to create a subdirectory for it under the Versant root database directory. You do this with the Versant utility makedb. To create the database directory for the databasetutdb, run the makedb utility with the database name as argument.

makedb tutdb

This creates a subdirectory, owned by you, under the Versant root database directory. To see the location of this root directory, use the oscp utility.

oscp -d


2.Create the database structure(创建数据库结构)

Now you can create the database in the newly created database directory. To create the database, use the createdb utility.

createdb tutdb

This creates the storage structure and log files for the database system in the database directory tutdb.


1.2 Create a Persistence Capable Class(创建持久型类)To create a Java class for persistent objects, first write the .java source code file as usual. No changes are necessary to allow objects of this class to be stored in the database. These changes will be done automatically for you in the enhancement process.( 通常首先写.java源文件为持久型的对象创建一个java类。不需要你做一些更改实现对类的象来在数据库中存储,在 enhancement进程中将自动实现更改。)

Our first examples will use a Person class, which is included in the tutorial directory. To indicate that instances of Person are persistent objects, a corresponding line will be added to the configuration file that is read during the enhancement process. (为了表示一个Person类的实例是持久型的对象,一行对应的代码将被加到配置文件中,他将在enhancement进程中读出。)This will be described in greater detail in the section on enhancement.


package tutorial.model;

public class Person {

public String name;

public int age;

public Person(String aName, int anAge) {

name = aName;

age = anAge;


public String toString() {

return "Person: " + name + " age: " + age;



In the Person class above the name and age attributes have not been hidden with the

private or protected access modifiers. Although not allowing publicly accessible fields

is often considered standard object-oriented programming practice, this would only serve to

complicate the example and distract from the main concepts being illustrated.

1.3. Create an Application(创建一个应用)

Our first example application will simply create instances of the Person class. The sample application makes a persistent object using the following process.

• Connect to the database and start a transaction by creating a new TransSession object.

• Create a new instance of class Person as usual using the new operator.

• Commit the transaction by ending the session.






package tutorial;

import com.versant.trans.*;//添加V/JVI Classes

import tutorial.model.*;

public class CreatePerson {

public static void main(String[] args) {

/*    if (args.length != 3) {

System.out.println("Usage: java CreatePerson <database> <name> <age>");



String database = "tutdb";

String name = "Jerry";

int age = 23;

TransSession session = new TransSession(database);

Person person = new Person(name, age);



session.endSession ();




Import V/JVI Classes

In the example application, the V/JVI class TransSession is used. To import this class into the

namespace of the application program, use the Java import directive. This class is located in the V/JVI package com.versant.trans .

注意:import com.versant.trans.*;//添加V/JVI Classes


Afterwards reference the jar file jvi7.0.1-jdk1.4.jar as a user library to your projects build path. To do that right click on TUT in the package explorer and choose javaBuildPath|libraries|AddExternalArchives

Now choose the file as <VERSANT_ROOT>/lib/jvi7.0.1-jdk1.4.jar and click ok.


Start Database Session

Before any persistent objects can be created or accessed, you must connect to the database by starting a database session. Starting a database session initiates Versant processes that allow you to access Versant databases. You can use Versant database methods and persistent objects only within a session.

(在任何持久对象创建或者访问前必须通过启动一个数据库会话来连接数据库。启动一个数据库会话就会初始化Versant进程允许访问Vresant数据库。只有在一个会话中,才可以使用Versant的数据库的方法和持久对象。 )

In the V/JVI transparent binding, starting a database session is accomplished by creating a new instance of the TransSession class. The constructor for this class has two parameters, a set of properties and a session capability. Beginning a session can be controlled by several options. These options are set in the Properties object that is passed to the TransSession constructor. For now, we are only interested in one option, the name of the database. (For more information, on the available options when starting a session, please refer to section on the TransSession class in the Java Versant Interface Reference Manual.)


Start a Transaction

A logical JDO transaction is started and changes made to objects in the context of the transaction are saved when the transaction is commited.


Starting a database session also starts a short transaction. All changes to persistent objects are written to the database only if the transaction is successfully commited.

Create a Persistent Object

Since the Person class will be designated as a persistence capable class in the configuration file, no special code must be written to create persistent Person objects. Simply invoke(调用) the new operator as usual.

The TransSession.makePersistent() method causes the given object to be stored persistently in the database.

Commit the Transaction

Ending the session causes the active short transaction to commit. To commit a transaction without ending the session, use the TransSession.commit() method.

1.4. Compile the Java Classes(编译java类)

To compile the classes of a V/JVI application, simply invoke the Java compiler as usual. No special action needs to be taken. However, it is necessary to correctly set the CLASSPATH environment variable so that the V/JVI classes can be accessed by the compiler.

The V/JVI classes are located in a .jar file in the [VERSANT_ROOT]/lib release directory. The nameof this file depends on both the V/JVI and Java version numbers. For example, the .jar file for JVI 7.0.1with JDK 1.4 is named jvi7.0.1-jdk1.4.jar. Add the .jar file to your CLASSPATH environment variable.

In addition, it is necessary to add the directory containing the Java source files to your CLASSPATH. The exact method for setting CLASSPATH depends on the system being used. Please refer to your Java documentation for correctly setting CLASSPATH.

An Ant script is provided for this tutorial. To compile the Java classes using Ant, use the following

command-line calls.(本教程提供了一个Ant脚本。要使用Ant编译Java类,请使用以下命令行调用。)

cd TUT

ant clean

ant compile

1.5Enhance the Java Classes(加强java类)

Enhancement is where the "magic" of the Versant JVI transparence takes place. The enhancer is a post-processing utility that modifies your Java classes so that instances can be stored in the database. It also augments code that accesses these persistent objects so that they correctly interact with the database.


The enhancer is termed a post-processor because it manipulates Java .class files, not .java source files.That is, the input to the enhancer is a set of compiled Java classes, because enhancement occurs after compilation. The output of the enhancer is a corresponding set of class files; but these classes have been modified to correctly work with Versant databases. Post-processing is feasible for two main reasons.

• Java .class files contain virtual machine language instructions that are independent of any one processor.Thus, the same .class files can be executed on different platforms. This means that the enhancer does not have to consider platform-specific details.

• The .class files have a relatively simple structure that make them easy to read and modify by utilities such as the enhancer.

(加强器之所以被成为后处理语句是因为它修改Java .class文件而不是java源文件。也就是说加强器的输入是编译过的Java类,因为加强语是在编译后。加强器的输出是一系列类文件,但是这些类已经被修改以适应于Versant数据库。后处理是可行的基于两个原因。

·Java .class文件包含独立于任何处理器的虚拟机语言指令。那么.class文件能够在不同的平台上执行。这就意味着加强器不需要考虑特定平台细节。


Although it actually does quite a bit more, the enhancer performs three main functions on its input .class files.

• The schema of the persistent classes is captured and code is generated to inform the database of this schema.

• Code is generated that moves objects from the database into Java memory and vice versa.

• Application code that accesses and modifies persistent objects is augmented to mark objects as dirty and fetch objects from the database, so that changes to these objects are written to the database when the transaction is committed.





A configuration file, usually named config.jvi, controls the behavior of the enhancer. This file specifies the persistence category of each of the classes that are being enhanced. The configuration file for the example application above is as follows.

c tutorial.model.Person

a tutorial.CreatePerson





Follow the normal Eclipse software update procedures (from the Eclipse Help | Software Updates | Findand Install... menu) to install the Versant JVI plugins.

这段话写的很传神,但是你会发现你找不到Software Updates 这个选项,再一次华丽的碎了一地。参考



页里Running the sample application这一段,如果你照着,那么恭喜你你再一次被耍了。你编译时会出错。因为上面讲的很清楚,你要先编译java类文件,然后才能enhance,对不对?在CreatePreson类中将下面的语句做一些处理。



category c.

The letter c indicates that the class (in the example, the tutorial.model.Person class)

is categorized as persistence capable. This means that objects of the class can be stored in the Versant database and the enhancer will modify the class so that persistence is possible.

(c 表示这个类被标示为持久的。也就是能在Versant数据库中存储和被加强器将要修改的类以实现持久性。)

category a. In the configuration file, the letter a indicates that a class is persistence aware. In the example,the CreatePerson class, is persistence aware. This means that CreatePerson instances will not be stored in the database but that the methods of class CreatePerson will be augmented to correctly work with other persistent objects, such as Person objects.


category n. The letter n indicates that the class should not be enhanced and n** means that the classes that have not been categorized with a or c will not be enhanced.


The configuration file supplied with the V/JVI installation has already been updated to work

with this and the following examples. The configuration file is located in


The enhancer looks for .class files in an input directory and writes the modified .class files in an output directory. These two directories are specified on the command line when the enhancer is executed. The input directory is the top of the package hierarchy for all of the classes comprising the V/JVI application. After the enhancer is run, the output directory mimics the structure of the input directory. The input and output directories for the tutorial examples can be found in your V/JVI installation as the TUT/src/ and TUT/build/ directories.

To enhance the Java classes, you can use the supplied Ant script.

cd TUT

ant enhance

Afterwards, the build directory will contain the enhanced .class files as well as additional files with names ending in Pickler_Vj.class. These classes assist in making the model objects persistent.

1.6. Run the Application(运行程序)

To run the sample application, simply invoke the Java interpreter as usual. However, it is very important to include the directory containing the enhanced .class files in the CLASSPATH. Failure to do so will result in run-time errors.

In addition, since the V/JVI libraries are implemented using native methods (functions written in the C language), the operating system must be able to locate the Versant dynamic-link libraries. These are located in the [VERSANT_ROOT]/lib/ subdirectory of your V/JVI installation. On UNIX machines, this directory is normally added to your LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable. On Windows machines, this directory must be added to your PATH.

To execute the CreatePerson application.

ant runCreatePerson

The above command adds a single Person object to the tutdb database, with name Bob and age 28. This can be seen using the Versant db2tty utility.

db2tty -d tutdb -i tutorial.model.Person

For more information, on the db2tty utility refer to the Versant Database Administration Manual


db2tty -d tutdb -i tutorial.model.Person

Accessing Objects(访问对象,推荐用第2种方法)

There are two basic ways of finding existing objects in the database, with roots or with queries. Once a persistent object has been found by either of these two methods its fields can be read and modified and its methods can be invoked. Any changes made will be written back to the database at the next transaction commit.


2.1. Finding Objects with Roots(通过根访问对象)

A root is a persistent object that has been given a name. This name can be used to find the object later. A root name is a bit like a file name although the system of roots in V/JVI is much simpler than a true file system. In particular, there is one space for root names in each database.

(一个根是一个被命名的持久对象。可以使用这个名字,以后找对象。实际上在每个数据库中都名为根留下空间。 )

Root names should be applied to only a relatively small number of objects in a database. Many database applications have complex, connected graphs of objects. A root provides a simple starting point for these graphs.


There are three fundamental root operations.

• Making a new root by giving an object a name.

• Finding an object with a given root name.

• Deleting a root name.





First, let's make a new root by giving a name to an object. The following example application,

CreatePersonWithRoot, creates a new Person object and gives it a root name.


package tutorial;

import com.versant.trans.*;

import tutorial.model.*;

public class CreatePerson{

public static void main(String[] args) {

/*if (args.length != 4) {

System.out.println ("Usage: java CreatePersonWithRoot" +

"<database> <name> <age> <root>");



String database = "tutdb";

String name = "Mary";

int age = 20;

String root ="root";

TransSession session = new TransSession(database);

Person person = new Person(name, age);

session.makeRoot(root, person);


TransSession session1 = new TransSession(database);

Person p = (Person) session1.findRoot(root);

System.out.println("Found " + p);




2.2. Finding Objects with Queries

Versant provides a query language, VQL, to search for persistent objects that match certain criteria. V/JVI supports simple VQL queries. These queries can be used to find objects that have been stored in the database.

(For more information refer the chapter Fundamental JVI, section VQL Queries in the Java VERSANT Interface Usage Manual.)


The following program finds all Person objects located in a database.

package tutorial;

import java.util.*;

import com.versant.trans.*;

import tutorial.model.*;

public class CreatePerson {

public static void main (String[] args) {

/*if (args.length != 1) {


"Usage: java FindPersonWithVQL <database>");



String database = "tutdb";

TransSession session = new TransSession(database);

VQLQuery query = new VQLQuery(session,

"select selfoid from tutorial.model.Person");

//此处使用的是VQL查询语言见D:\Versant\8\doc\VODFundamentals 18章

Enumeration e = query.execute();

while (e.hasMoreElements()) {

Person person = (Person) e.nextElement();

System.out.println("Found " + person);





Finding all Person objects proceeds in three steps.

• First, the query object is constructed with a query that means " find all objects from the Person class".

• Next, the query is executed. This tells the Versant database to find the matching objects.

• Finally, the matching objects are fetched from the database using an instance of the Java interface java.util.Enumeration. The enumeration provides restricted access to a sequence of objects so that the objects are not retrieved from their database until explicitly demanded by the application program with the nextElement() method.




·最后,通过Java接口java.util.Enumeration(枚举)的一个实例将匹配的对象从数据库中取出。枚举提供受限制的访问使对象使用nextElement()方法的应用程序不会从他们的数据库被检索直到明确要求的对象序列。 )

Execute the FindPersonWithVQL application with Ant.

ant runFindPersonWithVQL

Running the application gives the following output.

Chapter 3. Changing Persistent

Objects(更改持久对象 )

This example shows how to modify persistent objects.

Like the previous program, it finds all Person objects in a database. This time, however, instead of simply displaying the contents of the object, the age of each Person object is increased by one. After all, we are all getting older every year!


package tutorial;

import java.util.*;

import com.versant.trans.*;

import tutorial.model.*;

public class CreatePerson {

public static void main(String[] args) {

/*if (args.length != 1) {


"Usage: java IncreaseAge <database>");

System.exit(1);    Person a=new Person("",1);


String database = "tutdb";

TransSession session = new TransSession(database);

VQLQuery query = new VQLQuery(session,

"select selfoid from tutorial.model.Person");

Enumeration e = query.execute();

while (e.hasMoreElements()) {

Person person = (Person) e.nextElement();


System.out.println("Increasing " + person.name +"'s age to " +     person.age);





Chapter4.Deleting Persistent Objects(删除持久对象)

Persistent objects in a Versant database remain in the database until explicitly deleted. To delete objects from a database, use the TransSession.deleteObject() method.

The following points must be kept in mind when deleting objects from the database.

•If the server profile parameter commit_delete is OFF this function will send the delete

request to the source database and the object is deleted immediately.

• If commit_delete is ON this function will acquire a Write Lock on the object and set its

status as "Marked for deletion". The object will be physically deleted during transaction

commit. If a rollback occurs, these objects are un-marked and their status restored.

• Queries run on the database will not include objects marked for deletion in the result sets.




The following program will delete an object with a given root name.


package tutorial;

import com.versant.trans.*;

import tutorial.model.*;

public class DeletePersonWithRoot {

public static void main(String[] args) {

if (args.length != 2) {


"Usage: java DeletePersonWithRoot <database> <root>");



String database = args[0];

String root = args[1];

TransSession session = new TransSession(database);

Person person = (Person) session.findRoot(root);





Unlike C++, Java does not support a delete operation for dynamically allocated objects. Instead, Java relies on garbage collection to rid memory of unreferenced objects. Therefore, the deleteObject() method deletes the persistent object from the database only, not from memory! After deletion, the object in memory should not be accessed. The object will be deleted from the database at transaction commit. Deleting an object is not the same as deleting a root. Deleting a root simply removes the root name associated

with the object and does not delete the object from the database.

Execute the DeletePersonWithRoot application with ant runDeletePersonWithRoot.

Running the same program a second time generates an exception because the object was deleted from the database and the root name removed.

Chapter 5. Using Links

In a Versant database, a link is a reference within a persistent object to another persistent object. A link is essentially an attribute that contains the LOID (logical object idetifier) of a persistent object. A Versant link is analogous to a pointer or reference in a programming language. In fact, the analogy is so strong that links are implemented as normal Java references in V/JVI.

(在Versant数据库中,一个连接联系着两个持久对象。一个连接是本质上是属性,包含一个持久化对象的LOID(逻辑对象idetifier)。一个Versant连接很像编程语言的一个指针或者是一个引用 。实际上,这种比喻是形象的,连接在V / JV中当做普通JavaI引用链接。 )

Links are extremely easy to use. You simply define your classes in exactly the same way that you would when writing a normal, non-database, Java application. The enhancer takes care of all of the work of converting references to links and fetching objects from the database when they are accessed.


To illustrate how links work in a V/JVI transparent persistence application, we will use simple Employee and Department classes. The Employee class contains a reference to the Department class so that each employee belongs to one department. Similarly, the Department class contains a reference to the Employee class so that one employee manages each department.


package tutorial.model;

public class Employee extends Person {

public Department department;

public double salary;

public Employee(String aName, int anAge, double aSalary) {

super(aName, anAge);

salary = aSalary;


public String toString() {

return "Employee: " + name + " age: " + age +" salary: " + salary + " " + department;




package tutorial.model;

public class Department {

String name;

Employee manager;

public Department(String aName, Employee aManager) {

name = aName;

manager = aManager;


public String toString() {

return "Department: " + name + " manager: " +((manager != null) ? manager.name : "nobody");



The following application creates some Employee objects and stores them in the database.


package tutorial;

import java.util.Enumeration;

import com.versant.trans.*;

import tutorial.model.*;

public class CreateEmployee {

public static void main(String[] args) {

String database = "tutdb";

TransSession session = new TransSession(database);

Employee the_boss = new Employee("The Boss", 42, 110000);

Employee jane_jones = new Employee("Jane Jones", 24, 80000);

Employee john_doe = new Employee("John Doe", 25, 75000);

Employee lois_line = new Employee("Lois Line", 36, 70000);

Department engineering = new Department("Engineering", the_boss);

Department marketing = new Department("Marketing", lois_line);

the_boss.department = engineering;

jane_jones.department = engineering;

john_doe.department = marketing;

lois_line.department = marketing;







VQLQuery query = new VQLQuery(session,

"select selfoid from tutorial.model.Person");

//此处使用的是VQL查询语言见D:\Versant\8\doc\VODFundamentals 18章

Enumeration e = query.execute();

while (e.hasMoreElements()) {

Person person = (Person) e.nextElement();

System.out.println("Found " + person);





Chapter6.Transitive Persistence(过渡持久性)

So far you have seen just one way of storing objects persistently in the Versant database. That is, explicitly calling makePersistent() or makeRoot(). However, an object of a persistence capable class can also become persistent through a mechanism called transitive persistence. If a persistence capable object is referenced in a persistent object, it too becomes persistent.

To illustrate the concepts of persistence capable classes and transitive persistence we will use the following simple LinkedList class.


package tutorial.model;

public class LinkedList {

int label;

LinkedList next_node;

public LinkedList(int aLabel, LinkedList list) {

label = aLabel;

next_node = list;


public String toString() {

return label + ((next_node == null) ? "" : " " + next_node);



Now consider the following application which creates a linked list.


package tutorial;

import com.versant.trans.*;

import tutorial.model.*;

public class CreateLinkedList {

public static void main(String[] args) {

if (args.length != 1 && args.length != 2) {


"Usage: java CreateLinkedList <database> [root]");



String database = args[0];

String root = (args.length == 2) ? args[1] : null;

TransSession session = new TransSession(database);

LinkedList list = null;

for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)

list = new LinkedList(i, list);

if (root != null)

session.makeRoot(root, list);




This application creates, in memory, a linked list with five nodes labeled from 4 down to 0. The program takes an optional second command-line argument, the root name. If the root name is given, then the head of the linked list is made persistent by the makeRoot() method. On the other hand, if the optional argument is not given none of the linked list nodes are made persistent.

To execute the CreateLinkedList application without a root name, run ant runCreateLinkedList.

By using the db2tty utility you can see that there are no LinkedList objects in the database.

db2tty -d tutdb -i tutorial.model.LinkedList

Now run the same application, this time with a root name, with the command

Ant runCreateLinkedListWithRoot.

Now the db2tty utility will show the five LinkedList nodes in the database. You can also see them with the following application.


package tutorial;

import com.versant.trans.*;

import tutorial.model.*;

public class FindLinkedList {

public static void main(String[] args) {

if (args.length != 2) {


"Usage: java FindLinkedList <database> <root>");



String database = args[0];

String root = args[1];

TransSession session = new TransSession(database);

LinkedList list = (LinkedList) session.findRoot(root);

System.out.println("Found List: " + list);

session.endSession ();



Execute the FindLinkedList application with ant runFindLinkedList. This will display the following.

Found List: 4 3 2 1 0

This means that even though only a single object was explicitly made persistent (by the makeRoot()method), five objects were actually persistently stored in the database. The reason is transitive persistence.Since the head of the linked list, node 4, is persistent and contains a link to node 3, node 3 is transitively persistent as well. In addition, since node 3 is persistent and contains a link to node 2, node 2 is persistent,and so on.

While this example demonstrates a very simple form of transitive persistence, where the linked objects were arranged in a regular, linear form, transitive persistence will apply to much more complicated linked structures as well. Any object of a persistence capable class becomes persistent if it can be reached from a persistent object by following links.

Chapter 7. Second Class Objects(第2类对象,内部类)

All of the objects that you have seen in this tutorial are first class objects. This means that the Versant database recognizes them as individual objects and has assigned a LOID to each one that is stored in the database.However, V/JVI supports another kind of persistent object, the second class object or SCO. A second class object cannot exist in the database in its own right, it must exist as an attribute of a first class object. The second class object is in some sense subordinate to a first class object. This first class object is sometimes referred to as the owner of the SCO. Each SCO can have only one owner.

Second class objects use the Java serialization(串行) mechanism to achieve persistent storage. Serialization turns an object into a byte stream, that is, an array or sequence of bytes that can be deserialized to reconstitute the object(反序列化重组 ). There is a tradeoff involved in using first class or second class objects. First class objects require more database overhead since the database has to handle each separately. (第一类对象需要更多的数据库的开销,因为数据库已经分别处理。)Second class objects, on the other hand, do not work easily with database queries (since the database has no knowledge of the Java serialization format)and involve some extra runtime serialization overhead. In addition, SCOs cannot be shared between first class objects because each SCO can have only one owner.

Fortunately, other than the restriction on sharing SCOs, you do not have to change the way in which you write your Java programs to determine if the tradeoffs(权衡) are beneficial or harmful to the performance of your application. Only the configuration file need be changed.

As a simple example of using SCOs, consider the following Friend and Address classes. Each of your friends has an address, but you might not want these addresses to occupy their own object in the database because the Address class is really just a way of grouping related information so that it can be dealt with at once in your application program.

To indicate that the instances of the Address class should be second class objects, mark this class as category d in the configuration file.

c Friend

d Address

(The d stands for dependent, an alternate way of saying the object is second class.)

public class Friend extends Person {

String phone_number;

Address address;



public class Address {

String street;

String city;

String state;

int zip_code;


Now, whenever a Friend object is written to the database, the Address object will be serialized along with it. If you change the category from d to p (always persistent) or c (persistence capable), your application will behave in the same way, only the representation in the database will change.




makedb mydbname

createdb mydbname





String database = "mydb";

String name = "Jerry";

int age = 23;

TransSession session = new TransSession(database);

Person person = new Person(name, age);



session.endSession ();

3Enhance the Java Classes

A configuration file, usually named config.jvi, controls the behavior of the enhancer. This file specifies the persistence category of each of the classes that are being enhanced. The configuration file for the example application above is as follows.

c tutorial.model.Person

a tutorial.CreatePerson


  1. Finding Objects with Roots(通过根访问对象

    Person person = new Person(name, age);

    session.makeRoot(root, person);


    TransSession session1 = new TransSession(database);

    Person p = (Person) session1.findRoot(root);

    System.out.println("Found " + p);


    2)Finding Objects with Queries

    TransSession session = new TransSession(database);

    VQLQuery query = new VQLQuery(session,

    "select selfoid from tutorial.model.Person");

    //此处使用的是VQL查询语言见D:\Versant\8\doc\VODFundamentals 18章

    Enumeration e = query.execute();

    while (e.hasMoreElements()) {

    Person person = (Person) e.nextElement();

    System.out.println("Found " + person);





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