发现,主FORM 定义的快捷键,在二级FORM里也有效。


这样的话,就要考虑 快捷键的冲突问题 了,本来以为不同的FORM 是独立的。


John Schmidt wrote:

> Hi,
> I experience problems when using keys in nonmodal shown SDI forms of
> the application if they are used as shortcuts in the main form. Iif
> the sub-form is shown modal than all works fine. How can I work
> around this 'feature'? - It's URGENT! - Thanks! The behaviour is actually intentional, it is for the support of typical
SDI apps where only the main form has a menu that is "shared" by the
child forms (an app like the IDE itself). Quite a bit of the VCL
behaviour is dictated by the requirements of the IDE... To fix this problem you have to override the main form's IsShortcut
method, like this: public
function IsShortCut(var Message: TWMKey): Boolean; override; function TMainform.IsShortcut( Var Message: TWMKey ): Boolean;
if Screen.Activeform <> self then
Result := false
Result := inherited IsShortcut(Message);
end; This way the main form will only process shortcuts when it itself is
the active form. --
Peter Below (TeamB)
Don't be a vampire (http://slash7.com/pages/vampires),
use the newsgroup archives :

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