Swift is Open Source 博客note
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Swift is Open SourceSwift.orgSource CodeSwift Package Manager 包管理器Core Libraries 核心库Platforms 跨平台Getting Started 开始入手Swift吧总结
Swift is Open Source
Swift is now open source. Today Apple launched the open source Swift community, as well as amazing new tools and resources including:
- Swift.org – a site dedicated to the open source Swift community
- Public source code repositories at github
- A new Swift package manager project for easily sharing and building code
- A Swift-native core libraries project with higher-level functionality above the standard library
- Platform support for all Apple platforms as well as Linux
Now anyone can download the code and in-development builds to see what the team is up to. More advanced developers interested in contributing to the project can file bugs, participate in the community, and contribute their own fixes and enhancements to make Swift even better. For production App Store development you should always use the stable releases of Swift included in Xcode, and this remains a requirement for app submission. (提交的时候,还是得按照Xcode里的swift版本)
Swift.org is an entirely new site dedicated to open source Swift. This site hosts resources for the community of developers that want to help evolve Swift, contribute fixes, and most importantly, interact with each other. Swift.org hosts:
- A bug reporting and tracking system 八阿哥跟踪
- Mailing lists 邮件列表
- A blog dedicated to the engineering of Swift 博客
- Community guidelines 社区规则
- Getting started tutorials 新手教程
- Contributing instructions 贡献指南
- Documentation on Swift 文档
- Developer and API design guidelines 开发指南
Swift.org is where the daily engineering work for Swift will take place, as the community of developers work together to bring Swift to new platforms, add new features, and continually evolve our favorite language.
Source Code
Apple has a new home on GitHub located at github.com/apple where you can find all the source code for the Swift project. The public repositories include the Swift compiler, LLDB debugger and REPL, the standard and core libraries, the package manager, and other supporting projects.
GitHub is already an incredibly popular place for developers to collaborate. It is easy to view the source code right on the website, or quickly check-out the code to your machine. And when you have a patch to contribute, we accept pull requests.
Swift Package Manager 包管理器
Today we also launched a brand new project: the Swift Package Manager. This early-stage project will be developed in the open from the outset. The repository is in a very early state, and together we will define what a great package manager should do and how we can make it intuitive to use, and give it the power it needs to scale across the many platforms where we expect Swift to prosper.
Core Libraries 核心库
Apple has long provided a rich collection of frameworks that provide higher-level functionality commonly required across a wide variety of software. Frameworks such as Foundation, libdispatch, and XCTest make it much easier to write complex programs, and we wanted to be sure that developers get those same benefits as they take their Swift skills to new platforms. Whether writing apps for iPhone or Mac, or building a new cloud service on Linux, the Swift core libraries will give you building blocks you can count on.
Platforms 跨平台
Open source Swift runs on a Mac, and is capable of building apps for OS X, iOS, watchOS, and tvOS. Swift.org also offers a Linux version of Swift, complete with a Linux toolset including package manager support, the LLDB debugger, and the REPL. (Linux版本包含了: 1)包管理器 2) LLDB 调试器 3)REPL ) We’re excited to see the community bring Swift to even more new places. As students and professionals learn to program in Swift, each new platform and use case opens new opportunities for them across the technology industry.
Getting Started 开始入手Swift吧
It is easy to get started. Swift.org hosts binary downloads of the compilers and command line tools for the Apple and Linux platforms so you can be up and running quickly.(官网仅仅包含了Apple和Linux平台编译器和命令行工具) The latest version of Xcode supports an alternate toolchain option specifically designed to make it simple to try out the latest open source builds of Swift from within Xcode. (最新版本的Xcode包含了可以切换到最新的Swift版本的工具.)And Swift.org has great getting started guides to walk you through the process of setting up your environment to work with open source Swift.
- swift.org是干什么的
- 都开源了什么1) Swift compiler 2)LLDB debugger 3)REPL
- 怎么入手: 下载最新的Xcode(version> 7.2)(包含了beta),里面包含了切换swift版本的工具.
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