protected: C++ access control works on per-class basis, not on per-object basis
//为什么BASE::foo()中可以直接通过p访问val? 看本记录标题,这个问题困扰了很长一段时间,终于解决
class BASE
int val;
public:void foo(BASE *p)
int w = p->val;
Below is a subtle example of accessing an instance's protected field x. B is a subclass of A so any variable of type B is also of type A. Why can B::foo() access b's x field, but not a's x field?
class A
int x;
}; class B : public A
A *a;
B *b;
void foo()
int u = x; // OK : accessing inherited protected field x
int v = b->x; // OK : accessing b's protected field x
int w = a->x; // ERROR : accessing a's protected field x
Why can the B::foo() access the members of the contained class B pointer b?
The rule is:
In C++ access control works on per-class basis, not on per-object basis.
So an instance of class B will always have access to all the members of another instance of class B.
class A
int x;
}; class B : public A
void foo()
int u = x; // OK : accessing inherited protected field
Since child is inheriting parent, child gets x. Hence you can access x directly in foo() method of child. This is the concept of protected variables. You can access protected variables of parent in child directly. Note : Here I am saying you can access x directly but not through A's object! Whats the difference ? Since, x is protected, you cannot access A's protected objects outside A. Doesnt matter where it is - If its main or Child . That's why you are not able to access in the following way.
Here comes an interesting concept. You can access a private variable of a class using its object with in the class!
class dummy
private :
int x;
void foo()
dummy *d;
int y = d->x; // Even though x is private, still you can access x from object of d - But only with in this class. You cannot do the same outside the class.
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