Linear Regression Using Gradient Descent 代码实现
参考吴恩达<机器学习>, 进行 Octave, Python(Numpy), C++(Eigen) 的原理实现, 同时用 scikit-learn, TensorFlow, dlib 进行生产环境实现.
1. 原理
cost function
gradient descent
2. 原理实现
cost function
function J = costFunction(X, Y, theta)
m = size(X, );
predictions = X * theta;
sqrErrors = (predictions - Y) .^ ;
J = / ( * m) * sum(sqrErrors);
Linear regression using gradient descent
function [final_theta, Js] = gradientDescent(X, Y, init_theta, learning_rate=0.01, max_times=)
convergence = ;
m = size(X, );
tmp_theta = init_theta;
Js = zeros(m, 1); for i=:max_times,
tmp = learning_rate / m * ((X * tmp_theta - Y)' * X)';
tmp_theta -= tmp;
Js(i) = costFunction(X, Y, tmp_theta);
end; final_theta = tmp_theta;
# -*- coding:utf8 -*-
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def cost_function(input_X, _y, theta):
cost function
:param input_X: np.matrix input X
:param _y: np.array y
:param theta: np.matrix theta
:return: float
rows, cols = input_X.shape
predictions = input_X * theta
sqrErrors = np.array(predictions - _y) ** 2
J = 1.0 / (2 * rows) * sqrErrors.sum() return J def gradient_descent(input_X, _y, theta, learning_rate=0.1,
gradient descent
:param input_X: np.matrix input X
:param _y: np.array y
:param theta: np.matrix theta
:param learning_rate: float learning rate
:param iterate_times: int max iteration times
:return: tuple
convergence = 0
rows, cols = input_X.shape
Js = [] for i in range(iterate_times):
errors = input_X * theta - _y
delta = 1.0 / rows * (errors.transpose() * input_X).transpose()
theta -= learning_rate * delta
Js.append(cost_function(input_X, _y, theta)) return theta, Js def generate_data():
generate training data y = 2*x^2 + 4*x + 2
x = np.linspace(0, 2, 50)
X = np.matrix([np.ones(50), x, x**2]).T
y = 2 * X[:, 0] - 4 * X[:, 1] + 2 * X[:, 2] + np.mat(np.random.randn(50)).T / 25
np.column_stack((X, y)), delimiter=',') def test():
:return: None
m = np.loadtxt('linear_regression_using_gradient_descent.csv', delimiter=',')
input_X, y = np.asmatrix(m[:, :-1]), np.asmatrix(m[:, -1]).T
# theta 的初始值必须是 float
theta = np.matrix([[0.0], [0.0], [0.0]])
final_theta, Js = gradient_descent(input_X, y, theta) t1, t2, t3 = np.array(final_theta).reshape(-1,).tolist()
print('对测试数据 y = 2 - 4x + 2x^2 求得的参数为: %.3f, %.3f, %.3f\n' % (t1, t2, t3)) plt.figure('theta')
predictions = np.array(input_X * final_theta).reshape(-1,).tolist()
x1 = np.array(input_X[:, 1]).reshape(-1,).tolist()
y1 = np.array(y).reshape(-1,).tolist()
plt.plot(x1, y1, '*')
plt.plot(x1, predictions)
plt.title('y = 2 - 4x + 2x^2') plt.figure('cost')
x2 = range(1, len(Js) + 1)
y2 = Js
plt.plot(x2, y2)
plt.xlabel('iterate times')
plt.title('cost function') if __name__ == '__main__':
Python 中需要注意的是, numpy.array, numpy.matrix 和 list 等进行计算时, 有时会进行默认类型转换, 默认类型转换的结果, 往往不是期望的情况.
theta 的初始值必须是 float, 因为如果是 int, 则在更新 theta 时会报错.
Cost function:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <Eigen/Dense> using namespace Eigen;
using namespace std; double cost_function(MatrixXd &input_X, MatrixXd &_y, MatrixXd &theta) {
double rows = input_X.rows();
MatrixXd predictions = input_X * theta;
ArrayXd sqrErrors = (predictions - _y).array().square();
double J = 1.0 / ( * rows) * sqrErrors.sum(); return J;
} class Gradient_descent {
Gradient_descent(MatrixXd &x, MatrixXd &y, MatrixXd &t,
double r=0.1, int m=): input_X(x), _y(y), theta(t),
learning_rate(r), iterate_times(m){}
MatrixXd theta;
vector<double> Js;
void run();
MatrixXd input_X;
MatrixXd _y;
double rows;
double learning_rate;
int iterate_times;
}; void Gradient_descent::run() {
double rows = input_X.rows();
for(int i=; i < iterate_times; ++i) {
MatrixXd errors = input_X * theta - _y;
MatrixXd delta = 1.0 / rows * (errors.transpose() * input_X).transpose();
theta -= learning_rate * delta;
double J = cost_function(input_X, _y, theta);
} void generate_data(MatrixXd &input_X, MatrixXd &y) {
ArrayXd v = ArrayXd::LinSpaced(, , );
input_X.col() = VectorXd::Constant(, , );
input_X.col() = v.matrix();
input_X.col() = v.square().matrix();
y.col() = * input_X.col() - * input_X.col() + * input_X.col();
y.col() += VectorXd::Random() / ;
} int main() {
MatrixXd input_X(, ), y(, );
MatrixXd theta = MatrixXd::Zero(, );
generate_data(input_X, y);
Gradient_descent gd(input_X, y, theta);;
cout << gd.theta << endl;
3. 生产环境
Python (Scikit-learn)
Python (TensorFlow)
C++ (dlib)
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